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The Wrestling Thread

Mo Wonderboy

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The fact is, most people in wrestling/business aren't very likable as people, but they are fantastic entertainers and that's all we should judge them on IMO.

Amen. Although for most of 2002, Triple H WAS shit.

ICW Dazed and Confused

I was kinda thinking I needed an ICW fix, so decided to go back and watch the big show from last September.

Jamie Feerick vs. Chris Blake ( * )

William Grange vs. Johnny Moss ( ***3/4 )

Adam Shame vs. Steven Xavier ( N/A )

El Ligero vs. Falcon ( *** )

Kid Fite vs. Anthony Christie ( ***1/2 )

Lionheart vs. Chris Renfrew ( *** )

Rob Cage and Noam Dar vs. Jack Jester ( **1/2 )

Andy Wild vs. Liam Thomson ( ****1/4 )

BT Gunn © vs. Red Lightning - ICW Championship ( ****3/4 )

Jamie Feerick vs. Chris Blake

They lockup and a Headlock from Feerick. Into the ropes and a Back Elbow from Blake. Sunset Flip from Feerick gets two. Feerick tells Blake how close he was to the win and then the fans get back into this one. HARD forearms from Feerick and then some brutal chops from the two men. Kick to the gut and then Feerick goes for a Powerbomb and then avoids a Dropkick and lands a BRUTAL kick to the chest. Feerick into the ropes and a Dropkick from Blake. Feerick heads for the floor. Feerick thinks he's lost a tooth. PESCADO FROM BLAKE ... MISSES !!! Feerick back into the ring. SOMERSAULT PLANCHA FROM FEERICK !!! Absolution hit the ring and this one is over.

It was building brilliantly untill the ending. *

Lionheart is now in the ring with Absolution and it turns out that The Gold Label have paid them to do the damage to the two rookies who were trying to earn a title shot. The c***s that they are. The Gold Label are hearing that Mark Dallas is missing a title belt, and then Red Lightning comes to the ring with the belt. Red Lightning says that he doesn't main event any company which goes against what Dallas was saying earlier. He also talks about how Scottish wrestling needs The Gold Label. He wants his shot at BT Gunn tonight because that's what the main event was supposed to be and Dallas agrees. Lionheart: "That'd be some main event. BT Gunn vs. Jamie Feerick? f**k me." :lol: Anyways, Mark Dallas confirms the main event. Red Lightning moves onto Wolfgang and says he couldn't be arsed coming to perform for the fans. Red Lightning then asks Absolution to take on Jack Jester.

Before the next match, Joe Coffey was paid to be at the back of William Grange, but he says that was 24 hours ago. Grange tries to get another fan to front the money to keep him on. All he gets is an empty wallet. Grange: "There's nothing in it!"

William Grange vs. Johnny Moss

Johnny Moss made a name for himself in ICW thanks to an amazing performance in the previous show. Moss gets us going with a knee to the gut and a Short Arm Clothesline. Moss with a big chop and then more of the same and then he tosses Grange to the floor and follows. HUGE chop and down goes Grange and then they head for the back of the hall and this isn't going to end well for Grange. GRANGE SPEARS MOSS INTO A BUNCH OF CHAIRS !!! Grange comes back with chops now at the back of the hall and then the madness continues. MOSS WITH A GORILLA PRESS SLAM INTO A WALL !!! Moss then launches a bunch of chairs at Grange. Moss then puts Grange on a chair. MOSS BRAINS GRANGE WITH A BIN !!! Moss then puts the bin over the head of Grange. RUNNING KNEE TO THE HEAD KNOCKS GRANGE FROM THE CHAIR !!! They then head back towards the ring. BELLY 2 BELLY SUPLEX ON THE FLOOR FROM MOSS !!! Back into the ring and a Back Elbow from Moss and then a Clothesline. Moss charges and misses. Grange gets over Moss and lands a Clothesline and that gets a two count. Spinning Back Elbow from Grange and that gets a two count for him too. Snapmare from Grange and then a kick to the back. Forearms from Grange but then Moss comes back with knees to the head and then a High Knee. Lovely Pump Handle Suplex from Grange turns the match back in his favour and that gets a two count. ROLLING GERMAN SUPLEXES FROM MOSS !!! The third gets blocked. WHEELBARROW INTO THE RELEASE GERMAN SUPLEX LANDS GRANGE RIGHT ON HIS HEAD !!! Low blow from Grange out of desperation and then Divers comes out to ringside and heads into the ring with a chair. Chair to the back of Moss and that just wasn't the smartest idea. BRUTAL GERMAN SUPLEX ON DIVERS !!! Divers winds up on the floor. EXPLODER SUPLEX ON GRANGE SENDS HIM ONTO DIVERS !!! It seems to be decided that it's match over now.

This is where the phrase "Total Mossdown" was created for Johnny Moss. This was a fantastic display of what he's all about, delivering an arse kicking and looking like an absolute beast while he's at it. This one whipped the crowd into a frenzy. ***3/4

Adam Shame vs. Steven Xavier

Speaking of demolition jobs. Shame gets us going by beating Xavier all over the place. BRUTAL BIG BOOT FROM SHAME !!! BRUTAL RUNNING BUCKLE BOMB FROM SHAME !!! FOR f**k SAKE !!! SAMURAI BOMB FROM SHAME !!! BRUTAL POWERBOMB FROM SHAME !!! Headbutt from Shame. SHAME OVER !!! THE HANGING SHAME OVER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

This might be the best squash match ever. It IS a squash though, so... next. N/A

El Ligero vs. Falcon

The bell rings but there's some shenanigans. Ligero brings in a sign that says "Falcon Has a Fierce Pecker". Ligero sweeps down Falcon and now we have an exchange. Running Rana from Ligero and then he fakes the dive. Ligero falls to the canvas distraught for some reason but then bursts back into life. Test of Strength between the two men now. Monkey Flip from Falcon. The referee is counting both men down. Falcon walks the top rope and then comes off with an Arm Drag. Ligero into the ropes and the Busaiku Knee Strike from Falcon. Ligero heads for the floor frustrated as well he should be. Ligero and Falcon are now having some water on the floor and head back into the ring. Headlock from Falcon and now we have some slow motion action. This leads to a stalemate between the two naturally. Ligero goes into the Lady in the Lake thing. Falcon doesn't seem quite sure what do with this so he just rolls Ligero around a bit. :lol: Falcon goes for a kick but Ligero tells him off. Ligero with a kick to the head of his own. Ligero in the corner and again Falcon seems a bit miffed. Springboard Cross Body from Ligero and that gets a two count. Satellite Clapping Head Scissor leads to Falcon landing a Face Plant and down goes Ligero. Ligero back into the ring and that gets a two count. Snapmares from Falcon now and then he goes to the Chinlock. Running Leg Lariat from Ligero turns the match back in his favour and that gets a two count. Ligero runs into a boot and then Falcon lands the Tornado Suplex and that gets a two count. Gorilla Press into a poke in the eye and then a School Boy and that gets a two count. Running European Uppercut sends Falcon to the floor. EL LIGERO WITH THE SOMERSAULT PLANCHA OVER THE TOP !!! Back into the ring from Ligero. Knee 2 Face. WORST CASE SCENARIO FROM LIGERO !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Drop Toe Hold and a 619 from Falcon. The fans liked that and it gets a two count. Body Slam from Falcon and then he heads for the top rope. Ligero stops him up there. Falcon stops the move from happening. TOP ROPE ELBOW DROP FROM FALCON !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! SUPERKICK FROM EL LIGERO OUT OF NOWHERE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! JIG N TONIC FROM FALCON !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

I think this was here as a stop gap. The action was crisp as hell but there seemed to be a sense of easy going fun to it that you didn't get with some other matches on the card. This was good. ***

Kid Fite vs. Anthony Christie

Anthony Christie reminds me of someone you'd have seen jobbing to Sid in 30 seconds on Superstars. Fite says it's not too late for Christie to walk away. Christie says that he isn't going anywhere. Christie with an Arm Ringer and Fite reaches the ropes and the fans are giving Fite all sorts of stick here. Christie goes behind and throws Fite into the corner and then lands a big forearm. Shoulder Tackle knocks down Christie and then Fite hits the ropes. Christie with the Hiptoss and Clothesline and then a Back Elbow and Fite backs into the ropes and heads for the floor. The fans call Fite a shitebag. Fite now back into the ring and a knee to the gut and a Headlock. Fite into the ropes and he charges down Christie again. Leapfrog from Christie. Fite: "What are ye doin'?" Christie: "A leapfrog." Fite: "Ye cannae fuckin' jump high enough!" :lol: Brutal Clothesline from Fite. Fite chokes Christie over the middle rope. The fans call Fite a bawbag and then Christie takes a spanking. Fite then stomps on Christie and lands a European Uppercut. Kicks and stomps to Christie in the corner and then he chokes him with the boot. Chinlock with the knee in the back from Fite. Fite then pulls on the mullet and unleashes a VICIOUS chop before letting go. BRUTAL KICK TO THE FACE FROM FITE !!! Christie comes back with a Clothesline and a Body Slam and then hits the ropes. DANCING LEG DROP FROM CHRISTIE !!! Suplex from Fite puts a stop to all of that. Fite with a chop and then he hits the ropes and then he pokes the eye and then twists the nipples. TESTICULAR CLAW FROM FITE !!! Kick to the back from Fite now. DEVIL LOCK DDT FROM FITE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... FITE PULLS THE HEAD UP !!! Kid Fite heads for the top rope. RAMPAGE SENDS KID FITE OFF OF THE TOP ROPE !!! SCOT DROP FROM CHRISTIE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

What a joy this match was. Not one for the purists it has to be said. Terrific comedy for the most part though and Anthony Christie plays his role right to a tee. ***1/2

We head for the next promo now as Mark Dallas is in the ring. He has some words for Charles Boddington. He didn't like the idea of being called a junkie. Dallas: "Ya fuckin' steroid freak!" :lol: Charles Boddington is absolutely fuming at that comment. Mark Dallas makes a point of telling us that we get everything they do for free. Mark Dallas has a letter from his lawyer and he is doing Bodders and he's gonna take him for every penny he's got. DALLAS SLAPS BODDINGTON !!! Boddington is livid. An absolutely fantastic promo.

Lionheart vs. Chris Renfrew

This was almost like a sideshow to the NAK vs. Gold Label fued that was going on at the time. These two guys decided to just do things one on one rather than get others involved which made it seem much better as a result. Renfrew has a bunch of plunder in the ring and Lionheart lays a beating on. TRAY TO THE HEAD OF LIONHEART !!! Into the corner and Renfrew with a HARD chop. Renfrew runs into a boot. Sitdown Spinebuster from Renfrew and then he sends Lionheart to the floor. Renfrew beats on Lionheart with an umbrella. RENFREW GETS LAUNCHED INTO A BUNCH OF CHAIRS !!! Tray to the back of the head from Lionheart. Body Slam on the floor from Lionheart now and then he chokes Renfrew with a belt. Renfrew comes back into the match and sends Lionheart into the ringpost. Renfrew has a keyboard now. He then smacks Lionheart with the keyboard and chokes him with the cable. Lionheart with a low blow to get back into the match. LIONHEART RUNS AND SLAMS RENFREW INTO A LOAD OF CHAIRS !!! PLAYSTATION TO THE HEAD OF RENFREW !!! Renfrew gets sent head first into the apron and then they head into the ring and Lionheart gets a two count. Back Drop Suplex from Lionheart and that gets a two count as well. Renfrew drops behind Lionheart. ALABAMA SLAM FROM RENFREW !!! Renfrew now has a tray in the ring. SUPERKICK SENDS THE TRAY INTO THE FACE OF RENFREW !!! ONE ! TWO ! THR ... KICKOUT !!! LIONHEART JUMPS INTO THE SPINEBUSTER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

There's a real sense of hate in this match. Both guys just seem to want to annihilate each other for fun. Not technically great but it was an all out balls to the walls brawl. ***

Rob Cage and Noam Dar vs. Jack Jester

Noam distracts Jester on the floor and Cage uses the chance to get stuck in from behind this naturally means that the brawl at the back of the hall is what gets us going in this match. Jester comes back into the match and then clubs away at Noam. Noam with a big kick and then they blow a Back Body Drop and Noam starts launching chairs all over the place. Cage gets launched out of the hall and then so does Noam. Is that supposed to be symbolic? Cage comes back in anyways and takes a bit of a doing as a result. Noam comes back with a fire extinguisher. Chaos going on here. Chair to the head from Cage and then a knee to the head. Jester then gets back into the ring, clearly satisfied with what he has done so far. Cage comes back with right hands and then into the corner goes Jester. Cage charges into a boot. Noam is now in the ring. Jester gives both Cage and Noam a doing in the corner and then Absolution come back. Running kick to the face from Noam and then Cage chokes Jester. It's cool to see Noam going mental while Cage calmly gets on with choking Jester. Highlander runs into the ring now and Cage is trying to keep him at bay. BARBED WIRE TO THE CHEST AND BACK OF HIGHLANDER !!! BARBED WIRE TO THE HEAD OF CAGE !!! Noam Dar seems to have done a runner. The fans seem to want blood. Clothesline sends Cage to the floor and then Jester comes down on top of Cage. Cage is busted open. Lolita at ringside hits Cage with a paddle and then Jester with a Body Slam on the floor. JESTER WITH THE CACTUS ELBOW OFF OF THE APRON !!! The brawl heads for the back yet again. Back Body Drop at the back of the hall from Cage and then we're heading back towards the ring area. Back into the ring they now go. Cage comes back into the match with right hands. ELEVATED PEDIGREE FROM JESTER ... Absolution's valet gets onto the apron and slaps Jester. Jester kisses her as a result. ACE CRUSHER FROM CAGE !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOUT !!! Cage can't believe that Jester got away from that. ELEVATED PEDIGREE FROM JESTER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREE !!!

Chaos just about sums this up. It was hard to follow, there was some intereference at a completely random time in the match and someone did a runner midway through. What on earth? As far as handicap matches go, this wasn't bad. I generally hate handicap matches though. **1/2

After this match we get Kay Lee Ray coming in to help with the ring. Carmel comes out of nowhere and makes Kay Lee Ray take a nasty spill to the floor. Carmel then sends Kay into the ringpost and the fans are going mental for Kay Lee Ray at the moment. HANGING DDT FROM CARMEL !!! Carmel now has the microphone. Carmel says that Kay Lee Ray is guilty by association to Nikki Storm.

Liam Thomson vs. Andy Wild

Liam has some words for the audience before we get this one going. Wild with a takedown and then Wild goes to the Arm Ringer. Liam rolls through and gets one of his own. Hammerlock from Liam and Wild takes him over and puts in the Arm Bar. Arm Bar from Liam and then the Arm Ringer. Wild with the Snapmare and then he steps over and gets a School Boy and that gets a two count. Headlock from Liam and then he hits the ropes and gets a Headlock Takedown and now we have some reversals from both men. Lockup and Liam goes to the arm. Wild goes to the Headlock. Liam goes behind Wild and then wrestles rings around him and gets a Headlock. Wild is charged to the floor. O'Connor Roll from Liam and then he hits the ropes and runs into an Arm Drag and a Hiptoss. Body Slam from Wild. Liam then throws Liam to the floor. SUICIDE DIVE FROM LIAM ... INTO A KICK FROM WILD !!! Wild now heads for the top rope and lands a big Top Rope Dropkick and the fans are HOT for the action in this match. Wild then heads for the top rope and Liam is on the floor. PLANCHA OFF THE TOP ROPE FROM WILD !!! Back into the ring they go and that gets a two count. Tiger Driver attempt is blocked by Liam. Dropkick to the knee from Liam and now we go to school. Kicks to the leg and then he stomps on the knee. Liam then stretches the leg of Wild over the middle rope. Liam with the takedown but then Wild pushes him to the floor. Running elbow sends Liam off of the apron and to the floor. WILD GETS SWEEPED ON THE RING APRON !!! He bounced off of that apron with a bit of a thud there! Kicks to the knee and the face of Wild. Liam then runs the knee of Wild into the ringpost. Dropkick to the knee again from Liam. FIGURE FOUR LEG LOCK FROM LIAM !!! Wild is reaching for the ropes and Liam then uses the ropes for leverage which means he has to break the hold. Liam goes for the Half Crab but Wild kicks his way out of that one. Wild and Liam now exchange forearms and then chops. Kicks to the leg from Liam and he misses a shot. Running Forearm in the corner and a running kick from Wild and that gets a two count. Double Underhook Backbreaker gets a two count for Wild as well. Liam avoids a Suplex and Dropkicks Wild into the middle rope and then lands a Dropkick to the back. LIGER BOMB FROM LIAM !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Liam heads for the apron and then to the top rope. Wild manages to stop him up there. Liam drops Wild in the ring. THE TALIBAN BACKPACK FROM LIAM !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOOOOUUUTTTTTT !!! The fans can't believe that one. Liam misses one. FRONT SUPLEX INTO THE SUPERKICK FROM WILD !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... FITE GETS INVOLVED !!! Blaze N Rampage don't like that one bit and head for the ring. Wild uses the chance and lands a chop. WILD SNEAKS THE PIN !!!

One of them matches that gets booked and you think "this is going to be naw bad" and then it slowly sneaks up on you as an absolute belter of a match. The unclean ending would necessitate the fued between the two men so I'm all for that. ****1/4

BT Gunn © vs. Red Lightning - ICW Championship

And here it is. The big one. Sometimes you get a match which is just insane and sums up everything you love about wrestling, and this match is pretty much it from a live perspective. The bell rings and we're underway. Headlock from Lightning and he gets sent to the ropes and lands a Shoulder Block for a two count. Headlock from Gunn and then he gets sent to the ropes and he charges down Lightning and he seems happy with himself. Lightning heads for the floor rather than take anymore abuse. Gunn hits the ropes and Lightning gets a cheap shot for a two count. Shoulder Charge from Gunn and then he hits the ropes. Lightning heads for the floor for a second time and Gunn doesn't seem the slightest bit amused. GUNN WITH THE SUICIDE DIVE SENDS LIGHTNING INTO THE CHAIRS !!! Back into the ring they go. Gunn face first into the top buckle and then into the opposite corner. Lightning misses a charge and takes a boot to the back of the head. OVERHEAD KICK FROM GUNN !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Gunn gets over Lightning and lands a big kick to the face and then leads the fans in a chant of "Easy" before rolling through and kicking Lightning and then landing a Senton Splash for a two count. Lightning with a low blow manages to get back into the match. Kick to the gut. GUNN GETS LAUNCHED OUT OF THE RING !!! Kick to the face from Lightning. LIGHTNING WITH A HIPTOSS INTO THE FUCKING CHAIRS !!! They now brawl to the back of the hall, which seems to be standard for ICW at this point. Lightning and Gunn then fight onto the window ledge above the tables. That's just unpleasant. BOTH MEN FALL INTO THE TABLES !!! The tables have not broken though. Gunn is up first and so jumps onto the window ledge and tries to break the table with a kick. Aye, okay then. SWANTON BOMB OFF OF THE LEDGE AND THE TABLE STILL REFUSES TO BREAK !!! SUPLEX INTO THE UNBREAKABLE TABLE FROM LIGHTNING !!! Lightning tries to break it by jumping on it and he just bounces off of it. :lol: The brawl heads back to the ring area. Apparently they've had enough of that. Lightning pulls out a ladder from underneath the ring, because this match clearly hasn't been mental enough with out it. Baseball Slide sends the ladder into Lightning. Gunn then sends the ladder into the ring and throws Lightning in after that. Absolution are around the ringside area now. Absolution onto the apron. SUPERKICK SENDS THEM OFF OF THE APRON !!! GUNN RUNS UP THE LADDER IN THE CORNER AND DIVES ONTO ABSOLUTION !!! Sweet mother of f**k. LIGHTNING THROWS THE LADDER IN GUNN'S FACE !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Lightning then heads for the top rope and hits at a Moonsault but jumps off and stomps on Gunn. Lightning now has the ladder set and begins the climb. GUNN PLANTS LIGHTNING ON HIS FACE !!! ONE ! TWO ! KICKOUT !!! Gunn is frustrated. Gunn then climbs the ladder. SUPER BOOTY SHAKER OFF OF THE LADDER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... ABSOLUTION JUMP IN !!! JACK JESTER HITS THE RING !!! LIONHEART WITH THE ROCK BOTTOM ON BT GUNN !!! LIONHEART LANDS THE FROG SPLASH FROM THE VERY TOP OF THE LADDER !!! CHRIS RENFREW COMES OUT AND CLEARS HOUSE !!! AAAARRRRGGGGHHHH !!! THE PLACE IS FUCKING NUCLEAR !!! LIGHTNING MAKES THE COVER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THRE ... KICKOOOOOUUUUUTTTTTT !!! Gunn comes back with right hands and then a kick to the back of the head. Lightning crotches Gunn. FLYING BOOTY SHAKER !!! ONE ! TWO ! THREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE !!!

Before the madness of the overbooking, this match was already really good. When it all started going tits up, that's what makes this match special. The atmosphere was white hot and the video captures that absolutely perfectly which means it's just as good when watching it back. Great match. ****3/4

If the fun ended there, this would have been near perfect. It wasn't the end though. The Gold Label come in and do a number on BT Gunn. Someone in a mask comes in and clears the ring. He has a message for BT Gunn. James Scott confirms that he is wanting a shot. THE GUY IN THE MASK IS FUCKING JAMES SCOTT !!! THE GO 2 SLEEP FROM JAMES SCOTT !!! THE BELL RINGS !!!

BT Gunn © vs. James Scott - ICW Championship


No rating necessary. N/A

Renfrew hits the ring and goes for Lionheart and gets cleared out. James Scott has joined the Gold Label with the belt and in one of the more memorable images in ICW, jumps into the arms of Red Lightning.

Sometimes a show just gets it right. Top to bottom this card hit the right notes. It had something for everyone. Good storylines, good promos and a couple of damn fine matches, one in particular was just absolutely special. One of the best top to bottom wrestling cards ever if you ask me.

You can find the show

There's a bunch of other stuff on there too. I think there's three full shows worth and plus a couple of wee bonus matches. I love ICW.
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WWE reportedly offered CM Punk a five-year deal at one point. No word yet if what he ended up signing was for that long.

Regarding Punk and Vince McMahon, it's said that Punk now has Vince's ear when it comes to ideas. It was described as similar to Shawn Michaels year ago when he began moving up in the company and Vince would bounce ideas off Shawn, or Shawn would suggest ideas to Vince.

So I guess threatening to leave really did make Vince realise what he has in Punk.

Edited by Shuggie_Murray7
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See TNA are trying to cash in on CM Punk's popularity by running his matches with the company on TNA on Demand from next week..they are advertising it on their website with the slogan "CM Punk is coming"

:lol: God love a tryer.

From the Vault on Smackdown, Kofi v. Big Show, quote from JR - "Kofi is in there with a fire breathing dragon...figuritively of course".

Thanks for clearing that up there Jim :lol:

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Hi new here.I have been a wrestling fan for over 12 years & started watching it again a couple of months ago.

Does anybody know why we didn`t get wwe heat over here in 98 & 99 on sky sports ?

I remember channel 4 showing it in 2000 when it wasn`t that important

gutted that i missed the empty arena match between the rock & mankind back then :(

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My prediction for RAW

Opening segment with Punk, Cena and HHH who then announces Punk vs Cena at Summerslam to determine the true champion

Alberto Del Rio enters and declares he one the number one contenders slot etc etc

R-Truth comes out and continues his conspiracy talk with HHH

HHH then announces main event on RAW will be a tag team match Del Rio and Truth vs Punk and Cena

A shit divas match

Couple of shit mid card matches with Mysterio/Miz/Kofi/Ziggler etc

Main event - Cena and Punk work quite well together and win the match and then stare each other down with their titles while looking at the Summerslam sign

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I wonder if they'll actually ever reveal the RAW GM or if they'll just hope everyone eventually forgets all about it.

Although I read that Mick Foley was 'currently considering' a return to WWE. That would be awesome.

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