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Dan Steele

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Everything posted by Dan Steele

  1. Mother in law of serial failure Murdo Fraser.
  2. Giving us the privilege of watching early rounds of the FA Cup on bbc Scotland
  3. Since watching the profile of Woody Guthrie on bbc4 the other week I've been thinking about Vigilante Man. Will Kaufmann, who was talking about Woody, does a damned good cover of it and Ry Cooder's take is superb but I've just played Razamanaz by Nazareth and have to say, their version is brilliant. Then I realised this album came out in 1973 so definitely fits this thread. A great old album to revisit.
  4. King L - First Man on the Sun
  5. Joe Jackson Band - Beat Crazy
  6. I'll go for a Wednesday Westminster Meltdown as Corby and May put together a Brexit "plan". This to be followed by both parties having all out internal fighting and splits. Neither leader wants European elections after the local elections results.
  7. One thing the music of Steely Dan does is divide opinion! I love the incredibly well crafted songs and the musicians Beckerand Fagen got on board. I've enjoyed all their output through the years and on to Fagen's solo work. When it dawned on me that I was being introduced to jazz I was astounded. Yet the clues were there from early doors. It took me a while to make it out but the opening line from Midnite Cruiser on the debut album is 'Thelonious, my old friend' so the jazz roots were already there. Bit of a shock as I thought it was a rock album. Well, I guess it is but genre crossing and boundary crossing as ever. Always something new at every listen as pittsburgh phil says.
  8. I thought the Falkirk thread was the place to go for daft stuff.
  9. Sharon Jones & the Dap-Kings - Long Time, Wrong Time.
  10. Jings, they never had exciting modules like that when I was at Uni.
  11. Your 'bowl' is as watertight as the arguments for staying in the Union.
  12. Howlin' Wolf - Mr Airplane Man
  13. That'll be Adrian Ivory, poster boy of British farming, from Strathisla farms, since his role in an Asda advert. I'm fairly sure his farm is best known for pedigree cattle.
  14. That seems a strange thing for Wishart to do. His blog of this reads like a CV but for a vacancy that doesn't exist. The blog sets out 10 points of things he sees as being necessary to reform HoC and make it fit for the 21st C. I wonder if it is a wind up but meant to highlight how out of touch Westminster is and get discussion going? It will also keep his profile high if indeed a GE is approaching. Still, it seems a very odd thing to do.
  15. mood for dancing. Sorry, I have a tendency to finish other folks sentences.
  16. Would be a great end of day party if there were soldiers on exercise in camouflage gear in Monikie woods.
  17. The Waterboys debut album. As good now as it was on release.
  18. That's all it took! The Dan also had a wee run in with Keith Jarrett over a sample of his on Gaucho. Well, if you're gonna borrow, borrow from the best.
  19. I try and avoid Billy Joel songs but love Steely Dan, so was intrigued by your confusing those two. Just listened to Innocent Man, well, the start anyway. Definitely similarities. Both owe a huge thank you to Horace Silver's Song for my Father.
  20. She'll be in trouble if Head Office hear she's thinking of curing the sick and needy.
  21. It's definitely a worthy talking point when two players of exceptional ability are the subject of rumours of a move to a lower league. I'm with you as to JW's ability to bring in excellent replacements. He'll no doubt also have a few ideas to add to the nucleus.
  22. That advert for Snickers with Elton John is really annoying but that wee 'rapper' at the end should go straight to the People you Dislike for No Proper Reason thread. Won't stop me buying a Snickers, mind.
  23. Josh Ritter's Fever Breaks is a stunning piece of work. Well crafted songs, some great guitar work, excellent musicians and excellent production. Well worth a listen.
  24. Jeez, their backers must have access to a shed load of money. Sustainable?
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