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AUFC 1910

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Everything posted by AUFC 1910

  1. Step 1. Switch off camera. Step 2. Replace with iPhone. Step 3. Stream
  2. Mine has just given in - reboot the telly time!!!!
  3. For what it’s worth, here is my take on things right now. 1. Hopkins remit is to keep us up. It really doesn’t matter how he does it just as long as he gets the job done. 2. Hopkins style of play. I wouldn’t look too much into how he is playing. These are not his players and they have already let a previous manager down this season. Again, his job is to keep us up - not try to sell season tickets. 3. The players. Clearly not good enough as a collective from the first ball kicked this season - most will be punted, if that I have no doubt. 4. The moff. Not a striker and hasn’t been for a few seasons now, but has to be one of the best link-up players I’ve ever seen in and around the edge of the 18 yard box. Please keep and play to his strength. 5. Clyde. Was one of the very few streams I chose not to watch and went to Dunure instead. Should have used it as a training session. League safety is the one and only priority. 6. League safety. I’m confident that we can end up safe. With Kerr, we were on a hell of a run, and something had to change. Still got the same squad, so there is only so much that Hopkin can do, and he has won as many points as anyone could have hoped for considering the run we were on. 7. Rest of the season. All that we can do is cross our fingers and toes that the players, who we have berated the entire season, and who most know will not be here next season, will put in some effort for us - the fans. Doesn’t sound too promising when put that way - so I hope Hopkin plays those who actually show some ‘want’ to be here, and to play for Ayr United. Doesn’t matter what age or how many games they’ve played or not played.
  4. Film rights? Didn’t know they’re were making a movie of this fixture - buzzing for the extended blu-ray version with all the outtakes, warm ups and stuff
  5. Would be great to get to a safe position in the league (wherever that is) and to look forward to next season: Euros. Fans back. New supporters club. And maybe, just maybe, if we are all good boys and girls, K*ll*e in the league.
  6. Seems fair - get the next 2 rounds over at the same game - winner stays onl
  7. That was a top drawer performance from Raith and reminded me of Ayr at their peak under McCall. Has to be summer football surely to sort the pitches out, or we all have a Raith pitch!!!
  8. There is a way to conduct yourself through life. Show a bit of respect, maturity and humility. Sometimes saying less can speak louder. Poor show by the boy.
  9. I hope Zanatta isn’t named in the first team squad again. At a time when we are playing for our league survival and he puts that’s on social media! What a total weapon he is.
  10. It’s been said already but that formations is just shite. We have got decent players on that pitch that are looking to do a job. Not a fan of the manager, but plenty on here seeing the exact same thing.
  11. Imagine if we hadn’t picked up those 3 wins and 3 draws since Kerr left? Not that I’ve anything against Kerr, but it was definitely the right decision to replace him.
  12. I fully back Nicola Sturgeon to stop all football as of now
  13. The whole of the Championship is shitfesting it’s way through this season
  14. “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.”
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