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Everything posted by ShaggerG

  1. Any player that I've heard mention his name refers to him as 'Keena', I really don't think it's a leap to suggest that the rest do too.
  2. Don't be silly. I agree it is rare for a surname to be used in this way but IMO it's not being used in a derogatory way in this instance at all. If the players (most of whom would have known Keena closely before Sheerin did) refer to him like that then it's natural that Sheerin would too. The guy (Paul, not Aidan) has enough to worry about without double checking what he should be calling his players in an interview.
  3. Any tartan we want providing it's a sari matched with a chiton. Seriously though, I do think that Keena's name is used like a nickname as everyone seems to refer to him in this way. Might have something to do with Nesbitt having the same first name too? Either way I don't think it's something we should be getting wound up about.
  4. Aye, they certainly fecked up with that one. However, do the SPFL not realise that teams don't have to wear their away kits when away from home? Our home kit doesn't clash with anyone IMO. In fact I would say that the white kit clashes more with Montrose, for example, than the navy one does. I'm sure also that kits used to have to be approved at the start of each season prior to using them which would have avoided this scenario. I might have that bit wrong though?
  5. Most folk in the family call me by my given name, although I would imagine that some of those call me something completely different when I'm not there! Some friends and acquaintances call me by my first name, some by a nickname(s) I can't really think of anyone that calls me by family name. It is Popodopolouschaterjeesingh right enough (due to my Greek and Indian heritage).
  6. You do have a tendency to overthink things Duncan. Keena, sorry Aidan, isn't going to get a game then as the other players (not to mention the fans) obviously don't have a good relationship with him! Sheerin (should it be Paul?) calls him 'Keena' because everybody else does. His maw probably calls him Keena when she's telling him to tidy his bedroom!
  7. I think everyone agrees that the 1st half was possibly as bad as we've been so far this season but the 2nd half was a great improvement due largely to the formation change. Having said that I thought that EF were quite good, much better than I expected TBH. Surely to f**k Sheerin's got to realise that we're much much better with two up front. Ruth's a different player when Keena's beside him as the two hulking defenders (generally speaking) that he's up against have someone else to worry about. We don't look far away at all when we've got the likes of Nesbitt, McDaid, Telfer, Keena and Ruth running at defences and I feel that the latter two could form a right good striking partnership. Ruth's goal was a cracker. I thought that Hetherington gave his best performance for us, second half anyway. He was breaking moves up and actually found some Falkirk players with passes! I'd still prefer Krasniqi in there, but that's not going to happen. The defence was the biggest concern on Saturday. Lemon did OK but the rest were brutal, a more clinical team would certainly have scored more on the day. I can only assume that Dixon's still suffering the after effects of his head knock because he's well off it at the moment. Airdrie are probably one of the better sides in the league so I hold on to the hope that he won't react to that and revert to one up front again. Let them worry about us Paul, not the other way around!
  8. Christ, are we really staring to moan about what the guy calls his players? The other players call Keena 'Keena', as do the fans. Keens, Keeny or Keeno don't really work and, if I was McGuffie, I really wouldn't want to be called 'Guff' either! Don't know how Nesbitt or McGuffie wouldn't be described as his favourites either considering he picks them every week?
  9. I'm struggling to see how you could witness all of that from watching the telly Shadwell? I'm sure you announced that you wouldn't be back at one point as you didn't want to give the board any more money? Or am I just making that up?
  10. Would it be too much to ask you to stop talking shite?
  11. Oooh, Kilmarnock moved a railway line. Impressive!
  12. I don't think that's quite right. We'd never ever get everyone agreeing but I do think we'd get enough folk involved or willing to put their name to something that suggests a way forward. We need some ideas folks!
  13. I agree, so what is it that makes football managers SO FUCKING STUBBORN!!?
  14. I've just had another look at the highlights and 1) I don't think it would've gone in without Ruth touching it (may have hit the post) and 2) it does look like it came off his hand so we've maybe got away with one there!
  15. SPFL have given it to Ruth so that's the official line. I'm happy with that because the laddie needs a wee confidence boost and Sheerin needs to know that we need two strikers on the park!
  16. Many of them will never try a different approach because they won't be particularly bothered! I think I'm right in saying that there's around 1000 fewer ST holders than last year though so the BOD must know that folk aren't happy. It's crucial that we get fan involvement and, if the Rawlins are to be believed, that's what they want too so can we not try to get the NB offer back on the table? It's fairly obvious that the last round of talks didn't end well and it appears that there are people on both sides who don't get on and would maybe therefore be reluctant to engage again. Possibly an intermediary could get involved to try to get things back on track?
  17. I think Ruth touched it on the line although it would still have gone in regardless.
  18. Aye, it's going to be one up front sadly and it's going to be the one who doesn't score goals. Just got to hope that, now that he's off the mark, he turns into the next Denis Law!
  19. For me the second highlighted bit answers the first. We all want the same thing and need to find a way that, as a group, we can achieve it.
  20. I think it just confirms Sheerin's one up front formation.
  21. No need for the punctuation, it's a fact! To me, just my opinion of course, you seem to red dot anything remotely positive and green dot anything negative about the club. You also appear to be more abusive than most on the forum and, again, only my opinion, I don't think it does anything to galvanise the fans. There's no doubt that there's a lot wrong with the club at the moment and the BOD need to be held accountable. As a fan base though we need to be united in attempting change. I just don't think that your strategy is the way to go about it. Starving them of money is certainly one way and I think they must surely have noticed the down turn in ST, sponsorship, sales of merchandise etc. I haven't bought a ST for a few years now but I find it too difficult not to attend as I have for the last 53 years so I pay at the gate (well on line anyway). On the other hand though I can guarantee you that there are folk who say they 'won't give them another penny' and are very vocal on social media about it who have in fact either bought a ST or PATG. That does absolutely nothing to help! Perhaps using the word 'idiot' was uncalled for. Maybe I should have said misguided or similar so, for that, I apologise.
  22. That's a disgrace. (Not you emailing, the fact you got no response.)
  23. He wouldn't be a starter for me, could be a useful sub though.
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