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Everything posted by ShaggerG

  1. Any Killie fans know who the infected players are?
  2. Can you tell us then how fit he looked in those games or if he was as good as he was before he left? I certainly can't.
  3. If you're referring to me then, for the avoidance of doubt, I think he would be a ridiculously positive signing, if fit. If not, there's not much point in signing someone who won't play, especially as he's likely to use a big part of the budget (assuming the deal wouldn't be externally funded). I do find it a bit weird though that, apart from Hearts, he hasn't been linked with anybody else, given his pedigree. As I said, I'm more concerned about Dixon playing at CB, given the number of goals we've lost in pre-season. I've obviously not watched these games to any extent so it may be a case of bad luck/not his fault/taking time to gel, etc. I do, though, think that he's a better LB than CB.
  4. Don't think anybody's moaning, just asking the obvious questions that I'm sure Miller & McCracken are asking too.
  5. Hopefully this is a stupid fuckin question but, how has Kingsley shown up in pre-season? It's hard to tell from the limited highlights but it's worth noting that we've lost a lot of goals in these games. Unlike a lot of others, I feel that Dixon's best position is LB so I'm wondering if Kingsley's been tried at CB or has it always been a case of Dixon moving inside when SK's came on? He may not be the player that left us due to injury.
  6. Aye, but the League season starts mid October and ends on May 1st so there's yer '6 months'.
  7. Don't think he did as I'm sure Francis had already signed at that point so we wouldn't be looking at bringing another forward in by then. Good chance that Miller and Kerr had a chat about him though.
  8. I think it's the guy we had on trial v Raith. He's got the same funny sticky oot hairstyle. We had two forwards on trial in that game and we signed the other one.
  9. Aye, I think that's it mate. Can you remember what their excuse was at the time?
  10. Aye, the new channel, which is what I thought. I'm sure BBC televised Sevco games right the way through their time in the lower leagues then canned that coverage once they were promoted with, as I say, some weak excuse.
  11. Then can you please remind me what the issue was with the Championship not being televised once Sevco were promoted? As I said, I can't remember, but I do remember there being some lame excuse at the time. I've never had BT sport and cancelled my Sky sports deal a good few years ago so I'm pretty sure that it was the BBC that was involved at the time. Also, is the BBC deal that exists now solely on the new BBC Scotland channel? If that's the case then that channel emerged after the Sevco promotion I'm sure.
  12. What was the reason that they gave for not continuing to televise any Championship games once Sevco had been promoted? I can't remember but do recall that it had nothing to do with the fact that they weren't in the league, or so we were told! Strange that they can miraculously start again now that a big team are back in the league!
  13. Don't think Mutch can play defensive mid. Just my opinion of course.
  14. That's the thing; can you imagine the can of worms that would be opened up?
  15. On the basis that the teams who don't participate would be 'demoted'?
  16. What, like the Vaulks that was playing do you mean?
  17. That's America for you! The recent pictures of folk queuing at gun stores (gun stores FFS) before buying an arsenal are truly concerning and all supported by Trump too. We need to be very careful that we don't follow the same route.
  18. I agree, it's awful, but I feel it's necessary unfortunately. The restrictions in pubs & restaurants allow people to sit in the required groups with no masks when eating and drinking (obviously) but masks should be worn when moving around the establishment or going to the toilet. Folk don't have to remove their masks while watching football so it makes sense asking them to keep them on. I don't know if they're not allowed to shout but it's likely that people will without even thinking so, again, masks will reduce the possibility of infection. It's all very frustrating but it is what it is I'm afraid.
  19. Aye, remembered those after I posted. Was it not from Sevco though, or did they get players from St Mirren also?
  20. Can you give us any examples of full time players that have been loaned to part time clubs so far?
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