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kennie makevin

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Posts posted by kennie makevin

  1. 18 hours ago, Clown Job said:

    It’s wild how a wee daft BBC poll has upset some people 

    If you don’t think the 67 team that won it all, then fair enough. 

    Just don’t get annoyed that others do, or don’t be petty trying to devalue the achievements they made.

    Not annoyed or trying to devalue achievements. Just placing those acheivements in context. Why does that annoy you ??


  2. On 03/06/2022 at 10:49, Jinky67 said:

    Over It Reaction GIF by filmeditor 

    Oh young Jinky you may be a master of putting little meme(?)things in posts, a talent that continues to pass me by, but if you genuinely think Celtic's sole European Cup win is a greater acheivement than Nottingham Forest's consecutive triumphs in the late 70s then you probably know less about football than Owen Wilson.

  3. 5 hours ago, Jinky67 said:

    I’m laughing as it’s funny as here we are in a discussion/debate about a vote on the greatest club side to ever exist (which Celtic seem to have won), you seem to have somehow thrown St Johnstone 20/21 into the mix.


    Obviously as all objective followers of football will concur the real object of hilarity is the idea that Glasgow Celtic are the greatest club/team to ever have existed. A thousand polls could tell us they are and it still wouldn't be true. Now I won't muddy the waters with the St Johnstone claim but it's as clear as the nose on Tommy Gemmell's face that Nottingham Forest's 77-80 run of promotion, English champions & successive European champions dwarfs anything Celtic have ever achieved.l

  4. 2 hours ago, Ro Sham Bo said:

    Had a quick read of the initial match report on the BBC website and it reads like Ukraine are the home nation. Utterly pathetic. 

    I wonder if Wales will roll out the red carpet for them as much as we have done? 

    Doesn't matter...Wales are better than us.





  5. 1 hour ago, Satoshi said:

    What on earth are you on about? Very strange post. It's the natural order of things because Wales is a smaller country that isn't interested in football, there's nothing racialised about it.

    Bar a few exception years, on the whole Scotland will have a better football team and Wales a better rugby team. Just as it has always been.

    Try going to Cardiff on Sunday spouting that nonsense. Of course they're interested in football and, sadly, as of this moment, better than us at it. Whatever your historical musings might tell you that was in the past.


  6. 41 minutes ago, Satoshi said:

    Probably won't find a single Welsh person to agree with your there, appearing once in 1958 compared to qualifying 9 times? They managed one more game than Scotland in the one world cup they managed to get to 😂

    It's as painfully one sided as our head to head.

    Nothing against Wales, they are a decent side for their size and interest in football. Domestically and internationally they are deep in our shadow and always will be, but that's just the natural order of things.

    They way your trolling them it seems to me that you want Wales to win . You write industrial strength nonsense with a dash of racial superiority thrown in ('natural order of things') that can only galvanise the proud boyos.  Have you learned nothing from Max Boyce, you fool !

  7. 39 minutes ago, Donathan said:

    Oh man. I really hope you don’t live to regret that comment. 

    It really baffles me that anyone who has been paying the slightest bit of attention to international football & Gareth Bale's contribution to it could possibly say that Scotland would be favourites if we got to Cardiff. Not saying it's impossible that we could win, but favourites ? No way !

  8. 9 hours ago, Jacky1990 said:

    We have a better team/squad than Wales.

    Its not fantasy to think we'll beat them.

    It's far more of a fantasy than thinking Wales at home won't beat Scotland... Wish I knew where this we've got a better squad/team comes from.  If we can beat Ukraine tonight and Wales on Sunday we can definitely say that. Nothing I've seen up to now gives me confidence that we will.

  9. 17 hours ago, Jacky1990 said:

    What the f**k you on about?

    We'll pump Ukraine then go to Cardiff, pump Wales and watch Bale go off in tears knowing he was retired by Stevie Clarke and his men.

    Your premium grade LSD kicking in nicely I see !

  10. We are Scotland, we are almost certainly not going to win against a Bale inspired Wales who are looking to end 64 years of not qualifying for the World Cup, with,as they would see it, at least one of those non-qualifications being at the 'hands' of cheating 'Jocks'.  Cardiff on Sunday will be hellish.  But you know what, with all that being true, we might well still do it. In which case it will be the finest acheivement of any Scottish side, club or international. 


  11. 56 minutes ago, djchapsticks said:

    Can't be arsed with all this sentiment and hand-wringing shite.

    People say politics and football should never mix and then in the next breath will happily cede a football match for....erm....political reasons.

    No chance, get them beaten and beaten soundly. Remember, this is the football team (not country, football team) who were openly discussing at the turn of the year how happy they were to draw us as they viewed us as a soft touch and a bye to the final. Get them beat, end of story.

    Can still 'get them beat' as you put it, and have sympathy and support for Ukraine as a country. Men, women & children are being slaughtered and you dismiss any feelings of solidarity as 'hand-wringing shite'.  I desperately want Scotland to win tomorrow night but people like you almost make me think; you know what, getting beat by Ukraine is infinitely preferably on so many levels to getting knocked out at the final hurdle by fucking Wales !

  12. Having delayed matches due to crowd issues with little or no warning on numerous occasions (eg. Saturday in Paris), is it beyond the wit of the authorities to bring this kick-off forward by an hour or so, given the chaos that could ensue ?

  13. 3 hours ago, Fratelli said:

    That's the point though. Some may have been behaving like arseholes, but the shambles last night was not caused by Liverpool fans. It's now quite clear that UEFA have thrown out, and greatly exaggerated the ticket thing to deflect from their own mismanagement, and loads have swallowed it despite evidence suggesting otherwise. A lot of this automatic rush to assume that it's those scousers at it yet again due to some horrific things that happened 30+ years ago has a real Kelvin MacKenzie vibe to it. Not that you're necessarily doing that, but a lot of the rhetoric from last night has that feel to it. A quick look at some of the trending hashtags on Twitter will tell you that. 

    I should point out that i generally despise Liverpool, was quite happy to see them lose and do align with the view of their fans being absolute riddy merchants at times. However UEFA need slaughtered for their continual inability to manage fairly simple events without turning them into absolute chaos, the tribalistic deflection to blame certain sets of fans - and i include the patter from other Celtic fans last week - lets them off the hook. 



    Wonder what it was that UEFA & the French police did so smoothly at the Real Madrid end of the stadium that they couldn't do at the Liverpool end ?

  14. 22 hours ago, Jinky67 said:


    Wonderful, kind and generous words from Sir Alex there. He certainly knows his audience.  And while Celtic 1967 is without a doubt the finest feat in Scottish football history it may be stretching it just a tad to call it the greatest feat In all of football since the dawn of the game. Time and patience prevent me from listing all football acheivements which have the edge on Celtic's Lisbon triumph, but I would suggest all objective analysis would place Real Madrid's five European Cups on the spin from 1955 &: Nottingham Forest winning promotion to the English top flight, becoming English champions then winning & retaining the European Cup ,all in successive seasons , as being on a higher level of miraculous than Celtics sole European Cup.

  15. 3 hours ago, Jinky67 said:

    If i had to put a £1k on the first roaster to challenge that claim it would have been you. Thanks for not letting me down

    However did any of those clubs in the seasons they won win every trophy available to them i.e the quadruple? No they didn’t.

    Did any of those clubs do it will 11 home grown players? No they did not.

    Were any of them the 1st non latin club to win it? No they were not

    So yes unequalled

    Go Away GIF by Bounce

    Take a stroll down to dictionary corner and you'll find it is impossible to equal something that can only be done once. Your claim defies all etymological logic and is simply typical hysterical Old Firm hyperbole.  Celtic's acheivement in 67 was stupendous but don't insult other clubs who have surpassed that acheivement by calling it unequalled.  Advice for you, stick with your eternally tedious game of one upmanship over Rangers, that one you can win.  Don't try and plant yourselves among the greats of European football, no ones buying it.  

  16. 3 hours ago, wastecoatwilly said:

    Again it goes back to my original post,Scotland is a diverse country with many religions,all religions that consider them to be Scots.
    Educating our kids and grand kids on the diversity of the country we live in puts them at an advantage later on in life. 
    Taking away religious education would result in a lack of knowledge to the country they live in.
    Tackling the multicultural and cosmopolitan society without the acceptance and understanding of the "otherness" as you put it is very narrow minded. 
    The first question you should be asking yourself is why do you see them as different.  

    I agree totally with you regarding the need for and benefits of, Religious Education. I would certainly not be in favour of removing it from schools in Scotland. What I'm talking about is doing away with Religious Instruction (a different thing entirely) in state funded faith schools.

  17. 9 hours ago, wastecoatwilly said:

    I've been debating with you that there is very little difference, Yet you want them closed first on segregation second on distinction and now on Ethos.
    I think you agree there is very little difference monkey so there is no problem with keeping them open. 

    Ok there's very little difference so let's keep the different schools (faith & non-dom)open which creates an  'otherness' and difference which in reality doesn't exist while at the same time duplicating administration costs, staff costs, building costs.  Begs the question , what is the point of faith schools paid for out of general taxation ? Make all schools secular where all religions and none are taught and given equal respect in Religious Education classes. If it's Religious Instruction (or indoctronation ) you require then that is the job of the Rabbi, Minister, Imam, Priest, Vicar etc on the Sabbath day of your choice. 


  18. 24 minutes ago, wastecoatwilly said:

    Very narrow minded post M8, we live in a multicultural cosmopolitan society taking away the choice to understand and have religious education in schools would put our kids and grand kids at a disadvantage later in life,i'm not religious myself but still see the need for it in schools.
    What the hell it's got to do about laughing at sevco i've no idea. 

    Where has anyone proposed removing religious education from the curriculum ? A truly cosmopolitan & multicultural society would teach children of parents of all faiths and none about all faiths and none in the same school and leave religious, racial and cultural segregation in the dustbin of history where it belongs.

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