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Everything posted by LatapyBairn.

  1. Think there are approximately 8500 seats but obviously for a gig they can sell the pitch as standing tickets as well then also fill the corners in with temporary stands bumping the overall capacity up a good bit in comparison to what it would be for a football match.
  2. This comes across very desperate, you’ll obviously have nothing to worry about next season in this case and will be 20 points clear of us at the top of the league before Christmas time. Leats see how it pans out.
  3. Agree with the sentiment however depending on overheads an academy does bring pressure to make that big sale each year to pay for itself, it’s something we need to bare in mind as our new youth programme grows and develops. In the years where the academy does not produce the club need to make sure its overheads are at a level the club can sustain without the need for player sales, being reliant on the sale of players for big fees will always potentially give somebody the convenient excuse they need to pull the rug as happened previously.
  4. Problem here is there is absolutely zero evidence that the new BOD have been anything but professional, nor is there any evidence anything is leaking from boardroom. You seem to be creating problems that don’t exist.
  5. Could you quote a few of these posts please? I’ve only ever read general speculation on here that youd expect on an online chat platform regarding the McGlynn appointment, never anybody claiming “they had it on good authority “
  6. Now we are having to explain the concept/meaning of a rumour to this guy!
  7. You are just making things up now, numerous posters have tried to explain things to you but you seem incapable of absorbing simple information. McGlynn is out of contract and on the face of it Falkirk have done absolutely everything above board if the speculation is true as appears to be. There is zero evidence of any “leaks” by the Falkirk board if you have evidence to contrary please show me? Fans speculating about McGlynn, Murray, Wright ect is all perfecty normal on a online chatter page! It does not mean somebody from Falkirk, Raith Rovers or Mcglynns camp have leaked some top secret confidential shit they shouldn’t have! Please accept this in the way everyone else has and shut the f**k up! You are either clueless or have some kind of agenda against the new guys running the club because you seem hell bent on discrediting them without any evidence or substance.
  8. Can you show me where anybody has claimed to be ITK and said they definitely know for a fact we have went for McGlynn? All I have read is guess work, speculation or people suggesting who they think we are looking at or who they think we should be looking at. Fans are allowed to offer an opinion on who they want as manager FFS!
  9. Do you have any evidence of this confidential information being leaked from within the BOD, I’ve honestly heard nothing other than rumour or opinion on here, even at that I’ve not read anything where somebody has claimed to be 100% ITK but fans are surely allowed to speculate and discuss? Is that not the point of an online forum? One of the things I’ve liked about the new BOD is that it appears a very tight ship with nothing leaking out until it actually becomes official (look at the MR appointment as an example, absolutely nobody seen it coming or predicted it) and they announce something. Who specifically on our board do you think is leaking confidential info? Could you show me your evidence for this please?
  10. If Murray wants to wait until after the play offs I’d rather we opted for one of the other candidates, we can’t afford to hang about waiting on the off chance Airdrie stay down (presuming that’s Murray’s thinking) especially if a McGlynn or a Tommy Wright is available and willing. Of the three I’ve mentioned I actually think McGlynn is the one that fits the job criteria best despite the fact I’ve always found his personality a bit abrasive.
  11. Not sure where you’ve seen “years” being quoted to sort out the mess but it’s certainty not a 5 minute job. As an outsider looking in the obvious things on the surface of it the new BOD need to sort out other than the football team would be issues like our shirt sponsorship deal that we are now tied into, if it’s true no DD was done on the company and we haven’t been paid that has to be a big priority as it’s a major source of income. The pitch has also been allowed to overrun its lifespan so money will have to be found and something done there, we have players singed up on three year contracts many of whom a new manager will want to shift to free up budget so negotiations need to take place there, small things like the hard core car park rear to the south stand has been allowed to deteriorate with huge pot holes everywhere and the council pulling us up for it (although I do see it is now being sorted) , dealing with the mess Fergus and Holt left the new youth set up in ect ect. I’m sure there is a lot more going on behind the scenes that needs sorted as well which we as fans don’t see or notice provided the first team is winning, if they can just get that bit working first and win some games of football it gives the new BOD some breathing space and time to sort the rest of the mess out.
  12. Agree it COULD be turned around in one season but it would take a fantastic effort with everything having to fall into place very quickly, if you take into account Dunfermline, Kelty, QP and possibly QOTS will all be full time and have similar or larger playing budgets to ours. For us to win the league we need the next manager to be 100% on it from day one, we can’t afford a bad signing or a project type player, we’d also need a bit of luck with moving out players under contract to free up wages and a bit of luck with injuries over the course of the season. I’d say it’s possible to win this league but probably now more on the unlikely side and I certainly no longer have us down as favourites as would have been the case in previous seasons. We may as a group of fans have to try and be patient which is obviously a bitter pill to swallow have already been stuck in this league 3 seasons.
  13. Suppose it does not effect his ability to manage a football team but for anybody not wanting McGlynn simply because he has one of those abrasive personality’s it would surely then equally if not more so put said person off wanting Wright as manager? At least as far as the the likability factor goes based on this anyway. If he engages in such antiquated, backward, borderline bigotry in his spare time it hardly gives the guy a glowing character reference. Looking purely at the CV McGlynn does ticks all the boxes.
  14. The numbers in the FSS really need to increase to make a meaningful difference in my opinion. Fans have been given a fantastic opportunity to own the club and make decisions for real change yet many seem content to moan and complain from the sidelines rather than contribute and help, Greenock Morton have a similar fan ownership scheme and have double the numbers we do despite having a smaller fan base. It’s kinda embarrassing to be honest and says a bit about the attitude some of our fans have. Hearts, Motherwell, St Mirren are all fully or partially fan owned and have a far larger percentage of they’re respective fan bases contributing as well.
  15. Have you been hiding under a rock the last 18 months?! The MSG no longer exist with most of them gone or shareholding vastly diluted, our single major shareholder is actually the patrons group owning 26% of the club followed by Rawlins who has a similar shareholding and I’d guess the FSS may well now be the third largest shareholder depending on how many shares they’ve been able to buy thus far. SA’s shareholding is not only vastly smaller than it was he has nobody sitting on the BOD representing him and has shown zero interest to be actively involved in any way, shape or form. I can assure you there are no “puppets” in there. Who on the current BOD would you say is a Sandy Alexander puppet out of interest?
  16. 4th season yes, the first season I actually think we’d have went on to win that league or at worst go up via the play off. The covid season being called early really wasn’t t kind on us.
  17. Ian Murray, Tommy Wright, McGlynn, McIntyre, Alan Johnstone have all been speculated on. Even Jack Ross has been touted by some slightly deluded fans
  18. I think any manager at this level would want DG, they are very single minded and all most managers will think about is winning games of football. As an example Miller/McCracken, Holt, Rennie all wanted to sign him for Falkirk we are told, Gary Deans actually said (if you chose to believe the little toad) at an EGM the board blocked an attempt to sign him previously. It is probably one of the very rare instances where a clubs BOD could argue they have the right to interfere in which players a manager should sign but in general I think a manager should really be given a free reign on how his budget is spent, if he then signs a sqaud of shite it’s on his head.
  19. I actually agree he does have a “personality” that makes you automatically dislike the man, but on paper his record at this level is as good as anybodys. I’d happily suffer him if he got us up and re-established us.
  20. The job he has done at Raith on a far smaller playing budget than Falkirk have been operating with would suggest he’s a more than capable manager at this level. If winning the league with Raith then having them in the play offs first season back up makes him a dinosaur I’ll take a dinosaur at Falkirk right now if they could achieve a similar outcome with us!
  21. I take everything I read on here with a pinch of salt regardless of how “factual” the post claims to be. I do enjoy reading the various snippets of info and rumour (it passes the time) but until something is made official most of the time I’ll treat it as merely rumour or bullshit depending on the poster. I think some on here happily post things as “facts” when in reality it’s something they’ve been told Chinese whisper style by a friends aunties 2nd cousin. Its simpler just to say where the info came from and let people make they're own minds up on how much weight they think the info holds.
  22. I’ve no idea, it was actually a Hibs supporting friend of mine who knows Murray and his family that passed this on, although he’s not the bullshiting type like most things I hear “through the grapevine” I still take with a pinch of salt anyway.
  23. I think you’ve more or less hit the nail on the head. Initial contact was made with Murray indicating he wasn’t prepared to discuss anything until the play offs were concluded, I also don’t think he was offered the job outright either with Falkirk also speaking to one other candidate who is currently out of work. Having said this I’m told Murray is indeed very very interested in the job.
  24. In YOUR opinion they may not be credible but I doubt many agree with you in regard to this clarity point you seem to be pushing, surely they can’t announce anything until things are finalised regarding management or playing staff ect, I don’t see what is unusual about that. What exactly is it you want them to clarify that isn’t already clear? I presume a manager will be announced when a deal can be agreed with one, players being released will be announced at the end of May after contracts expire, early bird season tickets prices normaly then advertise about June time. (Incidentally, don’t know if you’ve noticed but online football forums do indeed tend to be inhabited by a decent percentage of “bullshit merchants” as you put it, they are hardly renowned as a font of verified, factual or reliable information with many posters simply engaging in opinion, wind up or downright agenda driven bull shit.
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