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Andy groundhopper

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Posts posted by Andy groundhopper

  1. Watched a few games from outside the cage,not very enjoyable to be honest. Guess the least would have to be a permanent barrier and not just a rope, hopefully all fans and clubs use common sense next season. Maybe it'll be like the kid's barriers they use at games,just portable things. Suppose the probable lack of numbers at games makes this slightly unimportant ?

  2. Excuse my ignorance but are all the grumblings coming from clubs who would have got relegated anyway, bar for a Lazarus (think that's right) type finish to the season ? I know that great escapes DO happen, and clubs make late surges, but come on. Maybe a side clear at the top could refuse promotion coz they'd get whipped in the lge above - don't declare us champions 😱

  3. As with Sky and the EFL, they did loads of love games on the red button - couldn't something similar happen ? A tv season ticket sounds good,as people can't get to every game, I'm guessing most games can be found somewhere on the internet etc ? Sure that the 1 camera will be ok,just like the old days.







  4. Should be making a film about Hearts soon, farcical letter, sounds like you have to be rich to play in the Fantasy League, stuff the rest of them. Yes next season may have to be almost an 'interim' until things return to some normality - definitely won't be sustainable behind closed doors. Why can't Hearts concentrate on winning the Championship first-time back ? 

  5. 21 hours ago, Sergeant Wilson said:


    The testing of players, whether grounds are suitable, the transport thing, etc just things like that.Sorry for confusing everyone 😷 the crowd number was based on the German figures for their games. Shall try to explain my comments better in future,remember I'm English !

  6. 21 hours ago, The rocket said:

    Who are these clever people? What one in particular do we believe?

    Suppose for clever,I guess the scientific folk with supposedly all the answers to covid19 etc. They seem to steer the government into making decisions (maybe wrong)  and announce when things can be done. So long as the clubs and players feel safe, then I'd be happy to watch games. Being 58 I'm nearly Inthe 'old' group I guess !   

  7. 8 hours ago, The Mantis said:

    Funny you should say that. It's always seemed obvious to me that Robert is one of those polite old English gents who loves Scotland, has spent a lot of time here, but has a very romantic view of the place. The giveaways are the stories about all his nice holidays, frequent patronising references to 'wee drams' and telling us that crossing the Minch can be quite rough or that Shetland is 'well worth a visit'. Andy doesn't come across as such a wannabe. Mind you he has years of non-league study ahead if he wants to catch up with Robert James 😂

    Thanks,have the English knowledge of our game from parks to Prem - probably trying to take everything on board too quick re the Scottish stuff. Where do you find the exploits of Robert James, sounds like a tourist guide ! think the guy will have me in tears. Won't be getting any dreamy stories from me, just interested in the Scottish game at all levels ⚽

  8. 17 hours ago, BingeDrinker said:

    The shambles at senior level is all about self interest because of the financial implications. That comes first before the actual good of the game however I dont see where self interest comes into it with ayrshire committee?? Theres no financial gain involved in how they split the leagues. Their only thought is fixtures by trying to ensure leagues arent finished too early or late. They cant win because they wont ever please everyone. Someone will always have a gripe. People come on here and moan but I have been to my fair share of league formation meetings and no one says a dickie bird. They just patiently wait on the cup draws. The 2a and 2b leagues turned out to be disastrous but I was at that particular meeting and I recall just one person who expressed his views against it and it was unanimously voted in! They ask for input but very rarely have I seen any given. 

    The next agm and league formation meetings will be the most important ever and let's see if there's people who will help the committee out with ideas. I wont be holding my breath. They will wait till afterwards and then take to a forum for a swipe at how big a c**t of it they made 


    You're 100% correct, my comment was a general one based on running a club down here in Bristol.  As you said,plenty of grumbling followed by silence - go on,say it to someone's face, found that the best way !  Haven't seen many amateur games in Scotland yet, will get round to it asap.

  9. Almost like the chicken and egg - back to some sort of reality or wait for a vaccine. Only been a few months yet the UK seems to be on its knees, desperate to return to something. Guessing crowds of 250-350 are ok for most lower clubs- but it's the whole challenge of putting a game on that seems to be awkward, lack of leadership OR lack of answers.


  10. Unless things change quickly, guess the only questions are 1) will the players want to play and 2) will the fans want to go ? The speed the changes are being made to boost the economy, and the way the idiots reacted to 'freedom' , I think the lower level of football will be the last to return - unless someone takes a massive/stupid gamble. Gotta trust the clever folk I guess.

  11. Camelon v Newton Grange 1-1 back in 1997, decent pub near the ground, thought the ground was a good old fashioned one,and remember that we had stayed in one of the pubs in Larbert (mate a Stenny fan)  Loved the Scottish non lge scene ever since. Proud clubs and passionate fans.

  12. 12 minutes ago, gogsy said:

    Anyone want to run Andy groundhopper through the current amateur set up in Scotland. :)

    Thanks,I know quite a bit, don't tell me it's a crooked set up,confusing as hell, with lges and committee's full of egomaniacs etc etc. That all sounds so familiar, sadly !  Anyone recommend any good books on the whole affair or shall I ring the asylum ?

  13. Think as we approach a possible 'next' season,it's fairly clear that everything will be run on less money - for whatever reasons. Be it SPL east and west,just to save Hearts of course, more clubs going part-time as I can't see the same number of generous sponsors being involved. The spfl shambles - makes you want to approach Disney and see if Mickey Mouse would help. Bang their muddled heads together in shame ! !

  14. Knowing how these leagues/committee's work then it's very difficult ! Go on,be brave and do 12/12/10 /10 just for the next season, should be ok to play around 20 games with some cups. Show me a committee who work for the good of the game - not self interests, and I think I'd collapse !  Think things may change when most of the senior schools are back open, see how they work.

  15. All this sjfa / junior cup chaos is real fantasy stuff, if and when the 19/20 cup is completed - is there really any future for the junior cup ? Maybe a pre season tournament to decide who gets the Scottish Cup place would be enjoyable ? Only an idea,sure the diehards will be aghast. Maybe a future Junior Cup could be for the amateurs in the levels below, a real big scalp for those clubs. 

  16. Being English I'm interested in both the Scottish and English FA being shite, how the FA treated the lower lges by null & voiding was pathetic, just make a decision you clowns. PPG all the way down, at least you'd know where you stand. Find the Hearts thing comical, the way the Premier Lge are moaning about neutral grounds etc, let's see what happens when we lose clubs after covid19. 

  17. Not read every page of the SFA handbook yet, if there are any problems with the licensing,what could be the outcome ? 1) clubs given a stay of execution 2) could they ever be relegated/demoted and 3) is there a time limit when work has to be done ? (end of season/by next season ? )

  18. On 19/05/2020 at 11:53, traffordab said:

    Does this guy ever have a day off from self promotion. The damage has been done the reputation is terrible no matter how many pr exercises you go on. 

    You could fed the starving 5 thousand and still not come over well with many people. 

    Certainly winning a popularity contest on P&B, as he's so anti everything I wonder what football he'll be watching next season ? Must be East Juniors and below, so against change I bet he still pays 1975 admission to get in. Should give him a radio show, we'd be in stitches 😀😀

  19. If the West can get 20+ teams that's brilliant, giving the kids a genuine pathway, where it wasn't possible at their youth club. So long as the youth clubs still run sides up to adult then great. All gone quiet on the negative side, obviously money hasn't changed hands or ex junior clubs stealing players  away etc. Just as I thought. How long before someone mentions a name change to celebrate the tie -up between clubs ?


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