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Dawson Park Boy

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Everything posted by Dawson Park Boy

  1. Think it’s all this pc nonsense about not using social media. We seem to climb on all those bandwagons
  2. Just seen an email received by my son, who has bought shares, from Gordon Wright of FFC,that the MSG now hold 37%, Fans 37% and I presume the Rawlins are on 26%. Apparently, they had interest in buying shares from about 60 individuals.
  3. Fictitious wife!! You are certainly living in cloud cuckoo land. If you want any proof of my veracity just check up with SD on the FFC topic, who I took to away games when he was a boy. You're obviously spending too much time posting drivel on here.
  4. Fairly insignificant compared to the £100mn losses incurred by the nationalised Ferguson Marine
  5. My wife is completely non- political and skips past all the stuff about the flat redecoration so in the paper. However, after being out with her pals, she asked me , knowing I follow these things. ‘Have the taxpayers paid for this stuff?’ When I replied no, apart from the agreed allowance, she replied. ‘What’s all the fuss about?’ I think that’s the view of the general public and why the Tory vote is doing quite well.
  6. You may well be correct in saying that he’s on a ‘shoogly peg’ as if the Tory party reckon that his gaffes make him a loser, then he’ll be out in double quick time.
  7. Yes, you’re right. Boris is a colourful character who uses exaggerated language all the time. He talked about ‘piling them up’ in the context that he was trying to do everything to avoid another lockdown. At the time, I was minded to accept an increased death toll as the price to be paid for greater freedom. Whether it was right or wrong like the Swedish approach, we’ll never know but it was a valid argument. However, his choice of words for a politician to make was daft but, as I say, I do have sympathy and see where he was coming from. I think most people appreciate that and, once the furore has died down, life will go on. However, for his opponents, it’s gold dust.
  8. I think we should accept a higher level of deaths from Covid. As things stand at the moment I agree with the letter put out yesterday by a group of scientists, albeit a minority, that we should immediately open things up. They argue that the bad effects of lockdown are greater than the good effects. Currently, deaths are lower than the average at the same time in previous years. Obviously, this is slightly misleading as a lot of deaths which would normally occur now were brought forward because of Covid. I think the average Covid death age is still well into the 80’s. If someone has had both jabs, what’s the point of holding them back? What more can they do? There is obviously no hard and fast rule but, yes, I would accept a higher death toll to allow a more normal life to return.
  9. What a daft question. They could die of a multitude of diseases from flu, cancer, dementia , etc. Were all going at some time!!
  10. Even if he did say it, I would probably agree with his sentiment on this. There has to be a trade off in this Covid thing between lockdown and an open, free society. The difficulty is in striking the right balance as the situation in India is obviously dire and we don’t want to see that here. Having been there, I never understood how they managed to avoid a disaster for so long. Going forward, I think we need to accept a higher death toll on Covid to prevent disasters occurring with cancer care and all the other ailments and diseases which depend on health services just as much as Covid.
  11. You're another trolling bigoted creep. Off you f**k. Why can’t you just say where he is wrong rather than throw abuse about. Definite signs of derangement.
  12. How will an independent Scotland in the EU trade with its biggest and most important customer, the Uk ?
  13. I thought this Australia deal was just the precursor for the UK to join the Trans Pacific trade pact which will be massive.
  14. Campbell - was he not the chap behind Tony Blair?
  15. Under the circumstances, I thought his interview was okay. Because of injuries and suspension he had virtually nothing to work with. For the first time in months, despite being by far the poorer side, I actually quite enjoyed the game. I have, barring a miracle, given up on promotion this year and am just wanting to see those very poor players give it their best shot. All planning should now be for another season in this division.
  16. I’m just trying to find out why he is a bigot. People seem to throw about terms like bigot, fascist, nazi, all phobes without understanding what the terms mean. Surely if McCann played for Rangers and Hearts it rather negates the contention that he is a bigot. Desperate for an explanation?
  17. Oh!! I always thought he was of the Mo Johnson variety. How wrong can you be!
  18. Financial corruption. Are you talking about Cameron lobbying for Greensill? If you are, yes he lobbied hard but he got nowhere. The company went bust. The question about lobbying and access is valid and needs to b fixed.
  19. Sorry Sandy, it’s all just been so boring on here recently. Im sure there’s piles of ‘sleaze’ going on in all governments. Depends what you mean by sleaze, of course. Things like Johnston getting his pal, Kate Bingham to organise vaccine procurement by bringing together academia with big pharma could be described as sleaze as it probably bypassed all the civil service procurement rules but, by heck, it worked. By getting ahead of the vaccination game the UK has saved billions. As long as there is an openness to these things, if a line has been crossed then usually people are brought to account. In terms of the UK, most of the press try their darnedest to catch out out Boris and Carrie unlike here in Scotland where the media is very passive. Im sure we’ll find out that billions were wasted on PPE, ventilators, etc and it will all come out and the voters can decide. Just like in Scotland, money wasted on ferries, an airport, vexatious prosecutions, Gupta, etc.. At the end of the day it’s up to voters to decide as to whether they are capital offences or acceptable decisions made at the time. That’s democracy. Like it or loathe it!!
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