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Dan Steele

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Everything posted by Dan Steele

  1. That's a great review. Better than some in music mags. Maybe not a classic but it was huge in its day I had the misfortune of listening to Demons & Wizards by Uriah Heep yesterday. That certainly hasn't aged well. Avoid.
  2. I certainly don't want to see him go. The worrying thing is that this rumour about him leaving has been doing the rounds for good few weeks. Clarity needed by the Forfar management, I say.
  3. To be honest, I don't know about the contract status of our guys. It'll be interesting to see who signed along with Ashe. Totally agree Easton would be a stand out.
  4. Kelty seem to have a fairly slick operation going on. There's certainly money available for the manager to spend so I'd expect some well known faces joining their ranks for next season. Just hope it isn't our lads but if they are going I'd be hoping for JW to have some equally good, but hopefully better, replacements. Maybe Kelty are just checking out a number of teams to see who is willing/available to move.
  5. Surely an indy Scotland in the EU would be the larger market than an rUK running around like headless chickens trying to get trade deals one at a time?
  6. Tweeting pish like this, eh? Pretty focused on the day job, I'd say - "Tonight, 12 of the 27 EU member states that will decide the UK’s future have populations smaller than or similar in size to Scotland’s. If we become independent we get to sit at that table - enjoying the same solidarity shown to Ireland - instead of being sidelined by Westminster"
  7. Hope the next piece of paper she picks up is her P45.
  8. Are you sure somebody hasn't swapped your Dracula book cover for Pride and Prejudice?
  9. If the article had said they 'made a donation to a community football club, Partick Thistle and the Yes movement' we wouldn't be discussing it.
  10. A classic from the BBC and how they frame debate and set the parameters - in the report about the Weirs who are getting divorced "defended making a donation of 1million pounds" to the indy fund from their lottery win. "Defended". Something the couple believed in and BBC turn it into a bad thing. Obviously just "making a donation" doesn't suit their way of seeing and shaping the story.
  11. Are they "jobs" or figurehead positions for the company that employs MPs? Clearly they don't work 9-5 so their input is minimal. The amount paid, obscene as it usually is, must be worth it for the company or it wouldn't do it. Of course it is a "business deal" to open doors for the company. Is it illegal? No. Does it cast the politician in a poor light? Probably
  12. You can't leave it hanging like that. More info needed.
  13. Blackford's performances on TV, in the Commons and the positive reaction from many down south meant this was always going to happen. Wonder who'll be next to have The Mail treatment?
  14. That's quite a statement. Just a feeling, a wish, or are you an in-the-know trusted SNP adviser?
  15. The Bourbon biscuit was created by the sister of Jack Daniels. It was served with a shot of Jack's whiskey and usually dunked. The tradition lives on but in coffee shops with those daft wee biscuits.
  16. Didn't struggle with the concept of black & white as much as Michael Jackson, though.
  17. Thing is, seminal means "containing new ideas and having a great influence on later works".
  18. Followed by Corbyn and May doing The Marx Brothers "party of the first part" routine.
  19. In no particular order - Dr Feelgood - Down by the Jetty Television - Marquee Moon Talking Heads - 77 Robert Palmer - Sneakin' Sally Clash - self titled Roxy Music - s/t B 52s - s/t Donald Fagen - The Nightfly Peter Gabriel - s/t Cocteau Twins - Garlands
  20. Probably doesn't matter how Brexit unfolds as the No parties will use that type of argument anyway. I'm hopeful that the Brexit debacle and the conduct of Westminster will have many No voters at least giving an independent Scotland more credence when indy2 comes along. If people still think this is the best on offer I'd be surprised and hugely disappointed.
  21. Is it not SNP policy to only accept Customs Union if freedom of movement goes along with it?
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