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The Wrestling Thread

Mo Wonderboy

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I guess. But I think the only way to make this feud worthwhile is to have Punk leave.

It'd be amazing if Punk won and went off to a couple of the other promotions with the title. WWE could strike a deal with someone, I'd like it to be ROH but that's unlikely as hell.

Have Punk defend it on another company's main show and say that he's sick and tired of there being no competitors worthy or something. Either Cena answers the call, or Cena does a run in and almost costs him it and then they book that for what would probably be Survivor Series.

It really depends if Punk has signed, and if he has then how much of a holiday has he bargained out of the deal.

The problem is, they've done it too late. They should've had him bow out at Over the Limit, done a run in at MITB to setup the match at Summerslam. I don't think Survivor Series is big enough for a multi PPV feud and I wouldn't do it at the Rumble.

Normally I'd have said zero chance of defending it on another show, but after Punks RoH and NJPW comments it's possible. From WWE point it would help put the storyline across and they could try keep a partnership going where RoH swaps talent with WWE. From RoH pointof view, they get more exposure than they areever likely to get again, keeping their new broadcaster happy, and gives them the chance again of getting some WWE talent on a swap.

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Would WWE want to give ROH any exposure? I suppose it's sort of like "they aren't much of a threat anyways" if they do.

I can't see Punk defending against anyone though anywhere else. Actually, the McMahon thing is an interesting little twist. Why has he suddenly gotten involved? Simple really. CM Punk is gonna be the new golden boy. CM Punk is gonna come out and go on about how he's getting paid loads so screw honesty or something like that, while Vinny Mac gives reason for wanting John Cena out, and I'm sure he can.

So yeah, that's how I forsee it going.

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What was also interesting given that RAW was taped, was that Evan Bourne, Kofi Kingston, and Dolph Ziggler actually all got to speak. Do they not have confidence in these guys mic work when live?

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Why would the Rock cost Cena the title when he would be facing him a month later, with a chance at the belt?

I don't really watch so much anymore so forgive me for my inaccuracies but couldn't they go the angle of:

The Rock costs Cena the title to make sure their match at Wrestlemania goes ahead? As the winner of the Royal Rumble gets to pick which title he challenges for at Wrestlemania, and could potentially pick Cena?

Could make out that the Rock wanted to beat Cena so badly he made sure it was going to happen.

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What was also interesting given that RAW was taped, was that Evan Bourne, Kofi Kingston, and Dolph Ziggler actually all got to speak. Do they not have confidence in these guys mic work when live?

In Ziggler and Bourne I could see why. Ziggler is horrific on the mic most of the time and Bourne is inexperienced.

Kofi Kingston? He's pretty good actually, so I'd be surprised if WWE didn't have the confidence in him.

The Rock costs Cena the title to make sure their match at Wrestlemania goes ahead?

Nah. The match is confirmed, so John Cena would pull double duty if someone else faced him. I think that's exactly what's going to happen as well. The winner of the rumble is going to see an oppertunity.

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Would WWE want to give ROH any exposure? I suppose it's sort of like "they aren't much of a threat anyways" if they do.

I can't see Punk defending against anyone though anywhere else. Actually, the McMahon thing is an interesting little twist. Why has he suddenly gotten involved? Simple really. CM Punk is gonna be the new golden boy. CM Punk is gonna come out and go on about how he's getting paid loads so screw honesty or something like that, while Vinny Mac gives reason for wanting John Cena out, and I'm sure he can.

So yeah, that's how I forsee it going.

I don't see giving ROH exposure as a problem. As you say, they aren't a threat to WWE whatsoever. In fact it would probably get people talking more about WWE than ROH.

Anyway, it's pointless talking about it...it's never going to happen!!!

Punk has been my favourite over the last 2 years. But to me this anlge says they want to push Punk to the very top as a heel. He;s the best they've got. Who are the alternatives? Miz? Del Rio? Neither even come close.

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Rock isn't going to be there on a full-time schedule, so there'd be almost no point in having it for the title, as there's only really going to be one winner.

That's not keeping with kayfabe.

From a storyline point of view, you could either have it as an inadvertant DQ with Rock attacking Punk either as retribution for the 'ass kissing' comments or to try and help Cena win the belt and getting caught, or merely as a way to increase the levels of dislike between Rock and Cena prior to 'Mania as the whole feud is built around personal feelings.

I don't think any of those would really work. I'd keep Cena away from the title picture at that stage anyway.

From a marketing point of view it'd make far more sense to have two world title matches and Rock - Cena for 3 bona-fide main events (plus hopefully 'Taker) than just to have two ( or 3 depending on 'Taker) I'd have thought.

I agree. Ideally we'll have Cena-Rock, Punk-Austin, Taker-HHH and a couple of world title matches.

Would WWE want to give ROH any exposure? I suppose it's sort of like "they aren't much of a threat anyways" if they do.

They did it with ECW back in the day.

I don't really watch so much anymore so forgive me for my inaccuracies but couldn't they go the angle of:

The Rock costs Cena the title to make sure their match at Wrestlemania goes ahead? As the winner of the Royal Rumble gets to pick which title he challenges for at Wrestlemania, and could potentially pick Cena?

Could make out that the Rock wanted to beat Cena so badly he made sure it was going to happen.

The match is locked in regardless of who has the title.

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Why would WWE let their title be defended in ROH, when they basically spent a lot of time last summer absolutely ripping it through destroying Danielson. They also did nothing with Kaval. They also wouldn't even admit former ROH champion Austin Aries to Tough Enough. WWE are narrow minded idiots when it comes to wrestling outside of WWE.

Anyway, here's how I see it going. WWE will destroy the angle very quickly, much like they did with the Nexus angle. And much like the Nexus angle, superhero Cena will easily come out on top, even though he will give awful promos about how much of threat Punk is. At best Punk will get one win over him, and of course not a clean one. It will be down to some kind of interference or other cliched means.

Edited by DA Baracus
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From Lords of Pain:

Sources within WWE have exclusively revealed that WWE Chairman Vince McMahon and Triple H are said to be very angry at talent relations executive John Laurinaitis over his failure to re-sign CM Punk. We have been told the heat on Laurinaitis is serious because this is seen as his second serious failure this year, with the failure to keep Chris Jericho on the roster falling on Laurinaitis’ shoulders as well.

One WWE source says “this is the same job JR had for years, and it’s a heat-magnet because you’re trapped between Vince’s expectations and the talents who want to break away from the brutal schedule.”

Another company source told us “Laurinaitis has made millions in salary and stock options. He’s expected to perform for that money, and produce results. Right now, he’s not getting done the job Vince expects of him!”

A WWE spokesman noted to GLAAD in their response to CM Punk uttering an anti-gay slur during yesterday's Raw live event in Australia that the wrestler is legitimately leaving the organization following the Money in the Bank pay-per-view event on July 18.

OpposingViews.com printed the following in their article: "WWE officials also told GLAAD this morning that CM Punk's contract will expire in a few weeks, he will not be immediately renewed, and he will no longer be with WWE as of July 18. A spokesperson told us "this departure is not part of a storyline. He is contractually leaving the organization.

"A spokesperson for the WWE told us "We are taking this very seriously."

OpposingViews.com also notes that GLAAD provided training to members of WWE's editorial staff and writing team in May. The media monitoring organization is also in discussions with WWE to provide similar training seminars to on-camera talent.

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Yeah, my brother saw the promo and suggested that Laurinaitus must be in the bad books and that's why he got mentioned. As much of a c**t as he's supposed to be, I don't think either Jericho or Punk's departure can be put on him. Jericho wanted to do a couple tv shows and tour with Fozzy did he not? Punk obviously didn't want his name to be WWE property and he wanted a rest from the hectic schedule.

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TNA was pretty damn good again this week and Destination X could turn out to be a fantastic PPV. Loving AJ Styles back in the X division and the Bound for Glory series is a good idea. Not as much Hogan and Bischoff either which is always a good thing and long may it continue.

I really enjoy watching TNA & very rarely pay much attention to WWE anymore.

I actually think Impact has improved a lot lately.

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Yeah, my brother saw the promo and suggested that Laurinaitus must be in the bad books and that's why he got mentioned. As much of a c**t as he's supposed to be, I don't think either Jericho or Punk's departure can be put on him. Jericho wanted to do a couple tv shows and tour with Fozzy did he not? Punk obviously didn't want his name to be WWE property and he wanted a rest from the hectic schedule.

Well when your job is to re-sign talent and you manage to let the two biggest heels in the company walk away then you have to take the responsibility. His job is that when Vince tells him to re-sign main eventers he does whatever it takes to make it happen. Punks promo pretty much sums up his take on the situation with Laurinaitis. Everytime I read something about the guy it makes me wonder what Vince sees in him, his "yes man" mentality I suppose.

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Chris Jericho's departure sure can't be put down to Laurinaitis, as he just likes to take time off now and again to go with Fozzy. He's not gonna be stopped. CM Punk however, is a different matter. WWE should have seen exactly what they had in this guy though, and it's not just down to Laurinaitis on that. It's down to Vince, and everyone else who didn't push him further than they did.

This is a case of someone taking the fall.

Of course, none of that matters, because CM Punk has gone and fucked it for himself anyways, because he's a grade A moron.

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What do people think of the new Sting gimmick?

Like Baracus said further back, it's very closely based on The Joker. But he's playing it so well! I've been moaning for weeks that guys like him are at the top being how old he is and all, but his new Joker style character is brilliant entertainment and Impact is becoming a really bloody good show.

The Bound for Glory series is a good addition to the programme but I think it's obvious that Crimson is going to be at least equal top of the league when it closes, I can't see him being given his first defeat unless it's a really bigged up match.

Destination X is going to be the best thing all year! I'll probably avoid this thread until I watch it on the Wednesday after, I really don't want to find out what happens because it's going to be utterly awesome. :)

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Why would WWE let their title be defended in ROH, when they basically spent a lot of time last summer absolutely ripping it through destroying Danielson. They also did nothing with Kaval. They also wouldn't even admit former ROH champion Austin Aries to Tough Enough. WWE are narrow minded idiots when it comes to wrestling outside of WWE.

The put the world title on Punk 3 times and he is main eventing the next PPV.

Danielson has main evented one of the big 4 and has held the US title.

They tried to sign Nigel McGuinness but he failed a medical.

They tried to sign Samoa Joe to play the role of Umaga.

They have offered deals to the Kings of Wrestling after a recent trial.

M-Dogg 20 or whatever he was called was on Tough Enough.

What do people think of the new Sting gimmick?

I like it a lot. The Joker facepaint this week was a bit much but he's brilliant just now.

Gunner is top notch, really enjoying him atm. Quite liking the Joe-Kazarian feud too.

EDIT: Re the above post about Crimson, I can see him missing out with a double countout draw or something in the last week, with that opponent facing him at BFG. I really like him and Gunner but I don't think either are 1) big enough draws to headline TNA's biggest PPV yet or 2) ready to work a main event programme just yet.

Edited by Marshmallo
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Of course, none of that matters, because CM Punk has gone and fucked it for himself anyways, because he's a grade A moron.


Confuzzled by this comment, but then, my following of this story was youtubing the promo.

It was very good though

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