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Everything posted by BANKIEBILL

  1. Cambuslang 0 Bankies 3 2 red cards for home side meant there was little chance of them taking anything from the game. Pitch in a dreadful nick - hard to see if Lang have any decent players as it was hard to play fitba on. Probably should've been more but good to get a result from a place that Talbot struggled. Big 3 games coming up for Bankies
  2. I think they'd be very impressed with the Beith forwards tbf. Great game and Pollok could easily have gotten a point ( hit the framework in injury time ) but would've been harsh on Beith who thoroughly deserved the win.
  3. I was at the game last night and there was a very healthy crowd ( around 700 mibbee with only a clutch of Beith fans ). All felt very safe and roomy. I understand that the capacity issue is with a lack of barriers and steep nature of the covered terracing ?? I do hope that some remedial work can be carried out but bloke I was speaking to said it was upwards of 80 grand's worth so a pretty penny. Still one of the best ( if not the best ) grounds at non-league level.
  4. You need to be licenced to get into Scottish Cup or win a qualifying tournament. Think the capacity applies to all games not just Scottish. Not sure our games v lok at Newlandsfield - albeit well attended at times- have been close to 900 ( apart from semi in 2009 ) but guess they don't want to take the chance
  5. All ticket as 900 capacity at Newlandsfield just now. Have any games been close to capacity yet ?
  6. Tough yin but we raised our game last season and that will be required again methinks
  7. Oh I'd like to be playing in SPFL and I expect that to happen before my dotage ( although some would argue that's already a bolted horse ). I'm not sure how many times I can repeat that survival is first target not the end aspiration. We've more or less kept squad from last year and added a few who'll need a bit of time to assess how much they bring. Recruitment has been very difficult this year with us not being able to compete with some budgets. We ( and indeed I ) will do our best to ensure we fulfil hopes and aspirations.
  8. 1st aspiration - didn't say I'd be happy with 4th bottom. Getting to that 35 point mark as quickly as possible has to be initial target. Given we don't have the GDP of UAE to spend, then it's realistic. Scottish Cup run again would be fantastic
  9. Safety is our 1st aspiration tbh. I reckon it may be around 35 point mark but there will be a lot of teams taking points off each other. Darvel already look good after their week 1 disappointment but everyone else has or will go through poor patches
  10. You can only beat the team you have on the park and it was very comfortable in 2nd half esp. We've been dreadful in 1st half last week and 2nd half yesterday. There are no gimmees in this league this season so points on the board are absolutely vital. A winless run can see you detached and it then becomes a real struggle.
  11. Really great start to season for Rabs who I thought would struggle but not yet it seems.
  12. I think it says much about our 1st half performance last week ( it was 2nd half yesterday ) that the Arthurlie team we gubbed 2nd half on opening day could beat you with 9 men. Both better start turning up in both halves or its a hellava long season.
  13. Aye Callum Graham. Didn't have to work hard for his goals it must be said but was in right place and finished well
  14. I sincerely hope this is going to be your MO going forward as one of the good things about having a full fixture list is that you can advertise games for sponsorship and hospitality way in advance.
  15. What kind of fixture ? All the league games have been scheduled
  16. Home tie against lower league opposition so pleased - although Bonnyton showed enough against us last year that nothing can be taken as read at all - need to turn up on the day.
  17. According to Twitter, Andy McFadyen has quit with immediate effect due to personal reasons. Not great timing but perhaps it was unavoidable?
  18. A hugely talented player. Think that's what should be focused on and seems to be so far to be fair. Condolences to Adam's friends and family
  19. Bankies away to Eglinton in 2nd round. Where do they play ?
  20. If SFA agreed then this would be a sensible solution - not only to the LL bottleneck but also to the population coverage inequity between HL & LL. Auto promotion from each league and decent entry to each tier 5 league
  21. Wee while longer. Meeting happening tomorrow re some options. Room for lots more mate.
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