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kennie makevin

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Posts posted by kennie makevin

  1. Cup Final Hampden 1909- Riot; Cup Final Barcelona 1972- Riot; Cup Final Hampden 1980- Riot; Cup Final Manchester 2008- Riot .  But who knows, Leipzig fans could be even worse ! And then there's the not so 'happy hammers'. 

    I think on reflection an all German final is the best the good orange folk of Sevilla can hope for...Or else make sure that big screen is tip top and ship shape !




  2. Almost as impossible a choice as a Top Five of anything in history could be.  I could spend hours , come up with about 10 different Top Fives, each record a work of genius, and still omit staggering pieces of brilliance. I can only say, that from a personal point of view, any Top Five that doesn't include either 'I Want To Hold Your Hand' or 'Tomorrow Never Knows' , and preferably both, is a wee bit on the wobbly side....Those two records, the same band, same lead singer, utterly stunning, totally different from the other, recorded barely two and a half years apart !!! Anyone asks you for proof that The Beatles are the greatest band that ever has and ever will be, just play them those two records..



  3. 57 minutes ago, tamthebam said:

    I don't particularly like rugby because I was made to play it from the age of 10. Specs off in the pishing rain having no idea what I was doing and stuck in the front row of the scrum too. 

    Tam may be the same - there was the odd mad Council school that played rugby (e.g. Boroughmuir) instead of football. 

    Which reminds me: Add Tam's football cup final with the BBs at Fir Park to the list of tropes too. He

    27 minutes ago, Crawford Bridge said:

    Rugby Union wasn't aimed at people like Tam before 1995.

    Substitute 'Sport' for 'Rugby Union' , 'isn't' for 'wasn't' and delete 'before 1995' and you have summed up Cowan perfectly.



  4. 2 hours ago, 19QOS19 said:
    4 hours ago, bdu98196 said:
    Grown adults (mainly men) who cut about in club football shirts when not either A) at a game or B) partaking in sports activities (to classify as sports wear) are probably the same folks that refer to their club of choice as 'the bhoys', 'the gers', 'the dandies', 'jam tarts' etc etc just come across as absolute weapons grade fuds. 

    Been done to death on here but I'll always be in support of folk wearing football tops abroad for two reasons - 1) If it's a diddy team top it's a good icebreaker and you know you can get a decent discussion about lower league football. 2) If it's an OF top, you know you're probably best just avoiding having any interaction with the person.

    Bizarre ....spend a decent amount going on holiday to a foreign country, nice weather, scenery, architecture, beer, wine, company etc etc,  and you want.......'a decent discussion about lower league football' ..........wooooosh, each to their own and all that and can I really judge ? But...seems like a helluva waste of a passport to me.





  5. 13 minutes ago, andyg83 said:

    I like most sports to be honest but watching my team Motherwell in the SPL can be much worse than even a bad rugby match tbh 🙂. And much less skill. 

    I think my point is that he always goes out of his way to say he doesn't like it. I would bet he has never watched it in his puff or never even tried. He just likes saying he doesn't like it along with English football. 

    He says these things because he doesn't like and has no interest in sport, football included.  

  6. 13 minutes ago, KingRocketman II said:

    Kennie surmises that the easiest game that Liverpool's Ian Rush and Barcelona/Bayern/Chelsea/Utd's Hughes had in their whole career resulted in a one nil win due to a contentious goal.

    Always great to have new insightful analysis on this part of the Board - whether it be fishing and/or through spouting attention seeking absolute nonsense.  

    'For Wales' ? Every chance but debatable and merely a matter of opinion, I concede. What , however, is neither up for debate nor attention seeking or indeed nonsense, is that Alan Hansen enjoyed a far more successful and far more garlanded career than either McLeish or Miller. Moreover he did this while playing at a far higher level and against better opposition. These are facts. It is of course only an opinion that those facts by their very nature mean that Alan Hansen was a better footballer than Alex McLeish or Willie Miller.  How do you judge talent after all...


  7. 23 minutes ago, Frank Grimes said:

    Miller & McLeish donkeys :lol:

    Go and have a lie down 

    In a Scotland shirt(Aberdeen a separate case) McLeish especially was a donkey in human form. Oor Willie not so much if fairness be a thing.  I doubt Mark Hughes & Ian Rush had an easier game in their whole career for Wales than the 86 World Cup qualifier at Hampden.  

    But, hey, all Hansen could counter the Miller/McLeish hype factory with was 8 English titles, 3 European Cup medals, 2 FA Cups, 4 English league Cups & First Division championship with Thistle....little wonder so few Scots rated him !!!!





  8. 10 minutes ago, Mr. Alli said:

    Whilst I agree wholeheartedly, I do find cool cunts that cut about in old West Ham/Reading tops to indeed be, cool cunts. 

    I used to have a very cool looking West Ham top.... light blue with two claret hoops...just the two !  Mind you I was 10 years of old  at the time and wasn't aware  that it was the West Ham away top until I saw a photo of Clyde Best wearing it in Shoot.  I wholeheartedly agree that grown men wearing football tops are dobbers of the first order.


  9. 37 minutes ago, Caledonian1 said:

    Dalglish had a "big chance " to go to Mexico in 1986 and decided against it when his mate Hansen was not selected.  I never quite looked upon Dalglish as fondly after that.

    That was Ferguson's fault for omitting a world class centre back like Hansen in preference to the utter donkey that was McLeish ( or Miller, or whatever donkey it was.....slipping into the mists of history now, so no point pondering it obsessively but that goal against Brazil - different World Cup I know - did someone nail McLeish's feet to the turf ?!! ).

  10. 10 minutes ago, Ron Aldo said:

    Embarrassing from Sky but sadly not unexpected.

    They've also photoshopped GVB's head onto Gerrard's body in that tweet.

    And the Rangers 'manager figure' in their little montage is all suited , booted and necktied while the Celtic 'manager figure' is dressed in casual leisure attire clearly designed to place him 'downstairs among the lower orders'. This kind of endemic anti-Irish racism tells you exactly why Celtic have been so disgracefully held back by the football authorities for decades !

  11. 15 minutes ago, SuperSaints1877 said:

    Keep trotting out this “Old Firm” nonsense.

    It died with Rangers in 2012.

    Everyone knows that. 

    Wake up and smell the buckfast.


    The Old Firm are vermin and sadly very much still with us. When one of Rangers or Celtic put forward proposals for a more equitable distribution of wealth in the SPLF resulting in Celtic & Rangers voting against each other I will revise my opinion. Until such time that happens their is still an 'Old Firm' however much pissing on the wind people like you indulge in.


  12. 56 minutes ago, Thenorthernlight said:

    To answer the opening post (& it’s probably been said within the thread but I can’t be bothered looking), yes I can imagine Scottish football without the “old firm”…..because we have been for the last 10 years 

    Rangers were liquidated.

    You may have heard. 

    So this cretinous secterian duopoly that is killing Scottish football just our fevered imaginings then ?  It's the 'Old Firm' , poisonous capitalist cartel.

    You may have heard.

  13. 5 minutes ago, Charles Stiles said:

    We can imagine this utopian scenario all we like but anyone paying attention in 2012 will know it will never be allowed to happen by the football authorities and most damning of the lot, the other clubs.

    Even if they did 'leave' for some new league set up they'd still be in Glasgow and the media fawning would be turned up to 14 while their 'B Teams' competed in the Scottish leagues. 

    There really is no point in fans torturing themselves imagining anything without them. 

    Scottish football is dead as a serious competitive sport in that case. If that's what we're happy with, fine. 

  14. 12 hours ago, kingjoey said:

    Rangers must be the most successful team in European football, because Rangers say they are. Rangers are the “Old Firm”, because Rangers say so. Rangers are doing everything they can to rid themselves of sectarianism and bigotry, because Rangers say they are. Rangers did everything they could to stop bottles being brought into the match on Sunday, because Rangers say they did. 

    You could substitute the word 'Celtic' for the word 'Rangers' in that post and not change its meaning or truthfulness in any way. These two really are joined at the head, hip and arse !

  15. On 03/04/2022 at 18:40, Jinky67 said:

    One of the best feelings for a considerable number of years considering how they laughed at us when

    • We fell apart last season
    • we lost our captain and the spine of our first team
    • Eddie Howe knocked us back ( GIRFUY to him too)
    • we lost not 1 but 2 CEO’s
    • We appointed a manager who hadn’t even worked in this hemisphere and predicted he would last 6 months or less
    • We lost 3 of our 1st 6 domestic games
    • Signed a number of players from Japan

    Are they laughing today? Are they f**k 



    Such classy winners these Old Firm types.....that's the bullet you dodged, Eddie ! Howay ....

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