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Andy groundhopper

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Posts posted by Andy groundhopper

  1. 10 minutes ago, rockson said:

    English League 1 and League 2 team supporters are just as opposed to Colt teams in the EFL as fans of lower league SPFL sides (and others) are up here..

    Agree,we see the lack of interest with the Premier babies playing in the Caribou Cup. If the young bucks want to play in the league, get out on loan and grow up quick ! 

  2. 53 minutes ago, glensmad said:

    Hey, there's nothing wrong with black and white. emoji469.png

    Quite right, I turn the colour off on my TV in a bid to get a cheaper licence. Can't imagine watching Bilko or the Marx Bros in colour ! I know they think it's for everyone's benefit, imagine Reserve teams in the English Leagues, oh the uproar !

  3. 2 hours ago, NCAC said:

    Kelty and brora are going nowhere the so called pyramid has taken another kick when its already down on it knees. 

    I've maintained all along the so called pyramid had a very difficult time pre pandemic to become credible now post pandemic it will only become impossible .

    A horrible blow to those who blindly follow the pyramid train and the bandwagon jumpers. 

    This will not end well at all with those in charge and the clubs in the spfl who will make Johnson and co and the junior grade seem like the model of integrity and competence. 

    That's it then,stuff the lot of em and bring back the progressive ambitious Juniors, that's what we really all want. 👺 No one really wants to join the crumbling pyramid and move forward, they were all bullied by the Mob 🔫  Let's go back and pay 6s to get in, and watch everything in black & white. 

  4. My best wishes to everyone who has lost a family member to covid19, hopefully it will soon be behind us. I'd be ok going back to a game, the mask and gloves compulsory ? Sure that a crowd of 4-500 has enough intelligence to stand apart and obey all the rules. Maybe we all need to be tested as insurance, let's hope the deaths decrease asap. All down to the clubs and players really.

  5. 3 hours ago, LIVIFOREVER said:

    Can you imagine the scenes next season, if the leagues gets called early again, but this time the bottom Premiership team stays up and the Championship team sitting top doesn't get promoted, and Hearts were sitting 15 points clear at the top of the Championship. Citing that it would be unfair to relegate anyone.


    Ann Budge would have to go against all her reasons for how unfair it was on Hearts, being relegated this season.🤣

    Naughty but nice, just when will their tiresome appeals finally end ? Hope the silly division splits, play-offs or whatever just doesn't happen, all very boring. How about doing a rugby union type thing, leaders are 20pts clear, then do a top 4 mini LGE only for the leaders to f**k up - hilarious.Imagine Liverpool doing this ? I'd laugh.

  6. 5 minutes ago, classof2010 said:

    Do you actually believe that emoji23.pngemoji23.pngemoji23.pngemoji23.pngemoji23.pngemoji23.png

    Now I don't know what to believe anymore ,I took it all as gospel truth (stupidly)  when it was all announced. Think I'm going into meltdown, but it all seems that regarding the WOSFL  and it's relevant tiers, the SFA just can't organise the proverbial piss up 🍺 As said by other posts, New league,new rules.

  7. Be interesting to see what happens when the pub's re-open, if the distancing is still in place,whether teams would bother. Yeah players could turn up in their kit, how about those who don't drive ? The costs will be very important to every club, it's around £75 a game down in Bristol, once you start asking £5+ just to play, gets difficult. Hoping every club survives and that the players stick around,even if it's next year.

  8. 2 hours ago, Junior Pub League said:

    There are no Junior clubs in the West of Scotland - not sure why you find that difficult to understand.

    Finding it difficult to let go of the 'junior' tag, like losing a relative. Maybe the new West U20 teams will give all clubs a chance to build up without throwing the money around. Hopefully once the dominant teams win the lge and move up the pyramid, then maybe the divisions will look a bit more even,giving everyone a chance to shine.

  9. Given that 20/21 is likely to be different to normal, would it be reasonable for the 20 team division to be split into two 10 team divisions,18 games plus cups plus bad weather p-p games maybe easier to fit into a later start. Also as it's just the Conference winners who go up, will most clubs be happy with this until the divisions are sorted ? 

  10. Correct,the colts already play in the cups, England & Scotland,not set the world alight yet. Why should they be shoe-horned into the spfl ahead of the likes of Kelty,Brora ? Put the young pups down the lges, imagine em playing there, where tackles are still allowed - rather than the tippy-tappy non contact stuff. 

  11. Hopefully the EFL meeting this week will bring this sorry saga to an end, how about some leadership from the FA clowns. No doubt PPG will upset some, a decision should have been made to cover all football. Maybe it's back to Div 3 North and South like the old days, if only for a few seasons to give all a chance to rebuild.

  12. Only a quickie, the Irish FA statement on the Amateur forum is interesting and sensible I think- least it gives an insight into how training could be re-introduced. At least its a positive start eh. Now back to the Tut v Glensmad confrontation 💣 how are the judges scoring ?

  13. The Irish FA plan appears sensible regarding a return to training,all the hygiene stuff in place etc - still have the unknown of who may be infected though. Guess you let them  give it a go, and see if anything crops up after a  month or so. Be helpful if there was an affordable and reliable test everyone could buy, of course.

  14. 2 hours ago, hague said:

    there already is a european youth league

    That the one that Rangers Chelsea etc play in ? If that be the case, then why stir up the Colts thing all over again. Realise that someone wants to be the saviour of Scottish football, just needs a different outlook from maybe people not currently involved in any club - maybe wrong.

  15. As with all big clubs,they attract fans from all over but when it's either development/reserve or FA Youth Cup in England,then they couldn't give a damn. Go and create some European Colts LGE then the big boys can run and jump, or maybe the Icelandic lge have a few spaces to fill. If the big clubs had say 4,500 for home colts games then they may have a (basket) case.

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