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Everything posted by Curmudgeon

  1. Board_stupid and Ziggy_The_Spider game drawn by agreement. It was pretty even throughout the game, but I was pleased to have defended well when I needed to without really threatening too much. Happy to take a draw against another strong opponent.
  2. Gcarlos9 and Board_stupid, game drawn by agreement. I was soooooo far behind in this game and the only way I got back in to it was due to uncharacteristic errors by my opponent. I could almost hear @Lokiturn the air blue from miles away. In the end I had queen, rook and a pawn, versus queen and 5 pawns threatening promotion. A draw seemed fair enough and was more than I could've hoped for earlier in the game.
  3. Dearyme defeats Board_stupid by resignation. Similar to Aim Here's recent game against Dearyme the post game analysis congratulated me on having made no mistakes. Although there were a handful of inaccuracies and that was enough to leave me in an untenable position. I'm taking some comfort in the fact that it came down to pawns and kings at the end rather than a full-on leathering against a heavyweight of the P&B chess world. Well played @Trogdor
  4. Eindhovendee defeats Board_stupid by checkmate. I threw in a customary couple of mistakes, but that doesn't take away from @eindhovendeewho was well worth the win. Well played
  5. Board_stupid defeats beef2711 by resignation. This was pretty even, although beef will be kicking himself that he missed a checkmate opportunity. In the end a knight fork which won a piece was the difference and would've led to a pawn promotion.
  6. That sounds fantastic. Disappointingly it's not one of BT's live games. I was at the Ohio State / Clemson semi final a couple of years ago and it was tremendous. Buckeyes to win by a couple of touchdowns I reckon. Enjoy
  7. In division A Board_stupid defeats PurpleKangaroo. I was very much let off the hook. I was in trouble after I overstretched and my centre collapsed. A couple of errors turned the game completely on its head. Good game @craigkillie
  8. It would have to be @red23. Compared to his current other half the Taliban's opinions and rules will seem refreshingly liberal.
  9. I was just coming on to report the same, but with a slightly different perspective. I was getting pulverised and was a bawhair from resigning several moves earlier, but decided to play it out as I had a slight threat down the king side. My king needed oxygen after getting chased round the board, but somehow stole a draw by repetition.
  10. 23 Lords, 19 Ladies, 14 Sirs, 10 Professors, 7 Doctors, 5 Masters and a Reverend. I'm refusing to go as it's not giving me an option to be a Colonel.
  11. I'm not sure what's least surprising about this post. That you've had a mishap that may have resulted in a broken rib or that you seem to already know what a speared lung feels like.
  12. I think chessbassguitar said he was dropping out for this season. Edit, although I might be talking pish and getting confused with him dropping out of the cup.
  13. Be on the lookout for cut n shut football clubs. Is there nothing safe from organised crime these days?
  14. Yes, definitely go, but if/when we score you have to celebrate with the full passion the occasion deserves. If you don't then you've let us all down. Greenies may be awarded if we see you being huckled out on the telly.
  15. Good news, but not very catchy. It would've been better to say that there's an imminent imminent.
  16. As Loki points out it probably should be a bye in the semis for someone as CBG beat me fair and square. Although if I'm included in the draw I'd be happy to play it out as a friendly if my opponent wants it as a practice game.
  17. It looks like it's more likely to be a morning of discussing cereal killers.
  18. The email attachment actually says to take excessive care when shouting, singing or celebrating. Excessive care? Therefore in the event of a goal I may cordon off my section of the terracing with tape and a few cones to allow me space to safely construct a sealable perspex box which I can enter. I'll then allow myself a small cheer and some applause to celebrate the occasion. After which I'll dismantle the box, and clear up the tape and cones safe in the knowledge that we're unlikely to score two goals in the one game.
  19. Good luck to my fellow diddy leaguers for the rest of the tournament@Loki @eindhovendee @Aim Here I've got a feeling my cup run is going to come to an abrupt halt. Good luck to @Trogdoras well, because of outright tribalism.
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