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Everything posted by BANKIEBILL

  1. The capacity at Meadow Park is 2000 so I'd be disappointed if the Junior Cup final doesn't attract a bigger crowd
  2. Gates are now split in the SSCC ... although i've no idea what the prize money is this year - Talbot folk implied they got nothing at all from the final but that seems implausible - gate share at least id've thought ??
  3. They have to as not everyone has floodlights. It's an anachronism. For teams that are in the Scottish Cup and have to play in the SSCC and West Cup its a cup too far. It's a tournament that needs to either take over the SSCC as a national non-league with it being regionalised up to QF or something - or its for Tier 7 and below. If you get promoted to LL then you'll need to stop playing in it anyway as the LL fixture guy wont be giving you Saturdays off to play in Junior Cup. Time to make change now. I'm convinced it fucked up Talbot chances last year ( that and SSCC ) and it's certainly some factor in you having so many o/s games now
  4. at ht on Tues Pollok looked like a team that were playing out the season - although they were denied what like a stone waller to me at nil nil t the time ( I think ). 2nd half they had much more purpose about them and came right back into it - although the red card threw them right back. Overall we were deserving winners but its a worry that we've been 3 up 2 games in a row and have been pegged back to 3-2 with the opposition then having a man sent off ... spooky. Pollok brought a right good crowd over - same as we do over there. Crowd was 650 or so on a bloody rotten night.
  5. The only real interest I have is that our game with Talbot - scheduled for 15th April is not superseded by a Cup semi-final. All of our "big" league games this season have been midweek so far. Pollok, Beith tonight ( although that was due to Scotland game tomorrow ), Talbot away next Weds, Darvel at home the following week. All of these are harder to get hospitality for due to being school nights ... Trying to run hospitality and match sponsorship when games are changed at the drop of a hat are a complete pain in the arse. Also - this must be a big boost for Beith with Talbot having potentially another 2 or 3 games added to a season where they're still in the West and have 14 league games left - and we're at 24th March. This just underlines the stupidity of there being the Junior Cup to try to fit in to the fixture lists - esp of successful teams.
  6. A good match secretary is worth their weight in gold - however you'd expect Josh to be able to tell you who he's played for and then do a check ...
  7. Aye he played for us at Newlandsfield. I fear that's your run come to an end. However I think id've preferred you to have as many distractions as possible tbh.
  8. He didn't seem to be toiling but he also brought out a better performance in those around him. We'll see of course
  9. He came on around 10 mins into 2nd half. Took 10 mins to adjust to pace etc so we saw him for 25 / 30 mins. What ... a ... player. Deliveries were all peaches and he can pick a pass. We have mibbee 20 games left this season. Will savour all of them.
  10. Time will tell on that front. We're short on midfield creativity with Sevvy's injury so let's give Nicky2 a warm welcome and hope he can help bring some cup success
  11. Lichtielegend ( there's something wrong with my quote functionality so can't reply direct to your post ) but what are the question marks you refer to ?
  12. I understand that Low has family issues that mean being nearer to home is required. What are Bankies getting - presuming he's back fit ?
  13. Ikechi Eze signed for Bankies on loan until end of season. What can we expect from the lad ?
  14. 100% this. I got a call just outside Kilmarnock and able to turn about. Supporters bus has to be paid for and people paid for trains etc. If pitch was rock hard at 6.45 it was bad enough at the back of 3 to call it off. Nuff from me about it - annoying as fu*k but not first time people have been inconvenienced by a late postponement ( been a few this season ) and won't be the last ... unfortunately. Mick Kennedy had a go at the Pollok early decision so in some ways you're damned if you do and tossers if you don't. Cannae win. I fully accept it wasn't just Bankies fans and players, committee etc that were inconvenienced here. Just a shame that it had to happen at all
  15. I thought this was a competition for West sides not in Junior Cup or Scottish Cup but I see the Drum are in it again. What's the criteria for taking part ?
  16. If you draw Hearts away ( as Talbot did twice I think ) then say you have 16000 paying average of 18 quid ( adult and concessions balanced ) then that gives gate money of £288000. After certain costs you get 40% as away team so at those figs you'd mibbee get a chq for a shade over £110k. Id contend that wouldn't cover Talbot's wage bill for 1 season never mind 10.
  17. Aye its only really a full house at Ibrox or Parkhead ( unlikely for a game v a non-league team ) that could be described as transformative. Absolutely thrilling to be involved with those games though I'm sure and very welcome income esp pre-Darvel.
  18. Well as I say there has only been 1 club in my experience. Just for info for sake of balance
  19. Well indeed. You probably could do work to get capacity up substantially for tens of thousands. To totally redevelop the place you'd start to talk hundreds of thousands or millions depending on the scale and nature of the work. A Scottish Cup run - unless it's daftly successful ( Old Firm away ) - doesn't cover the capacity work. It's great and welcome income but not life changing. Incremental work on priorities is definitely the way to go. You'd think upping the capacity would be a priority given the money that is being foregone with the gates being capped but Pollok are best placed to gauge that properly.
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