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Mo Wonderboy

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So Punk and Cena just move on? Cena goes after Del Rio and he blames Del Rio for cashing in....completely forgetting that HHH cheated him, costing him the title?

And Punk just forgets all about ADR? Leaves the WWE title and tries to find out who sent for Nash?

I may be judging things way too early, but this looks remarablly like they are about to make a right rip roaring c**t of the best story they have had in years.

Hopefully they tie all the loose ends together in the coming weeks, and whatever they decide makes sense.

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So Punk and Cena just move on? Cena goes after Del Rio and he blames Del Rio for cashing in....completely forgetting that HHH cheated him, costing him the title?

It can make sense, but in a bit of a roundabout way. John Cena may well see it as a case of "Nash would have come in and stop it anyways" so he is going after ADR. We all know Cena is a man who likes his morals. Of course, he hasn't cared before so that's another massive logic gap, but there's some sort of weird twisted logic to it.

And Punk just forgets all about ADR? Leaves the WWE title and tries to find out who sent for Nash?

That one is much more simple. He's pissed at Nash because he's the one that cost him the title. There's no reason to see anything more into it I reckon and it's plausible.

I may be judging things way too early, but this looks remarablly like they are about to make a right rip roaring c**t of the best story they have had in years.

We were always going to get ADR vs. Cena for the title at some point so the key is what CM Punk does untill then, and putting him over a guy like Kevin Nash is going to be good, and it also allows Punk to stay on the mic with someone who's fairly good at it, and keep him relevant, and of course, then you have the issue of who DID send Nash, which is most likely Triple H, which means we're going to keep at the big level stuff for Punk.

I'm still pretty excited about the direction that it's going.

Nae it's no went off until nearly 4.15 the past 3/4 weeks.

RAW always has an over-run, hence why even the TV listings here have it as a 4.15 finish time.

Edited by DomDom
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Got to love Stephanie McMahon. Not many of the current divas can hold a candle to her. Even now.

Anyway will be interesting to see where this angle with Punk and Nash does go. Certainly most interesting storyline would be if the Kliq were to reform, fued with Punk and run the WWE with a Cena heel turn and becoming a corporate champ. But this won't happen as the WWE won't turn Cena heel even though his character has been stale and shite for years though.

EDIT: Thought you were dead laugh.gif

Edited by airdrieman
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Just watched it(stupid exams, not letting me watch live)

Not a bad opening promo from HHH and Del Rio.

That pre-match John Morrison promo was so cringeworthy, absolutely terrible. Whatta poser. Match was decent enough.

The Nash and Punk promo was excellent. Nice digs on both. Stuff about Eddie, "indy-rific", "take a shower, hit the weights, get a clue" laugh.gif Surprised there was no stuff about how Nash is a whore and will do anything for an extra buck.

OMG, I thought the commentary last night was bad, Vicki and Dolph's was terrible. Who the f**k cares about their stupid relationship? No one, it's worst than Booker T's. I really couldn't give a report on the match, it kept cutting to the announce table so there wasn't much of a match shown! huh.gif Nice work Swagger, couldn't even do a gut-wrench right. Idiot.

Mmmmm, Stephanie. Blatantly it was here who sent the text to Nash then.

Haha. Yeah that's exactly what Otunga and McGillicutty need, apparel. That bandana looks ridiculous, your aren't black, even David Otunga isn't black enough to pull that off.

Good main event. John Cena's an idiot, that's the fucking point of the Money in the Bank briefcase, some people need to be booked to win that match to become champion, not everyone on the roster gets given a title shot monthly.

Wow, I expected something to end with HHH and Nash. Hmm.

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Is there a reason why there is a guy front row dressed as Del Rio, fully equipt with scarf and WWE title?

There was someone in the crowd dressed as Ultimate Warrior, he was behind Truth and Morrison when they were fighting in the crowd, I lol'd.

Did anyone else see the mouse scurry up the ramp past del rio just after Cena started speaking? Ha.

Aye, thought it was funny.

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Fell asleep again last night, so only just had the chance to watch it there.

Punk-Nash exchange was excellent! Stephanie being there doing absolutely nothing has to be a red herring, it has to be.

I'm glad they're trying to find tag teams because Otunga and McGillicutty ought to be "future endeavoured". Crap.

If they realise Kofi as a huge talent, then why do they have no idea how to use him? He hasn't been involved in anything particularly good apart from one feud with Ziggler which went on for far too long and didn't really get anywhere. Teaming with Bourne? Why?

Did they really take that long to get Truth's entrance music to that?!

Alex Riley-Dolph Ziggler could be cracking if they give it more attention. I don't think they capitalised on Riley enough after his feud with Miz. He was over big time.

GET DREW MCINTYRE ON MY SCREEN! I read that he lost of Zack Ryder on Superstars. Another pile of pish.

Edited by garymcc1874
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After Raw last night here in San Diego, John Cena called Alberto Del Rio out. Del Rio didn’t have anything to say to Cena, who was upset still. Del Rio tried to leave but CM Punk ran him back down to the ring.

Punk hit Del Rio with the GTS and Cena did the Attitude Adjustment. Ricardo Rodriguez tried to help out but Cena and Punk teased him with Del Rio’s WWE Title belt. Ricardo got hit with a GTS and AA. Punk handed Cena the title and the crowd started booing Cena and chanting for Punk. They left the belt in the ring and left to end the show after messing around with fans.

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I think it will have been Stephanie that got in touch with Nash and it will lead to a new alliancw of HHH, Steph, Nash and Del Rio (who will be their chosen champion) and then they will feud with Punk and Cena. After a while Cena will turn heel leaving Punk on his own but then Undertaker will return and save Punk which will lead to Survivor Series and Undertaker vs Nash and a Punk vs Del Rio vs Cena for the title and then the Rock comes back to screw Cena and Punk picks up the title

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I know there is no hope of Scot Hall coming in but based on Del Rio's almost identical first run in WWE with Razor Ramon's it wouldn't surprise me if Nash lets slip that "The Bad Guy" asked him to help Del Rio out.

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Got to love Stephanie McMahon. Not many of the current divas can hold a candle to her. Even now.

Anyway will be interesting to see where this angle with Punk and Nash does go. Certainly most interesting storyline would be if the Kliq were to reform, fued with Punk and run the WWE with a Cena heel turn and becoming a corporate champ. But this won't happen as the WWE won't turn Cena heel even though his character has been stale and shite for years though.

This, but the WWE are retards so it 99% won't happen.

I can't believe how boring wrestling is now when only 10 years ago they had the greatest roster of all time. And making it PG is just romanovpalm.png. Although there was a fair bit of swearing etc at times last night.

Kind of off topic but Randy Orton is an absolutely shit face. All WWE have tried to do is make Cena like The Rock and at the time make Batista like Stone Cold, since he left it's Orton who has taken over as the other face and is trying to be like Austin. Yawn.

SmackDown is actually pish and almost irrelevant. It's such a chore watching it that I just fast forward through most of it, same with Raw at times tbh.

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Also surely Vince has to have a part to play in this storyline. He has to tie in somewhere.

I would actually be delighted and shocked if they made a new type of Corporation with Triple H, Nash, John Laurinaitis, Steph, even Shane as well and get Vince back, plus make Cena a heel whilst getting rid of his shitty marine gimmick. As well as adding a few other members for muscle/back-up.

Then perhaps someone like The Miz could become the new face and main challenger for the title for a while along with Punk. But I can't see that happening now that they made Del Rio the champion. Otherwise something as above could have worked perfectly seeing as Triple H "never seen" Cena's foot on the rope at SummerSlam and it all could of looked a set up.

It could even then lead all the way up to heel Cena facing The Rock at WrestleMania next year.

Still, as previously said WWE are retards and I doubt a faction like what the Corporation was would work that well in this current and tragic PG era.

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