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Everything posted by DukDukGoose

  1. Agreed. If you're that late with a tackle with your feet it would be.
  2. Trying to teach my son how to play football and trying to explain to him that he should go meet the ball. Someone should have done the same to Kennedy.
  3. United have been very good since the first 15 mins or so. Not even letting us get in to our rhythm. I'd be bringing on McLennan, McGeouch and Hornby for Kennedy, Campbell and Hornby now.
  4. These are McInnes' players. We looked shambolic under him and most games certainly did not look like a team that had met each other.
  5. Brutal stuff. To a man we've been terrible but special mention to Hayes, Kennedy and Hoban for extra shiteness. We should have scored twice at the beginning of the match and end up going in lucky to be 2 nil behind. The only positive is a defeat will see the end of Hayes at left back.
  6. Am I the only one who thought Woods distribution was lucky rather than good? He was sclaffing kicks all over the place. Just happened to land at our players feet.
  7. Possibly mate, I did think it myself at the time though. Might be nothing I hope not as he was the only likeable member of Davidsons team!
  8. I thought that was your age tbh. Still not as old as King Joey.
  9. If you genuinely believe that then you've never stepped foot in the Billy Gilmour thread. OH wait...
  10. Was that not just someone seeing a photo that resembled him and deciding it was him?
  11. I know plenty of rangers fans who didn't really follow Scottish football as it hated itself to death That seemed to change this season. Same with most of the Celtic fans being quiet.
  12. Would the same numbers of fans have come along for the 'journey' if you'd struggled? A simple yes or no will suffice.
  13. https://www.eveningexpress.co.uk/fp/sport/football/aberdeen-fc/donsnews/numbers-show-clear-signs-of-stephen-glass-early-aberdeen-influence-in-lewis-fergusons-box-to-box-performance-against-celtic/ Those heat maps though.
  14. Went from a boy on a farm you could barely hear straight to some other boy standing at height on a breezy day. Then the ginger boy you mentioned with the amp turned up to 11 shouting about lunacy. Genuinely looked like something each person had filmed on a smart phone (Galloway included) then cobbled together.
  15. The state of that party broadcast on BBC one after the news!
  16. Got a few red dots and a load of abuse when I praised Tommy Wright's tactics in a Pittodrie win. You scored on the counter then doubled up on Cosgrove to win the second ball. The direct ball to Cosgrove was our only tactic that night.
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