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Ray Patterson

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Everything posted by Ray Patterson

  1. The Highland League are more than happy enough to go with 17 teams (have done so before) next season so Fort will definitely have to beat BOD (they won't) to stay up. Wonder if they would invite applications for an 18th club though (apparently put feelers out to BOD 3 years back) in that case and didn't accept FW - which would be very funny.
  2. Can't see it - they'd make the league 14 teams instead of relegating Aberdeen
  3. Really don't think that's too bad actually. Monday night in May sounds pretty decent actually.
  4. Also worth noting that the NL match is effectively a Euro 2024 qualifier as well - that game could be played in October?
  5. Very interesting musings from Invergordon that they are keen on getting a club licence to go for promotion in the years to come. https://www.pressandjournal.co.uk/fp/sport/football/scottish/4132004/invergordon-set-longer-term-goals-for-shot-at-play-offs/?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social
  6. Must admit, I'd be putting money on St Mirren finishing in 11th and losing in the Playoff, really do seem to be in freefall - very similar to Hibs in 2013-14.
  7. IIRC That was a community council - and it was in Torry which doesn't surprise me.
  8. This. Could end up having the non-entities of the Far Right stand which is quite scary tbh.
  9. Voting Lib Dem number 1 on my ballot - local councillor is very hard working and does a great job. Feel like voting Greens as 2nd purely so we can have more than the same four parties in the Council Chambers. Usually vote SNP but cba as I've never met either of my local councillors and they've made a c**t of the Olympia tbh.
  10. Got it in three today, absolutely buzzing with that
  11. Tbh Jeanie are more likely to be a Lowland League club than anything else.
  12. Nah the ML is the bottom tier in this part of the country.
  13. Suppose from a FW POV it's all about trying to get some confidence in the squad and pick up a few points here and there to try and cause a shock in the Play-off.
  14. No it was hypothesised as something that could happen - but certainly was not confirmed by anyone from the League.
  15. Redeveloping Dens and building a 3k seater stand on the "Derry" side (with the Derry end of it being safe standing) - would surely be far more prudent move than whatever the nightmare fuel this is supposed to be. Also, what's with the music - genuinely sounds like a Nat 5 Media studies effort.
  16. Sorry Dunfermline fans but I see far too many similarities to your team to our 2015-16 side that went down: Start the Season with a shit manager (Grant) and then swap for a bampot (Yogi) in denial Fans having a (rightful) go at the manager after getting humped by the club in the league with the smallest budget Lots of pressure in games without being to convert into goals and wins Not getting the break of the ball or a bit of luck (corners being awarded as goal kicks) A very shite Centre Backing pairing - Coll fucking Donaldson being the common denominator A goalkeeper that's prone to occasional howler Finding new and exciting ways to lose football matches. Having a special "our season starts now" deal to get a big crowd in only to not capitalise on it. Nothing against the Pars, but can't see yous escaping this.
  17. United need a win, Dundee need a win. 0-0 draw.
  18. Lochee United 2-0 Broughty Athletic - Midlands League Att: ~250 mark = Decent crowd with both Dundee teams playing tomorrow and Monday. Made it to Thomson Park today for the first time in a while for a decent battle between Lochee Utd and Broughty, thought Broughty had the better of the first half and definitely should have had a penalty, but created very little in terms of out and out chances. In the second half Lochee United were miles ahead and should have buried a couple of great chances, two good goals in the final 15 were deserved, and 2-0 probably was the right result to keep Lochee's slim title challenge going for another week or so. £3 for a very good Steak Pie and a Tea is also exceptional value.
  19. Made it to Thomson Park today for the first time in a while for a decent battle between Lochee Utd and Broughty, thought Broughty had the better of the first half and definitely should have had a penalty, but created very little in terms of out and out chances. In the second half Lochee United were miles ahead and should have buried a couple of great chances, two good goals in the final 15 were deserved, and 2-0 probably was the right result to keep Lochee's slim title challenge going for another week or so. £3 for a very good Steak Pie and a Tea is also exceptional value.
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