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The Wrestling Thread

Mo Wonderboy

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Owen had a far greater moveset and was technically on par with Bret. Sometimes i think the "best there is..." patter just got swallowed over the years and he gets automatically put in these 'best of' lists. Owen was also a better promo guy, I consider all factors. Owen Hart would have shone better with a top run if he'd got one for me. I suppose he never quite had the "X-factor" look compared to Bret though which may have counted against him.

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That 94 feud was absolute gold, can't believe they didn't push the button on him for the gold in 95 after that, instead they give Backlund the title?! at the end of 94, Owen jobs out in the Rumble (was about the 4th elimination despite being in a title feud all year) loses out to Bret a couple more times then disappears into tag team obscurity...one of McMahon's biggest head scratchers that.

Edited by Christophe
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The could/should have got a good programme between Michaels and Owen Hart off the back of the Montreal thing! I remember Owen returning and he'd grown a bit of a beard and he attacked Shawn Michaels on RAW, can't recall it turning in to a proper feud though. Think he worked a programme with Triple H instead.

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My top 10 favourites were

Shawn Michaels, The Rock, Stone Cold, Undertaker, Jeff Hardy, X-Pac, Edge, Chris Jericho, Mick Foley, 

only watched late 90s to about 2004 then stopped and never got back into watching consistanly

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