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Everything posted by ShaggerG

  1. Made me think about who we could realistically get as a replacement for Sheerin? We'd be back to the same names that were mentioned just a few months ago and I didn't really fancy any of them other than maybe Stuart Taylor and look at the success he's having with Hamilton!
  2. Well, if you prefer Ruth up there on his own you batter in. I'm not going to the Raith game, so let me know how it goes,
  3. Look, there's no doubt that he's no Ronaldo, but there's also no doubt that Keena's a better striker than Ruth. Ruth's busier, no doubt about that, but he has little quality on the ball when it comes to holding it up and getting us toward the opposition box. We look more dangerous when Keena plays and, if we could actually give him some chances, I think he would convert more than his fare share. We have next to zero presence in the opposition box, we need to try something different against Raith and that would include Keena for me. (As well as Krasiniqi and Williamson)
  4. BBC stats show us having 3 efforts on target. I can remember Keena's free kick and Morrison's pass back but I can't think of another one?
  5. Aye, but not for any reason other than we won't be able to afford to stay full-time!
  6. You had one effort on target and that's all it took to beat us because we are absolutely pish! I think Montrose are probably the best I've seen this season, if you could go on a run I think you would have a shot at the title.
  7. Whimper. Totally unacceptable. Sadly I think Sheerin's time is up but I can't see where the cash is coming from to pay him off. We had the chance to really kick on but, predictably, completely blew it. Too many tanner baw players in the squad. Morrison, McGuffie, McDaid, Nesbitt, Ross, Telfer, Weekes, Ruth, all too similar while we've got nothing different to change things. The Montrose centre backs would have had a more uncomfortable afternoon if I had been playing against them. Ruth rarely challenged them and was often on his arse. My Granny would have done better and they're baith deed! Montrose thoroughly merited their win and I think they could be challenging if they can find some consistency. Free hit next week where he's surely got to try something different. Got to bring in Williamson, Krasniqi and Keena and play a back three. Won't happen though.
  8. Cheers I've been told that the barcode under the stadium plan on the confirmation email will be enough to gain entry. Big shout out to Laura in the ticket office for getting it all sorted!
  9. Managed to get Laura Craig to sort it out, they've been having problems with it. Ticketmaster have now sent an email but it's not got the big square bar code thing on, only the part with the plan of the stand. there's a bar code on that but I'm not sure if that's what the guy on the gate will need to let me in?
  10. Anybody else struggling to get their ticket today? I paid for mine last night but haven't had the email to let me print it. Tried phoning but the phones seem to be down as well.
  11. I think that's a bit unfair. Leo was quite happy manning the turnstyles until Hartley decided that he was a goalkeeper.
  12. You're right, I'd forgotten that he'd actually gathered the ball then let it go when he left the box.
  13. Likewise, Gordon Marshall, at East End, on Hogmanay, chucking them in. Canny remember that, maybe I wasn't there? I do remember that Marshall had a habit of charging out of his box to assault opposing forwards though. Often toward the bye line too when there wasn't much danger. Great goalie though.
  14. My abiding memory of Boaby was the time at Motherwell when he slid out to collect a through ball only to slide right out of his box then, realising that he couldn't handle it, he let the ball run by him to allow their striker a tap-in!
  15. With Morrison and Williamson back we should, in theory, be better however, I believe Williamson's scheduled to pick up an injury in the 2nd half against Montrose!
  16. I know exactly where you're coming from regarding the performance of the team this season. I'm certainly not trumping Saturday's performance and result as a new dawn because, you're right, it'll mean nothing if we can't build on it. I'm talking about your constant negativity. No matter the situation you will always look for the negative (which there are in all situations). It would be nice if just once in a wee while you could put a positive spin on things.
  17. No worries. TBH I don't think I've ever used the dampener line before so you may be thinking of someone else? Shadwell can definitely get on my tits though with his constant negativity. In no way am I saying that we were brilliant but Saturday's performance was at worst 'good' so it would have been nice if he'd acknowledged that but, of course, his default position was the 'Dumbarton are shite', we've played nobody yet' type of narrative. He'll never be satisfied, that's for certain! I probably am a bit more positive than most about the team and I don't really know why because the ironic thing is that I'm definitely a 'glass half empty type' in life. For example, just yesterday I discovered that the shower had been leaking and that some of the boards beneath are rotten. Now, that probably means that they just need replaced and the shower properly sealed but I've penciled in a week on Thursday to have the house demolished and rebuilt!!
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