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Everything posted by DukDukGoose

  1. Not much I disagree with but probably a bit harsh It annoys me when they have Shinie there as an analyst. Why is he there giving his opinion on football? He's a fan like the rest of us. Probably another example of them keeping themselves in a job.
  2. A bit weird that. Choosing to support a newly formed team whilst you're already a professional footballer.
  3. Aye. Rangers fans I knew were claiming Jack was going to be their 'Kante' which couldn't be further from the truth. I don't think he's got the athleticism to play EPL but I could be wrong. Could potentially fill the role he does for Scotland down their. At Rangers he's utilised further up the field. I think he'll retire at the ****. Can only see him leaving if the next manager doesn't take to him.
  4. In fairness to Jack, he kept his head down after signing for them. Wasn't a constant social media presence. Let's be honest, he's came on leaps and bounds whilst playing for them too. I say that as someone who rated him at Aberdeen and felt Derek was making him do less than he was capable of. I'd be amazed if Wright goes on to make 50 appearances.
  5. *sigh* Scott Wright barely said a word when he was at Aberdeen. Now he's at Rangers it's constantly blue hearts, teddy bear emojis and generally doing anything he can to get onboard with the Rangers fans. Ryan Jack has had full Pittodries booing his every touch and been given a lot of grief since joining Rangers. I genuinely couldn't care less if he gives a bit back when he scores or Rangers win a trophy.
  6. Looing back, I've still no idea what you're going on about. Someone joked that it was decent trolling by Jack. The original post was about Wright with pretty much all comments aimed at him afterwards.
  7. Don't think anyone mentioned Jack? He's had years of hassle, finally won something and is an integral part of their team.
  8. We'll see how much he enjoys it the first time he shites out of a 50/50 at a full Ibrox.
  9. Scott Wright absolutely desperate to be loved by the ****. Sad.
  10. That's it. Didn't listen to the whole thing, just the clips they chucked on during the day. If he did have anything positive to say about Cormack and Glass then he's been stitched up
  11. Was listening to the radio this afternoon and they had clips of whatever podcast it is the RedTV guys do on a Friday night. Thought Andrew Shinie was making several comments which could come back to bite his arse, especially if we hire Glass. The type of comments that you think are fair and balanced until you remember he's been an absolute cheerleader for the club, even more so when we'd been total shite under Derek at the end. Paraphrasing here. They did say the podcast is online but genuinely can't remember the name of it. On McInnes and Cormacks relationship - a bit of chat about how well Milne and McInnes got on and how much he was trust followed by something along the lines of "you don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure out they didn't get on" - there'd been nothing made public to suggest this until Derek left On Neil Lennon being a contender for the job - mentioned Lennon and McInnes are good mates. Lennon would ask Derek about the chairman to get his thoughts. If he does he probably wouldn't take the job. On Glass getting the gig - Hasn't seen any of his Atlanta games. Believes he is a possession based manager. Possession based football can be dull as dishwasher and sometimes long ball football games are the most entertaining. Really came across like someone going a bit too far to publicly back their mate. Yes, it's good to see someone from RedTV speaking the truth but he wasn't doing much of it when Derek was the manager.
  12. I'd love to think that a relaxation of the rules would make most just have a relaxed drink whilst they travel to the football but I genuinely feel most would just view it as anything goes. That's fair enough. No real argument here.
  13. Do you not think there was a reason why they stopped allowing supporters colours in most bars before matches?
  14. Wishful thinking. There's no real need for folk to throw drink down their necks at someones house before going to a party or out to clubs (those were the days) but we still do. If folk genuinely think being able to have a few watered down pints is going to calm the drink culture at football grounds then I think you'd be sorely disappointed.
  15. Are you for real? I don't even like Rugby. I've no need to defend it or their fans. Those examples are nothing in comparison to nonsense I've seen at football stadiums and no-one in the authorities ahs batted an eye.
  16. So after last weekends debacle you think drinking at the football should be encouraged?
  17. We could go on to AFC chat and find out how they feel about bans on the Ibrox disaster song or about Gerrard being an ***********. The result would be pretty grim.
  18. https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/sport/football/football-transfer-news/scott-brown-set-new-celtic-23704188 Looks like we were playing the long game to finish second next season.
  19. I find it quite interesting that you're asking if football fans are treated unfairly in general after the events of last weekend. You seemed to be in favour of the alcohol ban being lifted. Several people commented that Rangers and Celtic fan behaviour under the influence of alcohol would likely see that put in the bin before it's even given serious consdieration. You disagreed. Less than a month later fans of your club destroyed memorial benches, were firing fireworks from the middle of crowded areas, pissing and shiting themselves or masturbating in full view of the general public. This is in celebration. We're then told by prominent members of the Scottish football media that it's out of order but it's also understandable. Is it? If Scotland were to win the Rugby World Cup would we see scene anywhere near on par with that? Unfortunately the game of football attracts the dregs of society. It's always going to be viewed this way until they find something else to follow.
  20. It's of particular interest to folk like Willy so he can laugh at Rangers when they finish third.
  21. I guess they hope it drives discussion. Rugby is the national sport of Wales. You ignore this point every time you use some sort of violence in Wales which is linked to rugby as an example.
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