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kennie makevin

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Posts posted by kennie makevin

  1. 11 hours ago, DiegoDiego said:

    If it's so important for a protestant institution to have a big picture of the Queen up, why have I never seen a photo of the queen inside a protestant church? Surely a picture of Jesus or the moderator of the general assembly would be more appropriate?

    I'm an atheist myself but it's shite like that which gives religion a bad name.

    Because Rangers are not a Protestant institution....they are a secterian institution. They have no interest in, understanding of , or affiliation with, any Protestant religion that I am aware of. 


  2. 20 minutes ago, Stevie Kirk said:

    Yes I was thinking more along the lines of the authorities running scared of bad PR and fudging things by having a minutes applause rather than the more high risk strategy of a minutes silence. Based on what you say Anfield could be interesting then. 

    Indeed....if there's one thing your average Scouser cannot abide it's over the top displays of mawkish sentimentality and mourning  !

  3. 2 hours ago, Jinky67 said:

    I’ll pass, all that pent up resentment doesn’t sound like fun at all. 

    sam winchester yawn GIF

    You learn to live with it .  How do you do that meme thing ? I'm impressed. The guys just constantly yawning !!! And in this week of all weeks . New Prime Minister, Scots crushed on Europe to the tune of 13-0, Queen dead, new King.....it will be the everlasting image . The Yawning Man !  I see it a lot. Folk yawning in my presence .



  4. 3 minutes ago, scottsdad said:

    Odd as this might sound, i don't think this is as extreme as the Diana hysteria. Maybe because Diana was so sudden, unexpected and well planned. 

    Not odd at all. I was living in England at the time and the Diana hysteria was actually frightening. Felt like if I mentioned that she was just a mere and rather talentless mortal I would have been lynched.  

  5. 2 hours ago, Jinky67 said:

    Learn to use multi-quote you boring, small minded idiot.

    Also having the temerity to have a go at people who have the same view as you and to call them toxic considering the lengths you go to dig out Celtic fans just because they are Celtic fans.

    Some of us are more than capable of showing respect, you I’m not so sure


    Admittedly I'm annoyed and upset that I wasn't reading a statement from the Queen offering condolences for the death of Glasgow Celtic football club, which may have coloured my post. But sir, you really can't accuse someone who stopped supporting Celtic around 1977 as being a 'boring, small minded idiot' I was and I saw the light. Join us 🙂 !

  6. 19 minutes ago, kingjoey said:

    Of course it's not exclusive to Celtic fans. There will be fans of Motherwell, Kilmarnock, East Fife, Arbroath, Livingston, Forfar, Ross County, Ayr United, etc who are anti-monarchy, and there will be fans of the same clubs who are pro-monarchy. The same cannot be said of Celtic, and indeed Rangers, fans.

    You can be anti the institution of monarchy as I am but still be decently respectful of the death of an old lady . Unless of course you're a half-witted 'tic man.

  7. 3 hours ago, Grangemouth Bairn said:

    Anyone else get the impression that Jinky and Kennie don’t exchange cards at Christmas ??

    Och that's harsh. Would happily extend the felicitations of that or any other season to the good Jinkster. I'd even include a couple of my old 'Playing For Celtic' annuals from my boyhood where he can read about Celtic when they actually were a genuine European force.  Now where's that old copy of 'The Holy Ground of Glasgow Celtic' of my dad's. ?  I fancy a wee singalong to Dublin in the Green & the Green.

  8. 13 minutes ago, Jinky67 said:

    I know I give you this feedback quite regularly but you don’t half don’t shite and try way too hard  😂

    Real Madrid will beat many teams by much more than this, they will beat many teams in the 1st half alone and will play many games where they concede few chances never mind concede chances where it was easier to score than not. 

    Your entire existence on this forum seems to be centred around a dislike for Celtic, it’s mildly amusing 

    No, a dislike of football clubs whose very existence promotes & promulgates religious tribalism and secterian division.  You support  such an institution. Fine. But you won't mind if I ridicule, disparage, laugh at and generally do down at every opportunity, your beloved bastion of bigotry.

  9. 1 minute ago, Jinky67 said:

    What’s pathetic is your obsession with Celtic mate, it’s unhealthy.

    But if you think if Celtic had scored one of the Abada, GG, McGregor or Maeda chances that we probably should have that we couldn’t have taken something from the game then you haven’t been paying attention. It’s not like we haven’t done it before is it? 😉

    Real Madrid are 14 times European champions you nonsense merchant.......as if they'd allow themselves to be beaten by a diddy little secterian outfit whose days of European relevance ended at the boots of Athletico in 1974.  Yes they've done it before but decades ago and they sure aren't going to do it again. Get back into bed with your Bigotry pals from Ibrox and leave the big stage to the big boys.

  10. 37 minutes ago, Stellaboz said:

    Really? You don't think Madrid will utterly batter another team by at least 3 goals for the rest of this long season? Settle down and stop trying too hard.

    I'm sure they will but they will have to play with a lot more intensity to do it.  They will not have another three nil where they put in so little effort. 

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