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kennie makevin

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Posts posted by kennie makevin

  1. 4 minutes ago, VincentGuerin said:

    This discussion is a close relative of the annual 'Should we be happy when the OF qualify for the Champions' League?' chat.

    OF fans fall over themselves to point out that other clubs get chucked a few quid and make out that we should be happy with that. But they completely miss the point that they make so much money from the enterprise that the other clubs would be better off overall if none of it happened whatsoever.

    They just don't see football in the same way.

    I'm thinking maybe competitive sport isn't really for supporters of Rangers & Celtic.

  2. 3 hours ago, Antiochas III said:

    Thing is.  This is not a Scottish only issue.  It's a European wide football issue.  But somehow, if you listened to those who should be promoting our game it is only here that has the dominance by 2 teams (some leagues have 1 true title challenger).

    Of course, the classic 'why are you upset that your cat got ran over, lots of other cats get run over as well ' line of argument beloved by Old Firm apologists .

  3. 8 hours ago, Jacky1990 said:

    Got to be careful with McGeady though, if he found out he wasnt included he might do another sit down with the BBC about how the only reason people dont like him is because he is Catholic. Or whatever other pish he has been brainwashed into believing.

    Careful, you're risking the attentions of the P&B House UnIrish Activities Committee with that kind of comment.

  4. 17 hours ago, Monkey Tennis said:

    Perhaps, but I welcome anything which recognises that the current situation represents a problem.

    That's rare.

    I also like that it knows we're stuck with this shit, unless there is serious structural change. 


    Yes, it could probably cope without the 'pure dead mental' bit, but I don't think that's the focus of the article at all.  It is light hearted in tone, but it's only "quaint" in that its truth telling is more unusual than it should be.

    My fear is that somewhere within BBC Sport Scotland Nick McPeat is getting strips torn off him for daring to insinuate that Celgers or Rantic winning the league isn't a result of their overarching brilliance and astonishing ability of such godlike managers as Gerard & Postegoclu.


  5. 14 minutes ago, Ampersand said:

    You know it's nearly time for the new league season when someone from the BBC files this sort of self-hating drivel...


    Saying that unless something drastic and totally unrealistic happens then no club other than Celtic or Rangers will become champions of Scotland is neither drivel or self-hating.  Thems the facts.....


  6. There must be a way to link the glorious Lionesses triumphs with the ongoing Brexit related (or not, according to taste) travel chaos at the Channel ports ....... " She thinks she's in Dover....she is now !!"

    I'm off to run that past Julie Etchingham..

  7. 1 hour ago, gannonball said:

    I’m not sure if you are being serious by measuring somebody’s success in life based on a team they support, if it is I’m guessing it may be yourself who isn’t really winning at life if you are stretching to those merits of success.

    Actively not supporting either Celtic or Rangers is the cornerstone of any decent human being......we should teach it in schools (fully integrated of course) !

  8. 10 minutes ago, AndyM said:

    Agreed. For me 1991 was the last hurrah on non OF teams challenging for the title. 31 years ago. Since then it's been nothing more than flattering to deceive from the diddies. I don't ever see a Leicester happening up here not while the biggest of the diddies (Hearts, Hibs and Aberdeen operate on less than a quarter of the budgets of the OF).

    As soon as one of the diddies strings a few results together and players get noticed the OF media grind into gear saying one of the arse cheeks is "set to swoop for this or that player", unsettling the player who thinks he's going to quadruple his salary at a minimum. Either that or the player is told to see out his contract and not re-sign with his diddy employer. This inevitably derails the team so you never get a challenge. 

    It's almost as if the media in Scotland don't want a club other than the verministas to actually win the league...... surely not !!!!!

  9. 1 hour ago, resk said:

    McLean is the true keeper of the flame for the Archie McPherson "talk louder when something significant happens, without giving any information about what is happening" commentary method.


    McPherson is almost the byword for "good presenter, shite commentator"

  10. On 21/06/2022 at 12:36, Clown Job said:

    c***s like you are the reason people like me get abused for just existing

    Glad you think it’s a big laugh with your bad faith arguments and whataboutery 

    Utter offensive foul mouthed rubbish.  But sadly it sums up the mentality of people who want religious apartheid in schools to continue.  Wallow in your 19th Century cesspit of tribal division all you want if it comforts you but don't force the rest of the country to accept it. The 21st century could be a welcoming, inclusive and decent place without delusional idiots who seriously believe they 'get abused just for existing ' 



  11. 8 minutes ago, Clown Job said:

    Ah the old catholic schools existing are what causes anti catholic abuse argument 

    Pathetic and doesn’t help anyone

    Next you’ll be telling us if only women didn’t wear short skirts eh?


    Dear oh dear !! That really is all the segregationists have. They accuse those who want integration of children of all faiths and none as somehow being the ones propagating sectarianism and division. It's akin to calling those who don't want children of different ethnicity educated separately racists and , as we head towards the middle of the 21st century, this crazed Orwellian doublespeak simply won't wash anymore. In this warped and shrinking little world view there simply is no room for progress and enlightenment.  And talking of enlightenment I wouldn't use such an offensive and frankly stupid analogy regarding women in a post about segregated education given the Catholic church's woeful attitude to women's rights in general and reproductive rights in particular.


  12. 2 hours ago, Theroadlesstravelled said:

    Saying ‘breadish’ sounds like an Northern Irish person saying British.

    Breadish flegs. 


    Bigotry is no laughing matter though. I hope one day Scotland is freed from deep rooted archaic religious hatred.

    We can but hope and while the troglodyte adults are beyond help, somehow a way has to be found to bring up future generations free from tribal divisions and archiac religious hatred. But, sadly, with the 'segregation today, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever ' merchants holding a powerful and inexplicable hold over our education system I fear that blind hope is all we have.






  13. 1 hour ago, kingjoey said:

    Why not say “my son” or use his name? The bugger’s from Perth not the West of Scotland.

    He is perhaps trying to affect faux working class credentials , like, you know , refering to 'ma heid' rather than 'my head'. Like you, I wish people wouldn't do it but ah'm no gonnae bust ma coupon o'er it !

  14. On 11/06/2022 at 11:04, Loominous said:

    His insights into sports journalism are fine, even interesting. His expertise doesn't lie in football tactics or football finance or matters like that. So rather than butting in and hogging the conversation I wish he would just leave it to the football experts - at least with his print opinion pieces there isn't that issue.

    'Football experts'  ? You are talking Sportsound etc here, aren't you ? Who, pray tell are these 'football experts' you speak of ? Bonnar ? Biscuits Preston ? Willie Miller ? Roughie ? Big DJ ? Alex Rae ? Kenny Miller ? ........Give me Tom English over any of these people, at least he has a working command of the English language. 


  15. 18 minutes ago, VictorOnopko said:

    Even though he isn't actually disappearing from the coverage, the two situations aren't remotely comparable.  RG has been a beacon of calm competence in anchoring Sportsound over the years amidst a sea of idiots, and it's quite clear that he's standing down from Saturdays but still doing other days. 

    Chick on the other hand has enjoyed the luckiest broadcasting "career" I can think of given his absolute lack of talent  - and he really did trumpet that he was retiring, with the BBC sending him off with a farewell series about Scotland at the world cup (IIRC he swanned around abroad making it?), before boldly turning up the following season on OAM with his usual terrible jokes, word salads and pointless interruptions, as though nothing had happened.  He's the George Costanza of the Scottish football media, with less charm or integrity.

    This IS the show. !!!! 

  16. 17 hours ago, Drew Brees said:

    The forest side you mention was over the course of 3 seasons, the Real team was over 5 seasons. The vote was for a team over single season, that Celtic team won everything they entered, unlike the others you mentioned. 

    And, as if said before, that was an absolutely wonderful achievement and makes that Celtic side by some distance the finest ever produced in Scotland.  What it doesn't mean is that they are the finest ever produced in the world.  It really isn't that controversial a statement.  If you can't see that a side whose record in their first five European Cups is Won, Won, Won, Won & Won are operating at a higher level than the side whose first five are Won, Knocked out in the 1st Qualifying Round, Knocked out in the Quarter Final, Runners Up  & Knocked out in the Quarter Final, then the use of reason seems a waste of time.  

  17. On 04/06/2022 at 18:19, Jinky67 said:

    I’ve seen some shit takes however to suggest Sir Alex Ferguson knows less about football than tedious Kenny from P&B is comedy fucking gold. 

    “Pep get your jacket son, Kennies coming down to show you how it’s done”

    Champions League Football GIF by BT Sport

    Well if Alex Ferguson genuinely believes Celtic winning the European Cup trumps Forest & the Real of Puskas, Di Stefano etc then I can but disagree....Is that not allowed ??

  18. On 04/06/2022 at 18:12, Jinky67 said:

    To take you back to a while ago when you took umbrage to me saying Celtics 1967 win was unequalled then answer me this.

    In either of those years did Nottingham Forest win every single trophy they played for?

    In either of those years did Nottingham Forest win with 11 Englishmen all born within 30 miles of Nottingham?

    If the answer to any of the above is no then you have my answer and it’s pretty obvious the view isn’t just exclusive to me or Celtic fans or people just wouldn’t bother their arse voting for these things or offering an opinion would they? It seems a far as opinions go it’s you dear Kennie who seems to be pishing into the wind

    I wish I could say I’m sorry that this seems to rattle you but I’m not, it’s pretty funny.

    And below is a picture of the greatest club side to exist should you ever forget who they are 😉💚


    I see no Puskas, no Di Stefano, no Cruyff, no Neeskens. You are not showing a picture of the greatest club side ever. And as I saw all of those pictured above play in the flesh I am unlikely to forget who they are. You appear to be under the illusion that a team's greatness is dependent on their members all being born within a certain radius of the club's ground. A bizarre and utterly illogical criteria. My assertion that Nottingham Forest have a legitimate claim to be a greater club side than Celtic is based purely on the fact that their winning of promotion, the English championship and two European Cups in successive seasons was an achievement at a higher level of difficulty than winning the Scottish League, Scottish Cup, Scottish League Cup , Glasgow Cup & European Cup.  As is Real Madrid's five consecutive European Cups from 1955/56. What Celtic of 67-72 can claim to be is the greatest Scottish club side to ever exist. That is beyond dispute. That they were the first British & non-latin club to win the European Cup is a wonderful feat and can never be taken away from them.......but all to that does not make them the greatest club side in the world ever.  Why can't Celtic fans just accept those well deserved accolades instead of trying to be bigger and better and 'firster' and 'localer' than all other clubs ?









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