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Ebanda's Handyman Services

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Everything posted by Ebanda's Handyman Services

  1. I appreciate the politeness when you are dying to post that you're pissing out of your arse. Hope you're better soon my man!
  2. Cannae blame you Stewarty. I'd be very reluctant to work Saturdays. I used to do a Saturday once every 4 weeks but the company let me change to a Sunday.
  3. I remember Carol getting them. Comparisons to when I broke my leg were not appreciated.
  4. Technically part of the roll is on the sausage. I've always thought that 'Roll on sausage' was a b*****dised version of 'Roll 'n sausage'.
  5. Gran Torino. Fan-fecking-tastic film. Extremely funny in parts too. 9/10.
  6. Try the last 4 digits of your viewing card number. Services - 4 for syst setup - 5 for syst details.
  7. My mistake. I would wear my glasses if I didn't look like a prize c**t. We dominated the game today. If the loan forward that we get in can get on the end of Smith and Williamsons crosses we'll be alright.
  8. Fair impressed with our new boys today. Starting line-up: McGurn - Once again pulled off one of the best saves I've ever witnessed. I'm certain his vision works in slow motion like a fly's. Wilson - Solid as ever without doing anything spectacular. Campbell - Big Sparky had a nice afternoon stroll in Starks Park. Don't think he lost one challenge. Murray - Like Campbell, Murray had an easy afternoon and looks more than capable of doing a good job for us. Ellis - Nothing much to do. Smith - Went past defenders at will and put a few fantastic, tempting crosses in. Looking forward to seeing more of him. Simmons - Couple of nice touches here and there. Always looking for the killer ball, could be a real asset this season. Walker - Kept it simple without doing anything spectacular. Williamson - Like Smith, Williamson was going past defenders with ease and he took his two goals well. Tade - Looked good. Should have scored quite early in the first half but tried to round the 'keeper and the 'keeper ended up making the save. Left the pitch with the Raith fans quite impressed I feel. Weir - Usual Graham Weir, chasing down lost causes and winning headers that you never think he's got a chance at. There was also a trialist at left back who had a solid match and Mark Whatley, Tam Graham and Lee Bryce all gave good accounts of themselves. Whatley showed some good touches and some well thought passes, Tam Graham fair let the opposition know he was there and Lee Bryce looked very good when he came on. I reckon we'll see a lot of him this season.
  9. I'm not disputing that but that time he wasn't being serious and you directed your annoyance towards the poster rather than what he typed. Fraser acknowledged that he wasn't being serious too. I reckon Reina would have let him know all about it if she thought he was being serious.
  10. Chill out man! I'm 100% certain that xbl didn't mean what he said maliciously.
  11. Are you past due date? Never understood that one myself. "Bend err hen, ah'm gonnae make ye no well" wouldn't get me anywhere either.
  12. Are you trying to induce labour? All the best if/when you are successful!
  13. Arrrrrggghhhhh! Wouldn't it be great if Tiger told them to shut the f**k up. He'd lose one fan but gain another in me.
  14. For The Win sounds really Americanised too. It sounds like something one of those nippy c***s would shout at the golf.
  15. Cheers Toma. Motherwell would have been pumped rotten if I had put money on them anyway. Just send cases of beer 'Well fans.
  16. Talking to my Dad about the football today I said that I fancied putting some cash on Motherwell to win 3-0. Forgot to put cash on and typically my prediction occurred. Anyone any idea what odds I'd have received on that correct score?
  17. It is a bit shite seeing this Billy big time attitude rearing it's ugly head amongst some of our supporters. The patience afforded to the team by the fans last season was a contributing factor in us ending up champions but now that we're up a division folk are expecting us to buy players outwith our budget?! Administration is quite a fanciful idea eh? Fuck sake! John McGlynn knows a player better than anyone on here and he's brought in players he obviously feels can do a job on what limited budget he has. I can't help but think that the folk who have us relegated already are being a wee bit over the top without actually having witnessed the way that McGlynn will have this group of players playing.
  18. We had about one millionth of the investment Celtic had yet we still fucked them over in 94. B) I also reckon that our loanee forward won't be too far off the top of the scoring charts. Funny things happen in football. Although I'm not suggesting for one second that finishing 7th is well outwith our reach. Good luck to big Marv if he is away.
  19. No. I think we'll be 7th at least. Good post. As has already been said, there are no teams in this league (Perhaps Dundee aside) that will simply brush us aside. McGlynn and Smith will have us competitive and I also think we'll surprise a few folk.
  20. Yessss!! That strip means business. Non of this fancy dan pattern pish, just RRFC colours. Thy will be bought.
  21. Fafc1885, my advice would be to go for older women. Get thrown around and shown around and then unleash your experience on some suspicious little tart around your own age and give her the riding of her life. Legendary status awaits thanks to that advice. Thank me later.
  22. I need football. I'm not trying to make out that I'm a big, manly mans man but I'm seriously missing watching my team and to a lesser extent, other peoples teams on the telly.
  23. The realism surrounding Raith fans both on here and in the stadium last year was fantastic and even the gaffer spoke of his appreciation regarding the patience that the fans afforded the team. Hopefully that'll continue in to the next season. Well said Nizzy, I'm sure you can see why I was a wee bit tetchy about the negative stereotyping of the Raith fans on here. Enjoy your season.
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