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pub car king

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Everything posted by pub car king

  1. That game still haunts me more than any other for club or country. Scotland had been shite for years before but that campaign they were on fire. The games were great, all the home ones were on a Saturday which just made a better day out as opposed to fans trying to get to hampden on a week night. In reality we shouldn't have shat the bed in Georgia and we wouldn't have had to hell for leather against the world champs. What was really soul destroyingbwas that we fell away after that campaign back to being shite.
  2. I think the coaches behind the scenes at stark's and Kelty have worked wonders with Mendy. I think he will get caught out by better teams but he is looking like a new player.
  3. I reckon behind the scenes the handover is done. Trump is now no more than a squatter who is on notice
  4. I did find it strange they picked that photo for the tag.
  5. This is brilliant it's like a slow painful death for the c**t. The longer it drags on the more unhinged he will become. I hope they can drag it out over the weekend just for shits and giggles.
  6. Postman has been. Its a pretty close copy of the original. The only bit that's slightly out is that they have printed the sponsor on as opposed to the flocked print that the original had but ultimately who really cares. I'd say it feels marginally roomier than the cup final one and the sleeves are definetly in proportion now.
  7. The fact Fox news of all people are now calling states before others is a sign that he is utterly fucked.
  8. I think his presidency (which will surely only be 1 term due to him being old as f**k) will be about calming shit down and bringing a bit of dignity back to the job. There is a lot of division in the states and its going to calm and patience to try and work through it. All Trump has done is wind people up and cause utter carnage. I'd get the military to run through these fuckwit wannabe militia parading around with machine guns.
  9. The Rock is great and played for laughs. I go along with it being a Bond film as well.
  10. Andrew Neil is a massive dong, however they have sweetened the deal with Katy Kay the demanding looking milf.
  11. This is a bit of an acid test albeit a very early one. Win, lose or draw its going to be about the performance to an extent and how we compete with Morton which will hopefully give us an indication of where we can finish. This is a bit strange considering we're unbeaten but there are mitigating factors so far. The Arbroath game may be that new season bounce new teams get. Queens are pish, Dundee took their foot off the gas on Saturday.
  12. Where the f**k has Hanley come from? Other than that as expected, but of a blow for Nisbet but there are arguments it's not the game to try someone new and obviously the loss of his father last week.
  13. Nisbet has scored relentlessly for the last 2 seasons at 2 different levels and is scoring regularly this season. He should be a bolt on for the squad. Craig Gordon definetly should be in there as well. He is an experienced international goalkeeper regardless of him being 1st, 2nd or 3rd choice to start.
  14. Funny he should choose to wear navy blue to East End.
  15. If the club made 15k from selling the cup final shirt surely this emphasises what a key revenue stream merchandise should be to the club. Yet we have sold out of this seasons tops months ago and no movement. I really applaud commercial initiatives like the retro shirts and all involved for thinking outside the box and putting their money where their mouth is. However the club need to get onto the retail store as a full time priority and not just leave it to others. I'm sure 15k is a lot more than we would make from getting punters through the gates (if that was allowed) on any given weekend.
  16. Yeah I had the original it fitted lerfect apart from the sleeves, they were like a tent.
  17. Vaughan is missed potential really he has the vision and the skill to comfortable play at championship level. The injuries have fucked him up though and if he can have a career after these he will be doing well. I think he will be one that retires early as the wear and tear is already a key factor, hopefully he can have at least another 10 years playing. I'd love to see him have a run in this team especially linking up with Hendry and Tait.
  18. I fir one am all for this swashbuckling approach to games. Our defence is still a concern so let's just pile into teams.
  19. We're having a shit tonne of work done on the house at the minute. Essentily its a normal cat flap with 5 tunnel extensions, grand cost of about £35.
  20. This never ending tunnel of a cat flap has been put in for the boy due to some new glass doors arriving which made the previous one redundant. He's now having a vigil outside said glass doors in the pissing rain
  21. Hendry is very one footed, I mean its a great foot but its probably why celtic let him leave.
  22. I think we have options at the back either a 3/5 or a flat 4 which is a miracle after recent seasons where the squad was weaker, definetly need to find cover for left back. Midfield is strong as expected and will hurt a lot of teams this year both creatively and protecting the defenders. I do wonder of Vaughan will be used sparingly and anywhere with a ropey pitch will be skipped completely.
  23. How was big frankie in the second half? Manny Duku is goingbto cause havoc this season.
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