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kennie makevin

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Posts posted by kennie makevin

  1. 2 hours ago, Thenorthernlight said:

    1) The “Old Firm” ceased to be a term in 2012. Liquidation of one of the teams saw to that.

    2) The pandering to the Glasgow 2 starts at the top, from the SFA, more so The Rangers. .

    Money dominates every league.
    Scotland is no exception.   
    That’s why the two of them qualifying for the CL is bad news for Scottish footballs “competition”. 
    The media are imbeciles for not understanding the fans views on this. 

    I’ll never see a non Glasgow team win the league again. 
    If they avoid each other in cup draws, there’s about an 80% chance at least one of them wins the cups. 

    As I get older, my interest in Scottish football dwindles as there really does seem little point when the absolute best you can do is finish 3rd in a league & try & sneak a cup every decade or two. 

    The only way true competition will ever exist is if the two of them pissed off from Scottish football. 
    They’d both drop Scottish football in a heartbeat, but seeing as no-one wants them, they’ll be here for all time


    Like so many on these forums you totally miss the point of the term 'Old Firm'.  As long as two clubs calling themselves Celtic & Rangers exist to carve up Scottish football into a never ending duopoly with all the financial dice loaded in their favour then 'The Old Firm' remain a term, a fact and a disgrace. See point 2 of your post !

  2. 20 hours ago, tamba_trio said:

    Maybe not worthless then, but definitely pointless. 

    Newsflash: Celtic are going to win the league half the time over the rest of our lives. Rangers will win it the other half. Both sides will use each other to ramp up their fans and sell season tickets. 

    At what point does it become worthless? If Celtic were beating an under 8s girls team 14-0, would we still all cheer and pretend it's normal and it's because we're great?? The league has been financially doped to such an extent that there Celtic can't have any rivalries now, with anyone other than Rangers. 


    Very true and explains why Celtic didn't strengthen heavily during Rangers 'demotion' and put light years between them and their pals at Ibrox. They didn't really have to, such is the gap between them and the non-Old Firm clubs, but more pertinently they didn't want to. Celtic don't want a massive, insurmountable gap with Rangers and vice versa. This 'rivalry' is vital to them both. It is all they have. If Rangers, as they should have done, had died totally and irreversibly after liquidation then Celtic would have surely soon followed . They need each other, they are, in effect, each other. They know what they're about and TBF they deliver it very well. And, like the Tory party which they resemble so closely, a compliant and cheerleading press ensure that no divergence from the party line is given credible attention.  Happy times. !!!!


  3. 6 minutes ago, wastecoatwilly said:

    FFS give it a rest M8,We all remember the sectarian policy rangers had for over 100 years,since the end of the 90's it's dead with the dodo.
    You are living in the past M8 just like the dafties singing the songs at the games.
    It takes generations to change that,there is all sorts of people with different religions going to the game these days plus the tribalism is about beaten our city rivals feck all to do with religion dafties like you get that mixed up.  

    When Rangers stop producing Orange strips you may be onto something. When Celtic fans stop singing about the IRA you may be onto something.  Otherwise I hope the weather's suitably Clement on whatever planet you inhabit. 

  4. 14 hours ago, HailHailHayley said:

    MOTD is a highlights show which features every team that has played in the Premier League that day, so don't know how that's relevant? When the BBC have English FA Cup games they select the ties featuring the biggest clubs. 

    My point is that this happens in literally every country. But there's a weird victim complex among the diddies here like Scotland is a unique case. Big clubs have bigger fanbases. Big clubs have bigger interest in them. It's not rocket science why Dundee v Falkirk wasn't chosen instead.

    And it's not rocket science why the Old Firm clubs have bigger fanbases....Over a century of pandering to secterian division and religious tribalism . Proud of that, are you ?

  5. 14 minutes ago, Jinky67 said:

    Yeah you seemed to take exception to the term unrivalled. You still haven't come back to me to tell me the other team who won every single trophy available to them in a European Cup winning season with 11 players of the same nationality and born within a few miles of the clubs stadium? And the matter as to if it's the greatest achievement is a subjective one however it is still unrivalled ;)

    The floor is now yours if you wish to answer

    I was merely pointing out that you're as capable as anyone in posting a well crafted wind-up . There really is no argument to be had. As I have said elsewhere Real Madrid's 5 consecutive European Cups from 1955/56 & Nottingham Forest's run of English Div 2, English Champions and 2 successive European Cups from 1977 to 1980 are clearly bigger 'acheivements' than Celtic 1967.  Sorry if that offends your sense of 'Celtic exceptionalism' but your team will always be the first non-latin club to win the European Cup. Isn't that achievement enough ?  Why the desperate needy desire to be bigger, better, more glorious and more worthy than everyone else ?

  6. 2 minutes ago, Jinky67 said:

    It does seem to be the trend. I did notice earlier the Rangers/Ross County match thread had only 2 pages of posts despite there being a very controversial decision in that match and we are now on 32 pages here in a match where there was no controversy at all, just a freak scoreline.

    It is what it is :)

    If you have any feelings of affection for Scottish football and the health of its top flight then a 9-0 home defeat from a club in the same league while parhaps not controversial, is clearly a cause for real concern. And it's a far more pressing issue than whether someone was offside or not. 

  7. 6 minutes ago, HailHailHayley said:

    Commentator must be thick because he referred to Angeball multiple times today. And if you cannae see that Celtic have a very distinct style of play since Ange arrived then I don't know what to tell you.

    And I was born into being a Celtic fan so you can stick your glory hunting.


    You were born as we all were. You weren't born into being a Celtic fan.  That's your choice. Fine. But don't kid on its something divine or mystical.


  8. 4 minutes ago, Empty It said:

    It's what thick folk that are usually glory seekers following a big team that know very little about football call any style of football when they're winning.

    *insert managers name here*ball.

    Known in the 60's as 'the Stein Machine' , who TBF were a stunningly brilliant football team unlike today's fast track bullies


  9. 10 minutes ago, HailHailHayley said:

    It's so lazy to group us together as the OF, Celtic are in a different stratosphere to sevco right now. Ange has us playing amazing football, a standard that the league has not seen in a long time. If you're a football fan, try actually appreciating it.

    United were total pish, but some of the goals today were world class.

    It's not lazy. 'The Old Firm' is the collective nickname for Rangers & Celtic coined over a century ago as a satirical comment on the way they both operate in tandem to carve up Scottish football in their own interests. As true today as it was back then which is why the name sticks. The term has nothing to do with the relative footballing merits of the two teams. 

  10. 55 minutes ago, Jinky67 said:

    The Vampiric nature of some Scottish football fans. 

    Quite happy to tell you how much they despise you however also more than happy to pimp you out for their own end if they can profit from it. 

    Should rename it the Universal Credit League

    Church of England......The Tory party at prayer..

    Glasgow Celtic......The Tory party at play..







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