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pub car king

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Everything posted by pub car king

  1. Wtf was with the last 5 minutes you knew the juice would go tits up then that fucking methadone c**t at the end
  2. It' on my list to get watched is it worth watching
  3. It's exactly the same just no bonus prize 9 months later
  4. Similar for me 2 kids both of which had absolute horror stories with the birth and complications afterwards. Plus you can pump away without any fear
  5. f**k sake in 18 months into a bare back extravaganza now I have to be mindful that this is a possibility
  6. Looking at a new car small hatchback potentially on a pcp deal. Seen a new skoda fabia for £175 a month with a grand down and £2500 scrappage for my old diesel astra. Has a few vag cars in the past no issues. Any recommendations good, bad, kick it in the pie
  7. A real issue with the ground is the lack of parking at the front. Unless investment is in the railway side and it can be fully accessed from the away end and utilise parking there.
  8. This pitch thing and looking at other avenues if revenue and better utilising what facilities the club can put in place has been needed for years.
  9. I'm no having someone recommend carling. Will try the IPA though.
  10. League is getting interesting it' a case of who can f**k up the least. We seen to stutter and stumble but grind out results. Ayr are all or nothing either run up a cricket score or fall flat on their faces
  11. Quick question T fans I'm out tonight in darkest englandshire, what' the closest thing to vitamin T will be going to a few brew house hipster type places.
  12. c***s that jump the line should be bludgeoned to death by everyone else patiently waiting in line.
  13. c***s who drive the fucking things and can't get it where it's meant to be at the time it's meant to be there. About 6 months ago I found myself on the last bus out of kirkcaldy at about midnight (I know). Anyway there were about 3 other damned souls on this moving fucking nightmare and sure enough some utter jakeball sits across from me then proceeds to tell me he's pished himself and duly staggers up to show me his own personal Niagara falls moment on his jeans. I decided it was a nice night for a walk and bailed out about 3 stops earlier than planned.
  14. I like Buchanan I think he' a decent player the issue is we have a lot of forwards already and it's difficult fitting them all in. In a strange way Buchanan would probably score more if we were a worse team where he was playing beside some big donkey because he would be the main strike threat.
  15. I'd settle for drawing the away games don't even want to win. By the sounds of it smiths had another howler
  16. We're in a shite league any pace and physical strength gives you an advantage.
  17. I think in fairness the club knew f**k all about this recall he was getting used in the publicity for the ayr match. However it is complete shitbaggery from hearts.
  18. Queens park should tell them to f**k right off. Hampden as a venue san the sfa's team is more than capable of being run as a profitable business in terms of concerts and facilities. Plus the sfa will end up renting scottish cup games with the old firm as I can' see murrayfield tolerating their shite more than once.
  19. The thing about the Smith signing is we have one of the tightest defences in Scotland so that's the argument to keep him. The fact I could play in goals and still have a decent record seems to be neither here or there.
  20. Yours for a cool million. In reality it'll be 25k and another shit striker on loan.
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