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kennie makevin

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Everything posted by kennie makevin

  1. And you wish ill on the people and city of Seville for what reason, exactly ?
  2. Yes indeed, ask Asian Scots about abuse for their surname but racist vermin are racist vermin and they are indiscriminate in their attacks. That, I'm sure, we can agree on.
  3. What went on in George Square last year & Glasgow Cross this year was not people celebrating Irish heritage but people celebrating the football team they support becoming champions of Scotland. Which they are totally entitled to do in a free society. Certain folk get annoyed about the disturbance, vandalism, tribal aggression that goes along with these gatherings which can make going about your normal business in a public space uncomfortable and inconvenient. Again people are free to feel that way. I would suggest that if Scots Asians left the same kind of anti social litter strewn decay in their wake after Eid for example, I'm sure they would come under intense scrutiny. But they don't cause such disturbance so don't attract such scrutiny. The constant tarring of those who don't wish their city to act as some kind of proxy stand-in for the tragedy of the north of Ireland in the 1970's as being agents of anti-Irish racism just because Rangers or Celtic win the league, is becoming tedious.
  4. Only at the Olympics as far as I know. In terms of FIFA & UEFA , England, Scotland, Wales, Norn Ireland separate autonomous entities.
  5. Barcelona certainly, albeit that Catalonia is yet to gain its freedom.
  6. Yes. Happy to clear that up for you. One good clear up deserves another.
  7. When flown in the west of Scotland the symbolism of these flags is all that matters. It's all about secterian one-upmanship. If that's what turns people on then fine.
  8. Last season Glasgow club playing in Scotland win the Scottish League and lamposts festooned with Union Flags. This season Glasgow club playing in Scotland win the Scottish League and lamposts festooned with Irish Flags. And still they claim they are not simply separate cheeks of the same sorry arse.
  9. Why would they climb up the outside of the monument at all ?
  10. Indeed...and it's not really a rivalry as they both are exactly and tediously the same as each other.
  11. Refreshing to see a Celtic fan acknowledge how much of a sterile two horse race the Scottish top flight is. Thus, while pleasing if your team finishes top of the pile, it is really no miraculous acheivement brought about by managerial superpowers. Now, roll over Grangemouth Brian and tell Tom English the news !
  12. You have to wonder what sports 'journalists' in Scotland are frightened of when it comes to telling truth to and about the Old Firm. The hysterical over praise given to Postegoclu and Celtic for merely achieving what their vast financial advantage should make a shoo-in is just the latest in a never ending parade of bigot testicle tickling. Remind us, Mr English, exactly how many European tournaments Celtic got papped out of this season ? Where was the magic wand of Ange in those cases ?
  13. What's better ? Both bigots relatively content or one set estatic and one set seething piles of heads gone envy ?
  14. Seems strange to give Robertson "a night off' for a match that could have been fatal for their title chances had they lost. Either an injury or Klopp suddenly not rating him anymore !
  15. The only real riposte to that half-wit was " Zurich, Nantes, Vojvodina, Dukla Prague".......
  16. Just getting to the final is more of an achievement than Rangers or Celtic winning the league I would suggest. I thought that when Celtic got to their Seville and see no reason to revise that opinion.
  17. I would imagine most honest Celtic fans brought up on tales of Lisbon, Milan & Seville would admit, even if only to themselves, that a Scottish club getting to a major European final, never mind winning it, is a bigger deal than winning yet another league title. It's the remarkable against the commonplace..no contest really.
  18. No fan of either of the uglies but it has to be said that a Scottish club getting to a major European final is a greater acheivement than Celtic or Rangers winning the Scottish League.
  19. Chick Young on full Old Firm arselicking mode today...claiming that nothing wrong in Celtic/Rangers winning every top league since 1986 because "doesn't that happen everywhere now". Eh, nope. Also shoehorning a reference to Celtic beating Barcelona when discussing Dundee United's record against Barcelona.
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