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Harry Kinnear

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Everything posted by Harry Kinnear

  1. If we could I would keep Mackie, Ross, Tait and Shanley. There is a lot to be said about the togetherness of this squad and although if everyone is fit Mackie, Ross and Shanley wouldn’t be starters I think they are all good squad players who can offer something off the bench. Whatever John decides though I will trust him.
  2. Don’t think they are on sale yet, they all say coming soon, exactly the way I felt at the final whistle yesterday
  3. Loving the Invincibles range in Greaves sport, @Bairn in Exile did you not design they T’shirts with team on the back.
  4. If I manage to lift my arse off the settee today to go get a can from the fridge that will be a great achievement
  5. I couldn’t face that the now pal, maybe later
  6. Oh Lordy, why the f**k is my head so sore. Falkirk I love you
  7. Enjoy your day GB, there could be singing in the old Railway Club tonight
  8. Hope that horrible c**t Doncaster doesn’t come near our stadium tomorrow.
  9. I was early 70’s BigBr and I couldn’t agree more. The style of our play has been superb this season, edge of the seat stuff and attacking threat all over the park. When I was a kid in the 70’s watching us at Brockville in front of around 1000 fans, I always knew that in the future we would be in a new stadium playing a game in front of 7000 Bairns with Ultras and pre match displays when if we avoided defeat we would go through a season undefeated I’m a lying b*****d by the way
  10. I agree, I honestly feel like this is the moment I have been waiting for all my life supporting Falkirk. I would say this is the best the 50 years of following them has given me so far, Jefferies era was superb but for me this is better. Don’t get me wrong, a Scottish cup win and I would die a happy man but I’m enjoying this so much just now.
  11. Being honest folks can’t believe the way we are just now when you think of where we were end of last season. Everything about the club is good just now retail, sponsorship, team, management, fans, podcasts, board, Ultras, all our stars signing extensions, it is just brilliant. Hats off to all the folk who have worked so hard to get us here, you are all stars. After so may tough years the Bairns are riding the crest of a wave and long may it continue.
  12. Giving out contract extensions is the way ahead. We’ve been doing the same with our top performers like Morrison, Yeats, Spencer etc etc. It’s only right that you guys should give your ace management team long term contracts, it stops all they bigger clubs stealing them from you.
  13. The timing of this is perfect, give the fans a wee treat the night before the big day tomorrow. I’m 57 but I honestly feel like a 5yr old the night before Santa visits
  14. I’m the same, my thoughts are f**k being cautious just go out and attack, we are well capable of out scoring Alloa if our front men do the business.
  15. Yeah, new App looks really good. It’s even got our hospitality tickets on it for Saturday. Club really is moving in the right direction now on every front.
  16. The downside of the Championship, between that lot and Morten way more wallopers to contend with on here.
  17. That’s mine, the Wife’s and Granddaughter ST’s bought. Cannot wait for transfer rumours, new strips, fixture list etc etc
  18. Yeah I wouldn’t chuck it if we were playing shite either, I would probably have done that 50 years ago and saved me a lot of pain through the years. I think a lot of folk made comments after the Airdrie game but I think it was all heat of the moment and they are probably all eternally grateful we stuck with the management team now.
  19. I wasn’t alone in my thoughts at that time and I know a lot of other Falkirk fans who have followed them home and away for years who didn’t renew after the relegation to try and force through change at boardroom level, I also know of people who sponsored the club that withdrew that support. I wouldn’t stop going if the team were shite but at that stage I honestly feel if we hadn’t voiced our concern and showed we weren’t just accepting the atrocious way our club was being run then we might have still had that board and not be on the upward path with a forward thinking board and fan ownership that we have today.
  20. I never renewed my ST the first season we went down in protest at the way the club was being run and it’s amazing how quickly you get out of the habit of going.
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