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Wee one was a but unsettled last night. She usually goes to sleep around 11/12 but it took her until 1am this morning to doze off. She then woke up at 1:30. PM. :lol: I think I've produced the laziest baby in the world. I absolutely love this child :D

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In The Night Garden is need to watch viewing,i have been signed off work with stress and having the wee man staying with us has been a god send.


Seemed like In The Night Garden was on constantly in my house a few years ago. The bairn used to go mental in her bouncy chair when Makka Pakka came on. That theme tune never leaves you either.

ETA: I think the folk that made it took a shitload of drugs.

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I was planning two as well, I've got three!

Theres 2.5 between first and second and 22 months between second and third. It's nice as they will play together. Bedtimes when I first was single mum with (left husband when weest 15months) them was a juggle but getting there now. Youngest can be jealous of other two getting cuddles and attention.

Way birthdays work out only going to be a yr between younger two at school. Weest is February but is more than ready for school. The school are in for a shock when she arrives next year!

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55 minutes ago, Rowan said:

I was planning two as well, I've got three!

Theres 2.5 between first and second and 22 months between second and third. It's nice as they will play together. Bedtimes when I first was single mum with (left husband when weest 15months) them was a juggle but getting there now. Youngest can be jealous of other two getting cuddles and attention.

Way birthdays work out only going to be a yr between younger two at school. Weest is February but is more than ready for school. The school are in for a shock when she arrives next year!

There's only 13 months between the youngest 2 grandsons but one's in P3 and his wee brother is in P1.

Wee sister won't be there for another 4 years.

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Aye so they say... There will be a two year gap between them. So the oldest will still be a wee handful I'm sure. Biggest worry for me is obviously that I am somehow taking something away from my daughter as she now has to share her parents. I do know this is irrational but that's how it is. We only plan two so I imagine that, plus knowing what to expect will mean I can relax and enjoy this one when its a really wee tot instead of praying for them to get a wee bit older all the time to get out of whatever phase they are in.

Easier my arse, it's easily more than twice as hard having two rather than one, mine are about the same age apart as yours will be. Whereas before one parent can get plenty peace time while the other parent looks after the one kid, there's suddenly close to zero free/peace time when there's two mini-people to look after.

Congrats tho [emoji1]
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4 hours ago, tree house tam said:

I found it's far easier to get babysitters for one child than multiple. Even folk you can usually count on like grandparents. Keep that in mind people . 

No one babysits once you get to three!!

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I always wanted three kids but everyone I know who has got three seem to be extremely stressed and seem to do very little other than things relating to their children. Might stick with two but Im unsure if I'll be able to resist the temptation of having a third.

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22 minutes ago, heedthebaa said:

I must be a right sucker then :lol: 

Nothing wrong with enjoying your grandkids. I think I'll be the same if i'm lucky enough to have any, but in my experience the grandparents struggled to cope  and then the babysitting of the kids dried up. Obviously everyone's different and they are doing you a favour so are well within their rights, especially if they find it tough.

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