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Quentin Taranbino

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Everything posted by Quentin Taranbino

  1. Definitely not boring and thought the most recent episode was excellent and one of the best so far. It really has been an excellent season so far after a fairly mediocre second season with all the farm and Sophia stuff
  2. I suspect Bearer and Taker could both be inducted together next year in what will likely be Takers retirement in an inevitable streak match vs Cena
  3. Not sure if I said it was fantastic but I certainly enjoyed it for what it was. Thought it was fun, cheesy, action packed etc. Never gonna win any awards but thought it ticked most of the boxes for what I had expected from it (albeit that wasn't a great deal)
  4. Great video and good points made when out of character. Guess from the above the WWE are sticking with him then through to Mania at least
  5. Thats me up to date on this now (7 episodes) and this is fantastic! I urge anyone looking for a drama show to watch this, the violence and nudity just gets stronger but there is a really good storyline, a decent back story and interesting characters not to mention plenty gorgeous women its a winner all round in my book and one of the best new shows this year, and seems to have flown right under the radar
  6. Just watching the latest NXT episode and they have this fat masked luchador guy called El Local. On further reading its Ricardo Rodriguez! They are keeping the character seperate from his Ricardo persona. He isn't very good either
  7. Looks like Harrison Ford and Mark Hamill are both on board now from comments they have made
  8. Or have Taker interfere and have a fatal 4 way for title. Takers streak would be in serious jeopardy...
  9. They could swerve us all here by having Taker return next week to cost Cena the match setting up Punk vs Rock for title and Cena vs Taker
  10. Quentin Taranbino


    The standard of women in the latest episode was cracking: Rachel, Donna, Dana, Katrina... hell even Louis' bit of stuff Sheila. Not sure I could rate them in order...too difficult
  11. Ratings are 42% down for week two. R.I.P Community
  12. I would be surprised if anyone else on here has picked this new drama up yet, I myself only found out about it a couple of days ago and have only watched the pilot so far (started in Jan, 5 episodes aired in States so far) I'm already hooked from the first episode. - Lots of bad language and violence - Lots of nudity and sex scenes - A guy being killed by having a glass bottle of HP Sauce shoved right down his throat before having his head spiked by an anvil I would recommend checking out the first episode, its been renewed for a second season already and Sky Atlantic have today picked it up and will be airing in the summer I believe http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZCHGfmLenmc
  13. Apart from the last couple of weeks, they have in general done well with putting Cesaro over. He has beaten most of the mid card faces and beaten them all cleanly as well which is unusual in this era. Good wrestler, good look and would happy to see him pushed to the WHC later in the year. My 'fave five' at the moment in no order: Cesaro, Ziggler, Sandow, Bryan and Brad Maddox (great character)
  14. Boba Fett also has a bad ass lightsaber duel with Darth Vader I believe, set in between A New Hope and Empire and that's how Vader comes to respect and hire Fett.
  15. Nah I think the Boba Fett movies could be decent if they keep them as fun action movies and dont try and over complicate them by giving him a love interest and deep character background etc
  16. Quentin Taranbino


    Yip, still enjoying this (watching US pace) although its not the kind of show I really look forward to each week, it certainly fills a nice wee gap in my schedule. The main core 5/6 cast members are great
  17. I have read a few different critics reports now of the opening couple of episodes and it has been slated each time
  18. After further reading it appears to be conflicting reports on whether Boba Fett series will be set between episodes 4 and 5 or 5 and 6 or both. He is too old now probably to play a young han solo but I think Josh Holloway (Sawyer from Lost) would make a cracking Han Solo if they were recasting the original. Plus there is the JJ Abrams connection already there
  19. I think the Boba Fett films should be fun action type films throughout the galaxy, and as he is behind a mask, casting for him shouldn't be too much of an issue. The Han Solo ones will be different I feel as he was a main character, and casting and storylines will be crucial for those films.
  20. It has been announced by Disney that there will be two spin off series of films. One focusing on a young Han Solo and his smuggling adventures including meeting Chewie etc to be set before A New Hope. And the other to be a Boba Fett series set between Empire and ROTJ Thoughts?
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