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pub car king

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Everything posted by pub car king

  1. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/66099981 Oh no what a shame
  2. Showing the mechanism of injury will give a clearer insight into a number of factors such as but not limited to. The force of the impact, how the player fell and at what angle, if their studs dug into the pitch, how they got up from it. How many players have we had recently where an injury has allegedly been treated only for the player to break down again or suffer complications. Any bit of insight is helpful.
  3. this is worth a watch, goes into all kinds of stuff in including sorting out set pieces and also using video footage to diagnose and treat injuries.
  4. To be fair kia's come with a 7 year warranty which sounds essential for your needs.
  5. You'll need a cold store as well for the barrels, if you put a pump in its really not much more bother to have 2 or 3 dependent on space.
  6. Thought he was a stick on for St mirren. Anyway league 1 in England will be a good barometer of where he is at. The fact they've presumably gone after him again is good and he should get game time.
  7. I don't know specifically about the arona but the ibiza is a solid car which I think its loosely based on. I'm currently running a new shape leon which is decent apart drom a few glitches with the control panel. It doesn't have any buttons at all so everything is done through a touch screen or shouting "hola" at it.
  8. He'll end up getting freed by Hibs and will kick about the leagues unless a McGlynn type picks him up and gets the most out of him. First thing he needs is a reality check and to ignore anything his parents tell him.
  9. I see Dylan Taits move to Hibs is working out, gone to Hamilton on loan.
  10. I don't think you can technically buy an under 12 season ticket. You have to buy an adult ticket and then ask for however many u12s you need. If that's how they are counting it then 1400 sold and however many freebies dished out means a healthier crowd all being well. I'm currently sat 400 miles away from the fife riviera. For the locals is there any noticeable difference to Starks Park yet and are the club more visible around the town with advertising etc?
  11. Have they announced the singing section then, Or have I missed that?
  12. Ross is a good player when fit and he cause other teams problems, the issue is I don't see him displacing any of the current starters and so he's going to be a but part player until the inevitable injuries pile up.
  13. Might depend on whines available, so far we have had no Brown or Hamilton so can't play the 4231 so he's gone to the 4132 instead using Matthews as the preferred DM and a front 2 of Vaughan and Gullan. May be worth trying a 433 at some point as well? We also need to see some players really kick on this year Armott and Mitchell have been around for a while now and need some game time.
  14. Throbs, check out a film called Little children for your Winslett fix. Don't be put off by the title she wears a swimsuit and gets pumped on a washing machine. Probably not suitable to watch with your parents mind.
  15. The defence was the issue last year the amount of soft goals we let in. It was countered by having 2 sitting midfielders to help. Today we don't even have 1 playing. As creative and slick as we are going forward it's the same issues again you saw it in parts against Montrose. Another experienced CH is a must and some serious time on the training pitch to sort this out. In the interests of balance, the squad have only played 2 games together with rotating players and its a fife Cup game.
  16. It does look a bit staunch but I can see where they were going with the idea. This is the kit in question which would be a good retro to add to the list.
  17. Just had an email from the club about this with a link to "raith direct" which takes to the Livingston club shop.
  18. Typically if you bring out something as bold as this you normally temper it with a classic alternative kit such as a plain white effort.
  19. These are essentially if you want to win this league, it's no coincidence we were at our most successful in white socks and haven't been in the top league since we abandoned them.
  20. On a slightly related note, Where's the training kit and I thought they were going to sort out the online shop?
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