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Weetabix is Cal's favourite breakfast - what I do is: he gets 2 of them (which is more of them than I can eat!) and I squish them up and then pour cold milk on top. Then I put it in the micro for 45 secs and it's the perfect temp for him. He's now feeding it to himself really well :D

a man of excellent taste. its mine also.

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I should maybe have put it in the microwave

If he's happy to eat it cold, there's no reason to heat it up.

Why are you thinking of decreasing the amount of milk he drinks because he's switched to cows milk? I've never heard of anyone doing that before.

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Maybe offer during the day then - just before nap time? Obviously every baby is different, but Cal has a breastfeed when he wakes up - half a sippy cup of milk mid morning, then a whole cup of milk after lunch/mid afternoon and a breastfeed at bedtime. That's on top of three meals a day and a couple of snacks.

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Nah he only gets milk in morning bottle, then breakfast then a bottle at bed time, he gets a yoghurt at lunch time and tea time

I think it's fair to say they're all a bit different. My son is slightly older than yours, at just over 13 months. We tried him on cow's milk when he turned one but he kept throwing it up, so upon advice we're sticking to formula for the time being. He was breastfed for the first 9 months, with formula slowly introduced after about six months as my wife prepared to go back to work. He eats jars sometimes, but we try to get him to eat our food as much as possible.

An average day goes something like this;

7am Bottle of milk 140ml

8am One weetabix or 4 tablespoons of porridge. A slice of bread, or toast.

10.30am fruit

12 noon lunch. Sandwiches, slice of ham, cheese, half a jar or some homemade food, some fruit, small yoghurt.

3.30pm Bottle of milk 140ml. Possibly a biscuit.

5.00pm Same as lunch

7.00pm Bottle of milk 200ml

There will also be a snack or two during the day, usually a biscuit or piece of bread. I know he gets plenty of dairy, but it would be good to get him on cow's milk.

The little bugger has just woken up as I type this; I think he knows it's time for some milk!

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No i havnt decreased it, he just didnt want any more than 4 ounces and usually in the morning he takes 7. I dont know if thats because of the change in milk or because he gets more fuller?

Apologies, I thought I'd read something about you saying that you thought he'd need less. My mistake.

None of mine drank less when they switched to cow's milk, they all just carried on as if they hadn't even noticed the difference. They're all different though and it wouldn't be surprising if it took your little one a couple of days to get used to it - if you spent a year drinking Irn Bru and someone switched it to Cola, you'd notice, wouldn't you? ;) It could also be that he's just not been that hungry for the last couple of days and isn't so interested. Once he's used to it, he'll be back to his normal amounts I'm sure.

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Found out earlier today that my giirlfriend is pregnant. Needless to say, I am shiteing myself.wacko.gif

Congratulations, I'm shitting it big style with it less than 4 months away, can't wait though.

I felt a kick for the first time this morning, put me in a good mood all day :)

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Congratulations, I'm shitting it big style with it less than 4 months away, can't wait though.

I felt a kick for the first time this morning, put me in a good mood all day smile.gif


I'm looking for as much advice as possible here. Do you ever stop shiteing yourself at any time before the birth?laugh.gif

Off to tell my family tomorrow,which for some reason I'm shiteing myself the most about.

Edited by Shuggie_Murray7
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I've only known one day, God knows how I'll last 9 months.wacko.gif

Look on the bright side, it's probably only about 8 months before it gets here, 1 less month to shit it.

Telling my family wasn't fun, mainly because it was so unexpected because of my age. Her family took it great though, were ecstatic straight away.

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