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Everything posted by WattersIsGod

  1. I'd wanted to see a Banner / Miller partnership in the middle for a while but that's not the circumstances I'd have chosen. Definitely looks like it won't be a quick return. A shame as the last two weeks I think leitch has been half decent. Really hope it's not as bad as it looks. Really think we deserved 3 points today but it was good to see us actually making chances and looking threatening. It really has been a while. Hilson had some nice touches too and thought that his cameo was the best I've seen of him.
  2. Proper game of two halves. Early in it looked like someone needed to tell us the game was happening. Probably a bit lucky to go in all square. Never expect Carrick to miss a chance like that and he didn't disappoint Second half a totally different story and thought we battered them and did enough to win it. What a goal that would have been for lewis Milne that came off the post. Hope Jack leitch is OK. That didn't look good at all. Happy to keep the gap but feels like 2 points dropped. The good thing is that I reckon second half might be some of the best football we have played all season. Hopefully keeps the confidence up for next week. Both our full backs had a torrid time today. They didn't enjoy facing Annan pacey wingers. Cammy Clark had a shocker with his distribution also appalling.
  3. It's happening...... I never look forward to games with Annan. They always seem to cause us difficulties. Hopefully last week has improved the confidence somewhat. God knows what the defence will look like with the injuries last week. I can see it being the same midfield and attack. I'd like to see josh Cooper starting but that's probably a forlorn hope. I expect to see Miller and leitch in the middle again. Be a great game to win and increase the gap between us and the relegation playoff place. It feels like ages since we won at home.. Weather forecast isn't looking great for the terracing. Be a late decision on Saturday. Mon the Binos
  4. Survival of the club has to be their priority. Staying in league 1 looks like it would need a miracle. Losing half your first team when it was already one of the worst in the division really can't help. Add in the fact that those leaving will probably end up strengthening others in the division and you've got an almost impossible task.
  5. In terms of atracking play and playing attractive football, I thought East Fife were definitely one of the better teams to come to Fortbank last season. They didn't and still don't seem to be getting enough decent results. It surprises me they aren't doing better. I was impressed with Shepherd and Schiavone last year too. Good to know some things don't change and Elgin are still terrible.
  6. There's no way he's using extra resource on a left back if Wilson loan continues and we have Clark as well. Clark looked good end of last season and start of this so hopefully he regains form. Not wishing to kick them when they are down but I noticed that Lee Hamilton was one of those not playing for EC on Saturday. Would have him back in a heartbeat. Think he'd probably be our best centre half. Him and Pabs would make a great partnership I feel. I'd rather have Banner in the middle too.....Jack Leitch can't play as an 8 in this league i don't think and certainly not without Ross Davidson to cover for him. We're far too easy to play through in midfield and seem to spend so much time chasing shadows. I think Milne has shown more than Hilson so far. I have no idea what Josh Cooper has to do to start either.....
  7. It certainly doesn't reflect well on Hamilton as a club. Surely a football club's core business is selling admission to football matches. Why you'd want to make that more difficult for your customers I've no idea. If its a question of operational incapability then that's even worse.. its not acceptable in league one let alone the championship and that's surely where they aim to be next season.
  8. Feeling slightly better than I did on Saturday morning. Every result that increases the gap between us and 9th place is a good thing. We caught a break on Saturday with weakened opposition but they still have to be beaten and its a good confidence boost. Saturday's game is another big one. These are the games we have to win, at home to the other part time sides. Would be great to see a win at home. It really has been a while.
  9. Much sympathy from here as well. Sometimes you have to count your blessings. We've been on a shocking run of form lately but at least we have a decent ground and aren't going bust imminently. I hope something gets sorted and you still have a team to support
  10. Relief for sure. Hopefully that will boost the confidence a wee bit. We really needed that.
  11. It's still a loss to those few fans turning up and probably a few more that don't want to go to Meadowbank.
  12. I almost wish I was going now. I watched East Kilbride take our u20s apart in the Diddy Cup and deserve some payback. In the longer term, i hope they can get something sorted. Best of luck.
  13. I'd be happy to escape with a draw and keep the gap between us the same at the end of 90 minutes. We are on our worst run of form in a long time. Our opposition don't have their troubles to seek but have been better on the park than us over rhe last few games. I've given up predicting or hoping for things in the line up. I will only say that it's maybe time to give up on 2 up front for a bit and go 4 4 1 1 We've struggled so badly to grips with games in midfield lately.
  14. Sorry for the fans. Credit to the ones still turning up. It does from the outside all look pretty unsustainable..paltry crowds paying the lowest price in the league. From a selfish point of view it may well help keep us up.......
  15. This 100% echoes my experience in 35 years of following Stirling Albion. Even if your in a pretty well populated area, it's hard to grow the support. Similarly to the above, we do get groups of youngsters following for a while but it never seems to translate into an ongoing increase in following. We had a good year last year and crowds were up and season ticket sales for this year a bit too but it will drop away again at some point
  16. All aboard, all aboard, woah..... Loved a bit of KLF back in the day. Maybe we should try it at forthbank too and bring back some 90s glory.
  17. I'm as mentally scarred from the Alloa game. I agree. If leitch must play,..,...and it does seem he must I'd rather see him play as a 10 where his defensive inadequacies are minimised. Unconvinced it will happen though. I fully expect to see him at 8 with 2 up front.
  18. Massive games coming up. Really need to take something. Even a draw next week would be OK as it keeps them below us and builds a bit of confidence. We very rarely seem to play well against Annan bur hopefully that can change. It's another week of recovery / training for fhe injured players too I suppose. Guess I'll just have to go to the warm pub a wee bit earlier instead of freezing all afternoon.
  19. Pitch inspection at 4pm. Today and tomorrow have similar forecasts so I guess if its frozen at 4 today its likely it will be at same time tomorrow
  20. It's good to get some others on here giving opinions. I'm glad there are still a few of us who care. I've highlighted lack of confidence previously. I think it's definitely a thing. I don't understand Banner on the bench either. Our midfield on Saturday was diminutive shall we say and a bit of physicality might have helped.
  21. No undersoil heating lol.... We have covers but generally when they are being used there is an appeal for volunteers to help put them on and take them off and I've seen no such thing. We had an early pitch inspection last Saturday and it was ok but there was still an area at the south end thet looked a bit crunchy. I'm not particularly hopeful given the forecast. Last week we had less freezing temperatures the days before and sunshine all day on the Saturday to thaw it out a bit.
  22. I totally understand BeePee's frustrations. Most players are this level have flaws in their game. It's why they aren't playing higher. I actually think tommo looks a bit short of confidence and could really do with a goal. I still can't believe he didn't put away that header on Saturday. I thought Jack leitch might struggle and I just don't think you can get away with playing him as part of a 4 man midfield at this level. He's too poor positionally snd defensively. Unfortunately the one guy who seems to be able to cover his inadequacies is Davidson and he's injured. I really do think a lot of the problems stem from midfield and the lack of cover. I'd have loved the defence to have been strengthened more too. So far it seems thst Darren Young sees Wilson as more of a left midfielder. I can understand that as he looks better going forward than defending. Thought he was poor defensively on Saturday and gave Clark little help. I think lewis Milne has been OK too. I'm sure the left probably isn't his preferred position but he's always put a shift in. It's certainly all been a hard watch most of the last few weeks. I love Darren Young but he's pretty stubborn. The continued insistence to play 2 up front even when we are struggling is starting to baffle me. I'm tired of watching our midfield get overrun.
  23. There were plenty of the young uns at the Alloa game but hary any on Saturday like you say. I'm sure they'll all re appear at the next Falkirk game. I've been enjoying the terracing but would have loved to have seen a few more goals at that end.
  24. I hope so but I presume he was injured last week. We don't really get any injury updates. He's been a good addition, mostly playing on the left but he's looked good in occasional spells in the middle.
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