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Andy groundhopper

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Everything posted by Andy groundhopper

  1. My first covid19 game today in Bristol was Almondsbury 2 Wincanton 1 in the Western League (step 6) temp check, hand sanitizer and give your details. One way system around ground, distancing marked out. Teams had max 6 in changing rooms at one time, no showers. You could get a drink in the cricket pavilion/clubhouse, overall a fairly safe place to be. Att only around 50+
  2. Excellent strides forward by the EOS clubs, having regular midweek floodlit games a real boost for the game in Scotland. hope the fans turn out in good numbers when we're allowed back in. Will try to do some more East clubs when I return North, can't wait ! Seen many games in England under crap lights, must have passed ground grading tests somehow
  3. The Scottish guidance was fairly close to some of the English stuff, think the clubs will work really hard to make things work , they've impressed me with their ground improvements so far. Positive 100% . Then it's up to the fans to make it work as well, following the guidelines. Believe the move to senior status has changed attitudes for the benefit of all.
  4. Bit more FA Cup stuff from the horse's mouth, away club used both changing rooms whilst the home side changed in the clubhouse, with no showers being used. Lucky it wasn't a mudbath . Some decent crowds up to the maximum 150, so plenty of room to distance and stay away from your mates etc. Variants on how the players turned up, just getting on with it I imagine.
  5. Seeing as the Junior Cup has almost disappeared, this must be the biggest cup for the majority of clubs now - maybe some preseason rounds in the future ? Doesn't quite have the same pulling power as the JC, but with the prize of a new set of kit (a guess) and a couple of too, what a cracker. Bit like the Nation's League trying to be important ,but doesn't mean much yet. Give it time eh
  6. No idea but guessing most football secretaries, board members, volunteers etc are 40-50+ Just going by my experiences down south tbh. Seen a few clubs fold due to a lack of help, all about commitment.
  7. Probably Junior blazers I know,but I'm guessing that they have a bit more knowledge regarding the Senior Leagues, with the extra paperwork involved etc.Be good if some younger folk could learn the ropes in readiness to step up into the hotseat. Sure there's loads to learn about various protocol's etc and the 'inner workings' blah blah , maybe they are just short term appointments to get things up and running.
  8. Me again, FA Cup stuff : some clubs did temp checks, track and trace, had extra stewards inside ground to encourage distancing, contactless payments, really tried their best. Yate v Bristol City sold out online, max 600, collecting cash on the way in apparently - thought money was risky ? Be interesting to see how the County League do things as they are basically railed off pitches, we'll see.
  9. From last night's FA Cup games, players came in cars (wearing masks, windows open supposedly) some had 10 minute changing windows, team talk on the pitch. Fans mostly bought tickets online up to day before, track and traced, max 20 in clubhouse, distanced, all following a one way system. Showers were available afterwards but players were told to be quick - can't be 100% sure, just what I've been told from what I've seen, fans weren't distanced that much.
  10. Plenty of fixtures down here in England, the FA covid19 risk assessment form can be seen/downloaded showing what clubs have to do. Not clever enough to put a link on here ! Some bits are interesting, others just ridiculous. Worth looking at though.
  11. Think some clubs/players just want to play and think they're not gonna catch anything - we go to pubs so who gives a F is the attitude , not every club though. Unless something happens to your family , guess some folk are blinkered and don't see the risks. Every fan wants to return to watching asap but it's not our decision to make. Hopefully nothing happens down in England with the non league restart next week. Shall be trying an FA Cup game on Tuesday, see how things work.
  12. Just say that the OF eloped to a different league, how would fans want the spfl to continue ? Would it be reorganized, two divisions maybe ? I've always felt that there should be quite a few youngsters who will never make it with the big 2 - but would be brilliant for other clubs. Would fans return, knowing that they have a better chance of winning things ?
  13. Parks level fixtures down here in Bristol are due to restart in September. Reserve teams, whose first teams are at County League level, are the only ones so far - no council pitches being used yet. Heard it's a maximum of 6 in the changing rooms at one time - doubt that will be enforced strictly ! Don't know how they'll cope if they can't use showers during the winter months.
  14. Maybe a solution s for the OF to join an Atlantic, or a Big Club Elite League - to leave their Reserve,Colts players to take their place in the SPL and see how they cope. At least you'd still get the Scottish games Inc the OF on TV with the financial benefits. Maybe it could go like the rugby union and produce 2 new teams with regional names or something daft. (Ospreys, Dragons etc)
  15. Excellent news then, priority has to be to complete the league fixtures - luckily the number of 3g pitches will be a real bonus to clubs. Going by the weather alone,the HL will always be a different case. Think there will be a decent number of midweek matches, perfect for yours truly, being selfish for once
  16. Think that so long as clubs can prove their intentions, then most leagues seem to have a period of grace, say floodlights within 2 years for promoted clubs etc. Any ambitious clubs should have lights and cover as their short term target, seeing as covid19 has had an impact it's brilliant how clubs have progressed with groundwork.
  17. Bit like the other mob in Bristol who went bust in 1982, their fans claim it never happened and they are the same club.Who cares As to the ongoing Junior membership for next season, will there be any benefit to clubs who are now senior grade ? apart from the Junior Cup. Could the Scottish Amateur clubs ever step up to junior level ?
  18. The way covid19 is affecting things, the travel between countries could make leagues a non starter. Maybe some sort of British League fitting in somewhere in the pyramid. Just think : North Division Sunderland v Celtic / Rangers or Plymouth v Sunderland, obvious I'd say. Now the EPL are almost out on their own, guess things will change further in the future. I'd go for an Icelandic League of sorts.
  19. When are they planning to start ? 16 games is about 4 months football give or take a bad winter. Common sense as 32 games is a bit stiff starting after October.
  20. Put your money into Darvel, amass a good squad for the level you play in, do some work on the ground. Hopefully the money will continue to come in, and the crowds get behind the club. Being based in Bristol I've no idea if all this is an ego trip etc, good luck to the genuine Darvel fans. There,about as positive as I can do !
  21. We have some games set for September in the Bristol and Suburban League ((below county level) with games for Reserve teams, whose 1st teams are in the County League. These dressing rooms aren't massive, so must be a plan of the maximum 6 at one time. Will look further into the Suburban League rules etc to find out their guidelines.
  22. Can't ever remember this being a problem when you had proper Reserve team football (good old days) Surely if the OF finish 1st and 2nd in spfl2 - I would guess the majority of the players would then be ready for the 1st team, and how many promotions would they get ? Never end up in the SPL so the idea doesn't work for me. Give the young guns a run in the cups, that's fair enough.
  23. Think traffordab and all the followers stopped it, evil fundraising and the greed it encourages ! Just happily gave £ after yet another arson on a football club, Hang em High
  24. Going by some of the friendlies played around Bristol, been told that it's a maximum of 6 in the changing rooms at one time, can't find out if the showers are being used yet, but there's supposed to be loads of cleaning and sanitising going on as well. All a gamble to play, see how it goes.
  25. Agree, 1) the juniors overall were brilliant, run by loyal hard working volunteers. 2) the juniors have a super history, going back years with many great clubs. But his anti senior, awash with money ruining the game, scum now running his clubs, etc is way over the top. The same great clubs have turned Senior, have progressed already with the grounds, a bright future ahead. Just enjoy the game eh
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