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kennie makevin

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Posts posted by kennie makevin

  1. 2 minutes ago, Ken Deans said:

    Wales please. Austria were already in the play offs and looked half arsed at times.

    Besides doing Diver Gareth in Wales would be great.

    That's 'Glass Half Full' talk and, frankly, it's unScottish !!!  Since Mexico 1970 I have experienced Scotland either fucking up World Cup qualifying or fucking up World Cup group stage qualifying. 'Half Glass Empty' is the standard Scottish measure resulting from that experience. We will not, I repeat, not knock a Gareth Bale led Wales out of the World Cup in Cardiff.  Therefore it has to be Austria, please I beg you. B

  2. 2 hours ago, Lex said:


    You never heard the Hearts songbook on Saturday night then?


    Appalling I'm sure and doubtless Hearts have more than their fair share of morons but the Edinburgh fixture is not the festival of bigotry that the Old Firm game is. Old Firm fans, all adult ones anyway, at best tolerate the secterianism and bigotry associated with these clubs with a wry shake of the head. The "oh well, it's not pleasant but it's a safety valve, so no harm done" argument. At worst  they revel in it . I can't believe any of them truly detest it or why would they support either of these clubs ?



  3. 1 hour ago, Clown Job said:

    But apart from that, you’re not seething right? 

    Edit: For a laugh, how are Celtic a sectarian football team exactly?

    For nigh on a century they and their pals at Ibrox have gently fanned the flames of religious division on order to keep their income stream flowing. It's the Old Firm business model. However, on reflection I'm wrong and accept they're not a sectarian football club.  They are a football club that makes money on the back of sectarianism.  Not sure whether that's better or worse.

    And intensely disliking the Old Firm and all they stand for is not  'seething'. It's actually very liberating . You should try it.



  4. 7 minutes ago, gannonball said:

    Eh? If a Hearts fan calls Skacel a ‘Legend’ he is obviously talking about him at Hearts and f**k all anywhere else. It’s that obvious you don’t always need to specify where. Going by your posts you seem quite a paranoid individual.

    But we aren't talking about Hearts, we are talking about the pampered, preening, entitled, arrogant Old Firm who lost the right to be given the benefit of the doubt by the rest of Scottish society sometime around 1909.  And, as I live in a country where two secterian football teams  passing around the league championship between them in perpetuity is seen not only as acceptable but as something to get excited about by our national broadcaster.......then of course I'm fucking paranoid !!!!!!!!!







  5. 12 hours ago, Jinky67 said:

    I call someone a c**t on this forum and you all walk on by, i call Broony a legend and it’s raining red dots.

    The level of seethe is amusing



    No, any 'seethe' which you may detect on your 'Celtic Paranoiameter', is due to your all too typical Old Firm arrogance in demanding that all of Scottish football and its myriad fan bases accept 'Broony' as 'a legend' when he is no more than a 'Celtic legend' and, it has to be repeated, a fairly minor one at that when set against the great and the good that have graced Parkhead since the end of the nineteenth century.

    Just accept that just sometimes the Old Firm do not get to dictate to the rest of Scotland who and who isn't 'a legend' and move on.

  6. 1 hour ago, Clown Job said:

    As for Scott Brown being a Celtic Legend…

    Well that’s such an individual opinion and probably a generational one also 

    Let’s just say he’s more of a “legend” than some of the ex players you’ll see described as such in the media. 

    I'd say you've got a point with that one.

  7. 8 minutes ago, Clown Job said:

    It’s pretty funny seeing the mental gymnastics from some people to avoid giving Scott Brown an inch of credit here

    Downplaying his achievements in Scotland really does sound like the “my Nan” mob from down south. 

    I'd say Scott Brown is getting a decent and we'll deserved level of credit from the vast majority of folk posting here. The fact that the rest of the Scottish football public don't bow down and genuflect before the man as we have been instructed by his acolytes in the Old Firm establishment press is hardly a surprise, surely ?

  8. 18 minutes ago, Jinky67 said:

    Is there really a difference? 😂 Or is it the fact i didn’t state Celtic legend and just said legend that upsets you? Because i would have assumed most people would be able to connect the dots on that one  


    Of course there's a difference !!!! Just being a 'Celtic legend' or indeed 'Rangers', 'Hearts', 'Aberdeen' or any other 'club legend' does not automatically make a player a national 'legend' full stop. In certain cases, a Jimmy McGrory, a Billy McNeill or a Jimmy Johnstone (to stick to purely Celtic examples)then it does.  Scott Brown is not in that category. But then that's merely my opinion.

  9. 51 minutes ago, Jinky67 said:

    Would you not say the best people to decide if he is worthy of that moniker are the fans of the clubs he played for? 

    I could call you a c**t (not that you are) and people wouldn’t blink an eye and pass the post by but to have the audacity to call one of the most successful captains of my club a legend? How dare i 😂

    Says a lot about the mindset of people on here and that their opinion of Brown is driven purely by emotion  

    Scott Brown may Indeed be a 'Celtic legend' , in which case say so rather than the frankly purely driven by emotion , statement, "Legend, no more to be said". 

    Personally, from my boyhood days I would cite the two Bobbys, Murdoch & Lennox, Tommy Gemmell etc etc as 'Celtic legends' but I wouldn't insist, as you appear to do, that all other fans of all other clubs have also to accept them as 'legends'. 

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