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Les Cabbage

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Everything posted by Les Cabbage

  1. Good shout if you want continuity, would extend Lennons legacy of bottling big games
  2. That was some day out, and the fact it was such just makes me miss the football and away days even more. Got the train up early doors, absolutely steaming before kick off, missed Doidge’s goal getting a pie, left the game after it went to 1-1 because it was obvious what was happening, back to the pub to find out it was 3-1 and played the worst darts that The Butchers Arms has ever seen before falling asleep on the train home and waking up at Waverley absolutely perplexed. Give me us being pish and us being able to go over challenging for Europe and watching from a laptop any day, miss the halcyon days of being able to travel about Scotland watching my team. The one positive is that I’ll never need to watch Adam Jackson play football anymore, scored a few headers at set pieces but was a truly awful footballer, found it absolutely mental that some folk rated him.
  3. Alex Gogic had to isolate and missed a call up for Cyprus in August due to a false positive. Assume the rules are different with different governments etc but surely there should be standard rules across all of UEFA to stop inconsistencies like these arising.
  4. Players passing the ball in the final third instead of trying to shoot even if it’s 4 attackers vs 1 goalkeeper, I mean, it’s about time.
  5. A cup final that if we reach we won’t be able to attend and if we win we won’t be able to celebrate. The reason we all follow football is to be able to go to see your team play at the big occasion and to be able to celebrate when things go well, if you take that away it really doesn’t mean anything for me. As I said before, by all means play the league games in the hope that we can build foundations and even get a European trip for next summer but football without us being there to celebrate or even being able to get together with friends and loved ones for the day just isn’t football if you ask me.
  6. Pleasing to see how rattled you are by my gargantuan club tbqh.
  7. I’m sorry but that’s absolutely nonsense sir. Countless times he had touches that took players out of the game, one of our better players along with Hanlon and Tory boy Newell.
  8. The pubs aren’t open, can’t be at the ground, can’t go anywhere to celebrate if we win other than staying at home, pretty depressing if you ask me. As someone who’s attended just about every game home and away for years this really means very little to me. Would happily take a loss in this game to win the next couple of league games and get more chance of a European trip next summer but that’s just me. All that we’re playing for is bragging rights, prize money and the right to gloat over social media, give me points towards a trip away next summer over that any day of the week.
  9. Appears the bookies are even less excited than I am for this, which is some effort. 1-1.
  10. Excitement for this is basically 0 if the pubs aren’t gonna be open, no sure I’d want us to win a cup and no be able to celebrate it, least excited I’ve ever been for a derby and FWIW I think we’ll win.
  11. That retro video club will go far...shame about the drummer being ugly
  12. You’re saying there’s only 2 genders? Can’t be that tolerant
  13. We’ll have a bit of a patchwork team for this. Doig in isolation and Stevenson injured I believe? Hanlon could be repeating his Scotland heroics at left wing back again. Newell and Wright injured aswell I think, Allan unavailable, Murphy injured. With that in mind I would go Marciano McGinn Porteous McGregor Boyle Gogic Hanlon Mallan Magennis Doidge Nisbet Unless we go 4-4-2 and put Gullan in for McGregor with Hanlon at LB I don’t really see another option tbh.
  14. Would like to apologise for doubting Andy Considine. Declan Gallagher has to start against Serbia. McTominay actually might be able to play centre half. Ryan Jack was the best player on the park. John McGinn was John McGinn, sensational. Best Callum McGregor has played for Scotland. Lyndon Dykes, the Scottish/Ozzy Jan Koller Ryan Fraser actually looks like the player that the English Premier League see McBurnie good off the bench aswell. Paul Hanlon gets a cap. I’m not getting carried away but......we’re going to do it, aren’t we?
  15. Assuming we’re keeping the same shape this is how I’d go, Gallagher may well play ahead of Porteous but I’ve gone with the assumption him and O’Donnell will get a rest. McBurnie deserves a start after he looked good off the bench on Sunday.
  16. Ah - was misinformed there, even more of a joke that some of our supporters are claiming refunds then.
  17. It wasn’t announced 5 minutes before the game it was going to be AI. The SPFL paid for the clubs who don’t have their own cameras at games, if most of these clubs had to do it themselves they wouldn’t have any cameras at all.
  18. I know it’s AI, just meant the system wasn’t great but as I say in my post, what do people expect?
  19. Bemused at the weird Hibs fans on twitter/Hibs dot fucking net demanding a refund from a part time club during a pandemic over £12 fucking 50. The camera work was rubbish and it was down for 10 mins or so but what do you expect? Weirdos The game, bleugh, incredibly boring, will take the win and passage to the next round, a lot of players out but was disappointed with Doidge/Mallan who didn’t really stand out, the rest of the starting XI you could at least say weren’t fully fit or were out of position, Magennis looked okay.
  20. Missing 11 first team players but still plenty senior players, wouldn’t be outwith the realms of possibility but suspect we’ll win. Suspect our team will be Barnes Hallberg Gray McGregor Mackie Boyle Magennis Mallan Gullan Doidge Nisbet Barebones on the bench though with only Shanley and Stephen McGinn having played a game for us.
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