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I mind going through a phase of the missus playing white noise in the bedroom when she was going to sleep.  Fucking hell, better that acid.  I started hearing all sorts of weird shit in the background after about 10 minutes (eg symphonic music merged with napalm death).

Need to get back on it. 

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I just spent the last 3 hours trying every trick in the book to get my little b*****d cherub to go to sleep. I finally managed it with the help of a white noise track on youtube piped through my bluetooth speaker into his cot. What happens next? Of course I get cold called and the wee lad is wide awake after having the phone ringing diverted to the speaker right next to his ear.

:lol: typical.

Before we bought this house we lived in a flat with internal stairs. If Bea fell asleep in the pram I would detach the cot part and put it on the landing next to the stairs, which had our house phone. I used to just leave the house phone unplugged as both my wife and I are in our twenties so who needs a house phone? On one particularly difficult day where I had to walk her round in her pram for what felt like hours before she finally drifted off I left her next to the landing as usual when after five minutes the fucking phone rang and woke her up (undoubtedly a sales call). I was so angry at that point. Turns out when my mother in law had visited she noticed our house phone was unhooked so plugged it all in again. Looking back that seems like the pettiest thing ever but at that point I was so pissed off. New house has no house phone.
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Our 3 year old granddaughter is messing about with the hoover, switching it on then putting against her arm, dress etc. She went to set it against her face and I said "No, you'll lose your eye." "Why, I've got this one (pointing to her other eye) Doh!"

(The hoover is now disconnected at the socket.)

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3 minutes ago, keithgy said:

We have the children reporters panel on Thursday to see if the kids are to stay with us full time.

Pardon my ignorance, but what is that exactly?
And what are the alternatives if you don't get them?

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Can’t believe my wee girl is now 2 and a half, next month she has her very first dance show.

Can’t believe she’s gone from a wee baby in my arms, to kicking a ball better than me and skinning me, and doing her first ever dance show.

One proud as hell father here.

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10 hours ago, keithgy said:

The social work have reported the case to them as they don't want them going back to the mother,they have no legal right to take child off the mother only the  police do.

Must be an awful situation for you and your wife (the kids too). All the best mate.

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10 hours ago, keithgy said:

The social work have reported the case to them as they don't want them going back to the mother,they have no legal right to take child off the mother only the  police do.

Best of luck Keith. Sounds like a shit business especially for the kids.

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8 hours ago, velo army said:

Ach I served on the children's panel for a while. It's all very compassionately done. I hope it goes well for you sir and I'm sure it will. They err on the side of stability and family. 

All the best.

Well, that should swing it in favour of Keith and June.

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2 hours ago, Jacksgranda said:

Well, that should swing it in favour of Keith and June.

Aye the way we’re trained is to keep the wean with the mother wherever possible. If that isn’t then it’s a responsible family member who is willing and capable. 

It sounds daunting, but it’s a panel of three laypersons who are compassionate and want what’s best for the child. It seems like that’s already in place. 




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3 minutes ago, velo army said:

Aye the way we’re trained is to keep the wean with the mother wherever possible. If that isn’t then it’s a responsible family member who is willing and capable. 

It sounds daunting, but it’s a panel of three laypersons who are compassionate and want what’s best for the child. It seems like that’s already in place. 

Very good but I'd hope there is someone with experience and knowledge involved as well. I mean in general.

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