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Mo Wonderboy

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Ah. The old slagging HHH for no reason thing. I was wondering how long it would take for that to start up again.

Just what I was thinking. I mean Vince doesn't handle the day to day business, but all decisions still go through him no? The final word on what happens is still down to Vince right? As it says theres were 6 different scripts written up, so Triple H is a dick for NOT going with the one that would have be stupid?

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Think I pointed out several times a few pages ago that HHH is still a p***k.

Thought it would have taken longer to be proved right.

I agree. I hate the way that he squashed Punk by attacking him, making himself look good whilst the biggest asset to the company looks like shit.

Oh wait, that didn't happen, because HHH didn't allow it to happen.

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I hope Punk has ditched the Nexus now. No need to have him surrounded by glorified jobbers, especially Otunga.

I don't get the hate for HHH, regardless of how you feel about him personally, he's not stupid. He's not going to f**k up the company just to put himself over or whatever.

At some point HHH will lose to Punk, that I can see happening and that's not a bad thing.

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Just watched that again and they've really made an arse out of Punk's return. Surely it would have been better to have Cena's music interrupted by cult of Personality as it was, but not have Punk come out, just have Cena look confused by the interruption. Do it exactly the same every week in the build to SummerSlam, then have Cena retain the title in the SS main event (Rey's rematch maybe), get Cult of Personality on and have Punk either come out on top of the stage just staring down or stand at the top of the stairs in the crowd with the belt as he did when he left, that way you've built his return up to frenzy point and have it in the closing stages of one of the biggest PPV's of the year.

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Just watched that again and they've really made an arse out of Punk's return. Surely it would have been better to have Cena's music interrupted by cult of Personality as it was, but not have Punk come out, just have Cena look confused by the interruption. Do it exactly the same every week in the build to SummerSlam, then have Cena retain the title in the SS main event (Rey's rematch maybe), get Cult of Personality on and have Punk either come out on top of the stage just staring down or stand at the top of the stairs in the crowd with the belt as he did when he left, that way you've built his return up to frenzy point and have it in the closing stages of one of the biggest PPV's of the year.

The WWE are in the business of selling PPVs though. Having Punk come back on free TV in the build-up to the PPV is more likely to increase the buyrate than having him appear as a surprise.

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At the end of the day, it is all about ratings and the buy rates for PPV's. Having him off screen doesn't really make sense comercially. Just look at the amount of tee shirts he has sold this week alone. No-one has been this over since Austin's heyday.

The big thing that worried me about Raw this week was the lack of credible heels on the show. Miz, Truth and ADL were the only ones on screen. It was a veritable facefest. Cena, Rey,, Punk, HHH and JR all got pushed. All of them are stronger than any of the heels they have at the moment. The company needs a monster heel quickly. Only way to do that is turn Cena.

Edited by Musketeer Gripweed
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Cean won't be turned until Mania. I'm sure of it.

Anyway, he's technically the heel in the feud.

Also love Punk's new/old music. The first few seconds, the little riff at the start, are iconic, like the Austin smashing glass. Tremendous. Also it might be a small thing, but the fact that Punk is shaving his body again is a sure indicator that he's babyface now, even if he's not technically playing as one. A lot of heel tend to be hairy as it makes them look more 'heelish' I suppose.

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Also love Punk's new/old music. The first few seconds, the little riff at the start, are iconic, like the Austin smashing glass. Tremendous. Also it might be a small thing, but the fact that Punk is shaving his body again is a sure indicator that he's babyface now, even if he's not technically playing as one. A lot of heel tend to be hairy as it makes them look more 'heelish' I suppose.

That's AJ Style's tell as well.

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Just watched that again and they've really made an arse out of Punk's return. Surely it would have been better to have Cena's music interrupted by cult of Personality as it was, but not have Punk come out, just have Cena look confused by the interruption. Do it exactly the same every week in the build to SummerSlam, then have Cena retain the title in the SS main event (Rey's rematch maybe), get Cult of Personality on and have Punk either come out on top of the stage just staring down or stand at the top of the stairs in the crowd with the belt as he did when he left, that way you've built his return up to frenzy point and have it in the closing stages of one of the biggest PPV's of the year.

As Punk said in the ESPN interview, SummerSlam is right around the corner and they need their top guy in the company in the PPV. Playing the song week in week out pretty much gives away that it's him, after 1 week even casual fans realise that it's his old ROH music.

Was just thinking, they should have Punk start using the Pepsi Plunge as a "f**k you" to HHH, and then have him beat HHH with it eventually.

Never going to happen. One of the few things I hated about Punk in the indies...far too dangerous a move

The WWE are in the business of selling PPVs though. Having Punk come back on free TV in the build-up to the PPV is more likely to increase the buyrate than having him appear as a surprise.

Agreed, after the last 4 weeks, Punk = money, it would be the stupidest thing ever to leave him off the SS card.

Cean won't be turned until Mania. I'm sure of it.

Anyway, he's technically the heel in the feud.

Also love Punk's new/old music. The first few seconds, the little riff at the start, are iconic, like the Austin smashing glass. Tremendous. Also it might be a small thing, but the fact that Punk is shaving his body again is a sure indicator that he's babyface now, even if he's not technically playing as one. A lot of heel tend to be hairy as it makes them look more 'heelish' I suppose.

Excuse me for being extremely gay, but hasn't Punk been shaven since he returned as leader of Nexus?

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Ah. The old slagging HHH for no reason thing. I was wondering how long it would take for that to start up again.

No reason? You not been paying attention the last 15 years?

At some point HHH will lose to Punk, that I can see happening and that's not a bad thing.

We'll see...

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The WWE are in the business of selling PPVs though. Having Punk come back on free TV in the build-up to the PPV is more likely to increase the buyrate than having him appear as a surprise.

As Shuggie said though, if they played it week in - week out during the build-up to SS, everyone knows it's him, but there's still a bit of mystique to it if he doesn't appear straight away, and mystique sells big - 'Takers pre 'Mania vignettes, Jericho's "Save Me" videos for example, people would buy it to see if it definitely was him and see what he was going to do, but as you've said, they've now given it away on free TV. I just think it's a wasted opportunity.

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Not sure if anyone's interested but you can watch old wwf raw on Justin.tv there's a channel in the sports section showing 97 to 02. Caught some last night, it was just after summerslam 99 where the rock was absolutely massive and its coming up to the bit where steph becomes a heel. Some quality stuff.

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This is the big bad HHH who controls everything and has the final say on everything, not the owner of the company Vince McMahon. This is the awful HHH that has been champion numerous times even though the fans never reacted to him and he's a rubbish wrestler and character. This is the same HHH that has refused to let new stars win over him.

Oh wait, no it's not.

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This is the big bad HHH who controls everything and has the final say on everything, not the owner of the company Vince McMahon. This is the awful HHH that has been champion numerous times even though the fans never reacted to him and he's a rubbish wrestler and character. This is the same HHH that has refused to let new stars win over him.

Oh wait, no it's not.

The bit in bold is one of the most ridiculous statements I've ever read I think.

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Triple H is a c**t. Vince McMahon is a c**t. Hulk Hogan is a c**t. Ric Flair is a c**t. In fact, one of the few good guys is Mick Foley. The fact is, most people in wrestling/business aren't very likable as people, but they are fantastic entertainers and that's all we should judge them on IMO.

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