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Mo Wonderboy

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What options are there? I reckon the old name, High Energy, would really work for them, with Bourne being the "High" and Kofi being the "Energy" or something along those lines.

I definately think they're going to have Miz and Truth win the titles soon and go onto fued with JoMo and Rey, which gets some high profile names fueding for the belt, and they also have other teams on standby. This is Triple H's doing btw. He's been high on getting a proper tag division going for a good while now.

Dunno, I think folk have to Twitter in name suggestions rather than pick from a list, but one of the suggestions bandied about was Flight Club which is actually half-decent.

Edited by djchapsticks
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The Rock did use that Tarzan and Jane line but I'm almost certain that someone (Husky Harris?) used it in NXT before, most likely towards Lucky Cannon.

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That was Rock about Cena quite recently, wasn't it?

Also, the Nature Boy comment was obviously to Ric Flair, but I'm pretty sure it was Stone Cold saying it.

I thought it could have been one of Shane Douglas' many rants about the kiss stealing one?

It was indeed Stone Cold saying it obviously to Flair.

And the tarzan quote is by the Rock but I'm not sure who it was to.

The Rock did use that Tarzan and Jane line but I'm almost certain that someone (Husky Harris?) used it in NXT before, most likely towards Lucky Cannon.

I fear The Rock may have used this more than once since so many of you have different memories of it. He definetly said it to HHH, that's the one I remember.....but I wouldn't be surprised if he has reused it on Cena.

Many people care to continue guessing or would you like answers yet?;)

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With regards to the commentary situation, is Scott Stanford still commentating on Superstars? I dont watch Superstars (does anyone?) so don't really know what hes like behind the desk but hes quite good at the PPV preview shows, interviews etc, surely he can't be worse than any of the main commentators right now?

I think the whole thing needs a revamp. JR and King are old news, Cole spends far too much time trying to get himself over and Booker has gone from being hilariously awful to just plain awful. Joey Styles should be brought back and should be paired with Josh Matthews on Raw, Cole should be someones manager or at least in a backstage role where he can't ruin matches and everyone else can f**k off.

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Aye, he's still about on Superstars. He's got a weird voice for commentary I have to say. He's pretty good for someone that's relatively new to the job. I'm wondering how he's going to be with years on the job hammered into him, but early signs are promising.

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Since nobody is interested :P

"I would slap you on the face but it looks like god already beat me to it"

Tazz to JR

"Didn't you die three years ago or something?"
Edge to Jeff Hardy upon Jeff WWE return. The 3 years was a dig at his time in TNA.
"You know what I think of Bret hart, just put an 's' in front of hitman, that's what I think."

Austin to Bret Hart

"But here you've got a 46-year old bald movie star wannabe who looks like Uncle Creepy with a good build taking on a guy with an artificial hip who hasn't wrestled a full schedule in ten years. It's a tribute to the massive egotism - in my mind - of both men and an indictment of WCW's promotional policy that this match even took place - much less in the main event - when the card was one of the best WCW was capable of having. By the ten minute mark they were sucking wind so bad, the first three rows passed out of oxygen deprivation. Would have been funny if it wasn't so sad."

Jim Cornette during one of the little segments he used to get called "My Two Cents" or something at the beggining of the Monday Night Wars.

"You're a Nature Boy? DO you like Nature? DO You Like Boys?"

Stone Cold to Flair.

"A guy who looks like Tarzan and wrestles like Jane."

The Rock to HHH....but he may have repeated it to Cena at some point.

"If you had anymore brain cells you'd only be a complete moron."

A personl fvourite of mines, said by JBL to Chris Masters

"You Tap-Dancing Poof."

Paul Birchill to Scotty 2 Hotty.

"Even a 747 looks small when you're flying it into the Grand Canyon."

Triple H to Stephanie McMahon. Stephanie said something about how HHH couldn't satisfy her with his wee cock and this was Hunters reply.

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Stayed up to watch Raw last night and thought it was really good.

Del Rio has 'all the tools' required to be a really good heel champion I think, I'm really enjoying his post-match beatings to add even more heat and a clean win against an upper-midcard guy like Morrison is exactly what he needs. Was a pretty good match as well, would like to see him hold on to the title for a while.

Punk / Nash / Triple H is hopefully the start of something very big indeed. I really like the way they're booking it with Triple H having continuos alibis, hopefully the identity of 'the phantom texter' won't be revealed for a while yet and we can get a strong build to wherever this is going. Punk is the best talker in wrestling by an absolute mile just now as well so 'physical confrontation' isn't really required just yet.

Glad to see a little more emphasis being put on the tag titles, If they're serious about re-investing in the tag division then that's a pretty good start with the post match celebrations and fan-fare in the back. Was also nice to hear the commentators dropping little hints about Joe Henning with the 'that dropkick was almost perfect' line and mention of him being 3rd generation, etc. Hopefully that'll lead to getting rid of that shit Migillicutty name, calling him Joe Henning and giving him a wee singles run to see what he can do.

Miz and Truth could be dynamite together, their promo was excellent and a big feud with Kofi and Bourne would make for some very entertaining matches.

Thought it was another very good match between Punk and Cena, with the finish setting up all the top-level feuds nicely. Strange though that John 'the moral crusader' Cena is so quick to pick up a victory due to Punk being distracted by Nash when he was so furious at ADR for cashing in the MITB after the Nash assault on Punk, slightly contradictory. Lawler trying to bury Punk was odd as well considering he's arguably the most 'over' guy in wrestling at the minute, very strange.

Really good show though, even the direction with the females doesn't look terrible. Long may it continue.

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I shook the million dollar man's hand today. Did not expect to see him in a Dundonian Tesco. :lol:

Aye he's doing the rounds just now in Scotland as a travelling preacher. Was in Prestwick a couple of weeks ago according to the Ayrshire Post.

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Ah, did not know that. They had an autograph table set up, with Virgil and Tatanka. I had to check with Virgil. Didn't really chat to them but Virgil seemed a nice guy, just went "thaaat's right :D" when I asked "Virgil, yeah?.:lol: Di Biase seemed like he couldnae be arsed. Tatanka was too busy selling t-shirts by the prawn sandwiches.

edited to add smilie to inform you of Virgils facial expressions in my short interaction with him.

Edited by Liam.
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He's getting the role full time and the "original" Sin Cara is close to being released according to online rumours.

I'm not at all surprised by that, but I asked a few pages back if it was the original who had the botchfest with Slater on SD, and someone gave a smart ass reply. Turns out it was the new guy who fcked it up. Bodes well for his future.

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I'm not at all surprised by that, but I asked a few pages back if it was the original who had the botchfest with Slater on SD, and someone gave a smart ass reply. Turns out it was the new guy who fcked it up. Bodes well for his future.

I didn't even know about the botch fest until I read that last post I put up. Isn't "new" Sin Cara a pretty young guy?

EDIT: A quick bit research shows he's not young....34 actually.

And he was well liked in FCW.

As for "original" Sin Cara? Yes he is a HHH guy, the first infact, but I don't reckon they'd hesitate in getting shot of him. HHH won't want to be known as the guy who kept him just to make a point. By punting him and admitting he made a mistake would do the company well, and show that he isn't scared to make decisions.

Edited by Shuggie_Murray7
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From the Vault on Smackdown is really highlighting just how much Chris Jericho is missed in the WWE at present. I really hope he's back soon as bar CM Punk there's no one in wrestling (full time) at the minute I can think of that's anywhere near that level of both in-ring ability and charisma.

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