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My boys trying his hardest to take little steps now, takes one or two then gives up, I don't think he's confident yet to let go fully. Any tips on how to help? He's not really interested in his walker or that he prefers to sofa surf and play! 


Here's him dressed up as Mickey. 


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We would walk Aila with one hand and another thing we did was sit facing each other about 6/7 feet apart and let her walk between us and if she fell we were close enough to catch her. He'll walk when he's ready though and I wouldn't worry about rushing it.

You want to be thinking of ways to slow him down from walking, believe me! [emoji38]

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1 hour ago, Rowan said:

My youngest didn’t walk until she was 18months old. Just leave him to it.

Fair play, I'm not trying to force it as such, but he's obviously lacking the confidence that's why I'm asking for advice, as he is capable he takes steps to each bit of couch without holding on. 

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Fair play, I'm not trying to force it as such, but he's obviously lacking the confidence that's why I'm asking for advice, as he is capable he takes steps to each bit of couch without holding on. 

This will sound daft but do you have any other toddlers in your social circle? Monkey see monkey do is massive with Aila. She threatened to crawl for almost a month but just couldn't get her other leg to go where she wanted. My mate brought his wee one round who had recently started crawling and after half an hour she had managed to figure out her legs for the first time. We were actually sitting there open mouthed when she did it, given we'd be trying to help her for weeks with it.

The confidence will come. Do you have carpets or wooden floors? She was a lot more cautious at our house (laminate) than she was at my mums (carpet). She actually took most of her big strides at my mum and dad's house and I'm convinced it was because falling down on carpet was less uncomfortable so she took more 'risks'.
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1 hour ago, 19QOS19 said:



This will sound daft but do you have any other toddlers in your social circle? Monkey see monkey do is massive with Aila. She threatened to crawl for almost a month but just couldn't get her other leg to go where she wanted. My mate brought his wee one round who had recently started crawling and after half an hour she had managed to figure out her legs for the first time. We were actually sitting there open mouthed when she did it, given we'd be trying to help her for weeks with it.

The confidence will come. Do you have carpets or wooden floors? She was a lot more cautious at our house (laminate) than she was at my mums (carpet). She actually took most of her big strides at my mum and dad's house and I'm convinced it was because falling down on carpet was less uncomfortable so she took more 'risks'.



Yeah, he interacts with my nephew's, and some of my girlfriend's friends have kids as well. We just moved house there last month, and got all new carpets. I know what you mean, in our last house we had wooden flooring in the hall and he found it slippy to crawl on never mind take steps. He's much more confident on the carpet, as you say it's less uncomfortable. 

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Is Aila pronounced like Eilidh with an “A” sound at the end of it? Or is it more like Isla?

Apparently it's supposed to be pronounced the same way as Isla but we don't. We pronounce it 'A-la'/'Eh-La'. We wanted a name that wasn't common but wasn't ridiculous either and one that was easy to pronounce. We thought we had ticked every box until we heard all the different ways folk tried to say her name [emoji38]
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I can understand some of the pronunciations folk have come out with but others are borderline stupidity.


One was 'Al-eh-ah' - so I assume they were just dyslexic and another was 'Ah-lia' - basically say 'A liar' without the R.


I've not heard it pronounced like Eilidh as you suggested so that's another new one [emoji38]



To avoid confusion, regardless of whether the next one is a boy or a girl, it's getting called Bert.


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3 hours ago, ThatBoyRonaldo said:

Most popular baby names of the year out today.

This news story makes me seethe every year without fail - imagine living in a world where pish like Noah, Leo and Harris are among the most popular names for boys and nonsense like Ava and Aria are up there for girls.


So what are your weans' names and how did you choose them?

BTW I agree on Noah, Leo, Harris and Aria but I quite like Ava.

'Logan' (which you didn't mention) is just pish, though but fits with a Scottish tradition of giving boys surnames as forenames.  When I was at school we had a Miller Graham FFS.

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So what are your weans' names and how did you choose them?
BTW I agree on Noah, Leo, Harris and Aria but I quite like Ava.
'Logan' (which you didn't mention) is just pish, though but fits with a Scottish tradition of giving boys surnames as forenames.  When I was at school we had a Miller Graham FFS.

I was keen on the name Logan but the wife was on to me so we went with Shaleum as our boys name choice. Had a girl in the end anyway.
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