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kennie makevin

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Posts posted by kennie makevin

  1. 20 minutes ago, stressball said:

    Eh? So you’re accusing me of being sectarian for having an opinion on a game of football? Wind your neck in.

    Expected to eat humble pie, even though I’m right, had we taken our chances we’d have had a chance.

    You pathetic boring little man.

    No, I'm accusing you of being a secterian for supporting a secterian football club not for having an opinion on a game of football. 

  2. 1 hour ago, Estragon said:

    Totally understand all of this, but I think the crucial difference is that the guys on Sportsound aren't just reminiscing about old times - they're employed, and presumably well paid, to bring journalistic content and professional opinion to a radio program which should be tailored to fan interest/priorities. 

    The issue with SS is that for years, it's become completely remote from its audience - and has become a boys club circular talking shop. 

    Craig Levein misremembering details on Sacked in the Morning in the context of an entertaining anecdote - absolutely no issue. Craig Levein obviously not knowing a key current issue in the SPFL when contracted to provide insight on key current issues on Sportsound, not right IMO.


    ETA - I've no real issue with Levein in the context of the rest of the goons on Sportsound. I'm just using him as an example because I initially quoted Paxo's post about him.

    'Journalistic content' requires journalists not barely literate half-wits who happened to have played professional football. Why the football media persist with this idea that the likes of Bonnar, Biscuits, Alan Rough, Neil McCann, Derek Johnstone, Willie Miller etc etc know more about football and are better at talking about it than non ex-pros just because they played the game for money baffles me. How much rubbish do they have to incoherently splutter before someone realises that they actually don't know what they're talking about ?

  3. 12 hours ago, Greenlantern said:

    Maybe…with you not being Argentinian, you could write a nice wee letter to your local MP explaining your concerns for scottish society. Then hopefully if you’re successful in your plea, the council or even yet the scottish government can look to re-house most of these corrosive glaswegian ruffians away from your peaceful estate and other pleasant like minded Non-Argentinians.

    Celtic minded gobbledygook aims at subtle humour and succeeds marvellously/fails pathetically according to where on the virtuous ladder of secterian stupidity one sits, claims source close to the Bishop of Buenos Aires.

  4. My view in the Lisbon Lions is fairly straightforward. They were the greatest club side Scotland has produced and their achievement was the greatest by a Scottish club.  However they are not the greatest club side the world has produced and their acheivment is not the greatest in world club history....so basically overrated by most Celtic fans and underrated by most fans of other Scottish clubs

  5. 2 minutes ago, AJF said:

    It's quite a limited stat though as you'd then need to take into account the fact that Celtic will give up fewer high quality goal scoring opportunities than the majority of teams in the league. So Hart will be facing fewer high quality shots and will be facing more speculative or long range efforts due to Celtic's dominance in the majority of matches. I'd make an educated guess that if you swapped Hart with any of the other keepers on that list then all of their save percentages would go up as a result and Hart's would go down.

    I'm also not saying he is a bad keeper and never really have, I just came in here originally to laugh at him cheating.

    Is your life is fuelled by bitterness too ? Maybe we could set up a support group ?

  6. 16 hours ago, JagsCG said:

    I know Tam’s Sunday headline jokes aren’t meant to be top quality comedy but they seemed particularly awful this week - Cosgrove seemed to be howling with laughter at them though. 

    My rule of thumb, and it certainly seems to work with Cowan, is that anyone on TV or radio who refers to jokes as 'gags' is invariably about as funny as a I am.

  7. 20 hours ago, Jinky67 said:

    The question wasn’t directed at you, it was directed at @Empty It since he seems to love putting the boot into Celtic more than he loves talking about his own team, tbf you probably fall into that category too.

    Strange behaviour however let’s be honest I’m pretty sure “wee Joe” has the last laugh here, I mean how many goalkeepers in our league have been lucky enough to grace a pitch with Pirlo? He has a decent CV does Joe and one that most keepers in our league would love to have 

    Oh Indeed. I'm specifically referring to the Piro penalty however, where wee Joe behaved pathetically and got totally embarrassed and deservedly so. Other keepers would no doubt have been 'Pirlo'd' as well but not behaved like an infantile wee dick in the process. And that, certainly in his home country where people give not one jot about Glasgow Celtic, is the undisputed highlight of Joey's CV. That, and shampoo ads.

  8. 11 hours ago, Jinky67 said:

    Should you really be laughing at anyone this weekend? 


    Yes . Joe Hart. Never forget his infantile dicking about to 'unnerve' Pirlo before being contemptously 'pannenkad' like the pathetic little boy child he is. Laugh at wee Joe. Laugh at him long and laugh at him loud !


  9. 59 minutes ago, gannonball said:

    A ‘step up’ is quite rather vague and subjective. Not sure if going to a yo-yo team like Fulham/Bournemouth etc who have no real ambition to stay there can be seen as some of significant step up . Playing with no real pressure on them in a stadium a third the size of Celtic park doesn’t strike as some leap in to the big time. The latter point you have made is undebatable and significant along with the extra cash. I see both sides to the argument tbh.

    The idea that Celtic players are under pressure in Scotland because 50,000 entitled half-witted glory hunting bigots think it is their right to win every game is laughable nonsense. 

  10. 6 hours ago, Gordon EF said:

    Is Aston Villa a step up from Celtic?

    Difficult to say. On the one hand, you'd be consistently playing at a much higher standard. On the other hand, Celtic Park has more seats than Villa Park.

    The pertinent point is that the English top flight is a step up in quality from the Scottish top flight. Several steps up in fact. Therefore as long as Celtic are playing in Scotland then any club in the English top flight is a step up in football standards from Celtic. How many season tickets they sell, how loud they can sing 'You'll Never Walk Alone' are twee irrelevancies. Purely in footballing terms Celtic are a wee diddy club in comparison to the EPL.  And it's the uneven, unfair distribution of money throughout European football that's the cause of that. Something which Celtic have absolutely no issue with in Scotland. So they can't really complain or moan. 

  11. 51 minutes ago, KingRocketman II said:

    it's not really that simple. it is a step up perhaps in the overall standard of league opposition. It is not necessarily a step up in terms of stadium, home attendance, training facilities and European experience and European game time. 

    It will though give him a higher salary. 

    And a higher standard of football. It is that simple. A step up as l said.

  12. 19 minutes ago, Aufc said:

    He is not going to go down to a top 7-8 team as he is not at that level. So lets say he goes to Aston Villa or Southampton. He has swapped trophies and competing in the biggest club football tournament for mid table obscurity and getting humped off the likes of Man City whilst winning f**k all. McGinn moved down when he was a lot younger and moved from Hibs. It is hard to argue that a move from Celtic to these clubs is a step up. I understand the likes of Rodgers leaving for Leicester as it was a good chance for him to do well there and get a move back to one of the better clubs but i dont think Mcgregor would have gone there and then got a move to the likes of Man Utd etc. 

    Maybe if McGregor had moved when he was younger but i dont think he will look back on his career with any regrets. Would moving to the likes of Aston Villa seen him do much more career wise? I don't think so. 

    It's extremely easy to argue that a move from Celtic to Aston Villa or Southampton is a step up. Those two clubs play in the English Premier League. Celtic play in the Scottish Premiership. The Scottish top flight to the English top flight is a step up, a huge step up.  It really is that simple. 

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