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kennie makevin

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Posts posted by kennie makevin

  1. 46 minutes ago, gannonball said:

    I find it funny that people are alluding to that he is sort of cruising given he is always top one or two for covering ground and pretty much plays 2 games a week. He is seen as undroppable for club and country and managers even loathe to sub him. There is also a fair bit of shite that comes with being a Celtic captain.But aye he has taken the easy option because he doesn’t play for midtable Utd in the EPL. Fanboys are  gona Fanboy though I suppose

    I'm a Fanboy of football and if you don't think the football in the EPL is of a better quality and more exciting than the Scottish top flight then that's up to you. But don't give me that 'fanboy' shite.  It really is nonsense of the highest order.

  2. 33 minutes ago, Gaz said:

    How is getting humped in the Champions League four out of six matches and beating utter dross up here to win League Cups better for his development than going down South and playing against world-class players every other week at a minimum?

    Yep. I'd say it's almost a certainty that John McGinn wouldn't be half the player he is for Scotland now if he had done what all the pundits in Scotland wanted him to do and left Hibs for Celtic.

  3. 2 hours ago, Loominous said:

    Callum McGregor has cracked it in my opinion. Sort of doing what most footballers do towards the end of their careers. Easy domestic league but play important games for their national team and in Europe. 

    Fair enough and who would blame him for that, but you've only one relatively short career and having won domestic trophies and experienced European football again & again & again and enjoyed trips to Dingwall, New Douglas Park, Fir Park etc again & again & again I do scratch my head at why a player, who's definitely good enough, might not want to experience Old Trafford, Anfield, St James Park, Emirates etc etc for a few seasons......if only for a wee change if nothing else.

  4. 14 minutes ago, Falcor Roar said:

    Can I not carry on knocking him and also have a preference for somebody other than biscuits, McCann and Grant on the radio? Why is that not allowed?

    If the benchmark is for journalists to be literate then that probably serves my point.

    In an Ideal world where several journalists where employed as pundits and no thick ex-pros were, them yes but while it's a binary choice between thick semi-literate ex-pros or Tom English we do not have the luxury of undermining Tom English.

  5. 1 hour ago, Falcor Roar said:

    You're trying to spin this like Clarke has had some road to Damascus moment. We haven't completely changed tactics, our positive style has been quite consistent and the players are well drilled. We've had games where the players haven't followed through with the game plan either/or because the opposition have played too well or because we've lost confidence leading to poor shape and a reliance on hitting it long (Czech Rep and Croatia at Euro 2020, Ireland away, Ukraine playoff). It happens, international teams are particularly vulnerable to inconsistency.

    We played a back 4 for years before Clarke and it didn't work. We used a back 3 to steady the ship. We're moving back to a 4 because things have evolved and the manager is competent enough to bring in changes as and when needed. 




    Can we also claw out Tom English while I'm at it? He's another that's gushing again this morning but has been doomsday when we've stalled. 

    Tom English is not perfect but if you'd rather have Bonner, Biscuits, Neil McCann, Peter Grant & the rest of the thick as mince ex pros rather than literate journalists then just carry on knocking him. Gushing praise over this week's achievements is merited but I fail to see how a 3-0 pumping from a shit poor Ireland was anything other than doomsday. Those trying to claim they knew all along that things would be fine have overdone the hindsight on their chips.

  6. 1 hour ago, Dons_1988 said:

    This may be slightly chip on the shoulder from me but the report I saw the guy mentioned us being above England but said something like ‘this result should in theory mean Scotland have an easier route to the euros, but as last night shows, Scotland never do anything easily’. 

    Couldn’t decide if it was fair comment or a slightly bitter dig or both. 

    Clearly fair comment considering our national team's history. 

  7. 28 minutes ago, BingMcCrosby said:

    And deservedly so, thats the most embarrassing 90 mins I've had as a Scotland fan. No thanks

    Would make a good thread in itself, that. Most embarrassing 90 mins as Scotland fan. Very dependent on age of course but for me. England 5, Scotland 1. 1975. 


  8. 3 minutes ago, Buckets said:

    To be fair to the Irish lads who usually give us a warm welcome in Dublin when we’re over, there was a lot of similar songs sung by the home fans. In fact before the game almost every Scotland fan as well as the players and staff were singing about freedom and fighting off the English. So to be consistent we have to say there is pesky, unbowing rebels in both colonies still. Very ungrateful and ungracious.

    What does that even mean ?

  9. 19 minutes ago, Am Featha *****h Nan Clach said:

    I was sat beside a couple of Ireland fans who were singing about the IRA both while the actual away section was and at other times. They were fairly in my face when Ireland took the lead.

    When we scored the winner, was I the bigger man, willing to forgive their indescretions? 

    No. I was not

    A lot of anti-Irish feeling here.............which is nice to see ...those p***ks get far too easy a time normally. They gave us U2 and The Bachelor's for fucks sake !

  10. 13 hours ago, Salt n Vinegar said:

    Just the latest example of why mixing religion and politics is a stupid idea. 

    There's nothing racist about what I've said; "we" have a Head of State who is also the head of a church and reserve places in our legislature for people whose only qualification is that they follow a particular sect of a centuries old foreign belief system. 

    If someone suggested that we reserve places in the House of Lords for believers in alien spaceships buzzing farmers near Bathgate, or for the spokespeople of the "Fairies live at the bottom of my garden society", I'm reasonably confident that they'd be laughed into an asylum, but a Bishop of the Church of England... In ye come, yer Grace... 

    Fekkin nonsense. 

    We would, of course, have to have separate schools for the children of 'believers in alien spaceships' and separate schools for the children of 'spokespeople of the Fairies that live in the bottom of the garden'. It really is the only way to ensure social cohesion.

  11. 14 hours ago, Clown Job said:

    Offensive Behaviour at Cricket Act incoming 

    Goodness no, can't have that. Half-witted secterian bigots must be free to indulge in all sorts of vile, bestial behaviour regardless of the impact on ordinary people. It's their culture and heritage after all .

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