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The Wrestling Thread

Mo Wonderboy

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If you are referring to the Invasion angle - I quite enjoyed it.

I think most probably enjoyed it at some level.

The problem probably was that for years and years people always speculated over what would happen if the WWF, WCW & ECW did collide, and potential "dream matches" were thought up in people's heads. The fact that a lot of big hitters from all three organisations weren't around at the time, and the "dream" matches didn't quite materialise the way most thought they would. When the angle started most probably had ridiculously high expectations, I know I did.

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I think most probably enjoyed it at some level.

The problem probably was that for years and years people always speculated over what would happen if the WWF, WCW & ECW did collide, and potential "dream matches" were thought up in people's heads. The fact that a lot of big hitters from all three organisations weren't around at the time, and the "dream" matches didn't quite materialise the way most thought they would. When the angle started most probably had ridiculously high expectations, I know I did.

Being 13 years old at the time, I could give a flying f**k about the matches at the time, it was all about the storyline for me and being 13 it was one of the coolest things I've ever seen.

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I was a huge WCW mark back in the day, so I was thoroughly depressed by the way all the WCW wrestlers were jobbed out in the Invasion angle, meaning that no one took them as a serious threat.

DDP was the one of the ones treated worst, he was one of the most over guys in WCW but he was made out to be a jobber in his awful feud with the Undertaker and was quickly at European Championship level with his moticvational coach gimmick.

If Vince wanted to make money instead of making WCW/ECW look weak, the he could have splashed the cash and bought out the contracts of Goldberg, Hogan, Flair, Nash, Hall, Steiner, Mysterio etc in 2001 and booked them much stronger than the did with the Alliance. The final match of the Invasion angle at Survivor Series 2001 is still one of my all time favourites, but the Alliance team only had RVD and Booker T who were actual ECW/WCW guys.

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Just watched Smackdown and if that's what it's been like since I last watched it then I simply can't believe anyone who thinks it's the better show.

It's about time they got rid of T-Lo as well. He's boring now.

HHH in charge of RAW and Stephanie in charge of SD again could be cool.

I'm also afraid that I won't believe a Daniel Bryan title match will happen at WrestleMania until the bell rings.

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Being 13 years old at the time, I could give a flying f**k about the matches at the time, it was all about the storyline for me and being 13 it was one of the coolest things I've ever seen.

This. I certainly wasn't sitting there thinking "hold on, those WCW guys are good workers, why are they getting treated pretty unfairly here?". I was marking the f**k out over SCSA.

I still don't really care that much about the matches tbh. Its all about the storylines and characters. I see WWE as my Eastenders/Corrie type soap opera programme these days.

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Triple H is a belting authority character. Punk playing Austin to HHH's Vince could be very good as unlike Vince, everyone is gonna buy HHH as a badass in the ring and the eventuall payoff between the two would be super.

I'm almost all about good matches these days. Obviously there are some fueds that grab my attention and I'm certainly not against getting wrapped up in the soap opera side of things. The CM Punk for instance is amazing so far.

As for the Smackdown spoilers...

WWE obviously have some gems in the locker, and have basically said that the WWE Championship is the big prize. I could easily buy Daniel Bryan going for the WHC at Mania with there being bigger matches on the card. It wouldn't be anywhere near main event, much like Edge vs. ADR opened this year.

Sheamus turning face is disappointing, because I was kinda hoping he'd be the heel champ going into Mania to face Daniel Bryan. A proper long match with those two guys would be great. I fully expect Daniel Bryan to lose no matter who he faces, but I also expect him to put on a right performance. You never know, they might give him something of a Benoit moment and put the belt on the guy for being a great wrestler.

Edited by DomDom
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I'm almost all about good matches these days. Obviously there are some fueds that grab my attention and I'm certainly not against getting wrapped up in the soap opera side of things. The CM Punk for instance is amazing so far.

Well being 23 now and still watching wrestling, it's maybe 80% about good matches 20% storyline, But like we have seen the past month, the combination of great matches and cracking stories is like nothing else. But when you're younger, you go for cool characters and amazingly far fetched stories.

It is frustrating however, when you see that WWE are capable of doing the things they have the past 4/6 weeks, combining phenomenal stories and sensatonal matches, yet we have been fed shite for about 4/5 years now. Hopefully Punk has sparked a resurgance in "real" wrestling.

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Well being 23 now and still watching wrestling, it's maybe 80% about good matches 20% storyline, But like we have seen the past month, the combination of great matches and cracking stories is like nothing else. But when you're younger, you go for cool characters and amazingly far fetched stories.

It is frustrating however, when you see that WWE are capable of doing the things they have the past 4/6 weeks, combining phenomenal stories and sensatonal matches, yet we have been fed shite for about 4/5 years now. Hopefully Punk has sparked a resurgance in "real" wrestling.

It's catch-22 though really, as if they had been giving us this sort of thing for the last 4/5 years then we wouldn't be anywhere near as excited about this Punk angle and now HHH-Vince as we'd be somewhat anaesthetised to it by now. As you say though, I really hope this Punk angle will spark something going forward, Daniel Bryan having the MITB is a good start over on Smackdown.

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That's me just caught up on the WWE today.

Very brief thoughts:

The Raw before MITB led into the PPV perfectly.

MITB is one of the best PPVs ever. The main event might be the most perfectly booked match in wrestling history. People can say "it's Cena's best match ever" all they want but the smarks should also acknowledge it's easily Punk's best match ever.

The Comicon stuff was great. It's helping the angle feel relevant and wrestling seems culturally modern for the first time in years.

I could write screeds about how great I think this is but most of what I think has already been said (there's a lot of rubbish in here too :P ). This angle has reminded me why I love something which only a month or two ago I had almost given up on. Punk deserves all the credit in the world for being so great, but Cena and the WWE as a whole deserve all the credit in the world as well. I'm so glad the WWE are finally embracing social media and the internet.

I think this really is the dawning of a new era in wrestling. Guys at my work who haven't watched wrestling properly in 6-10 years are asking me whether I've seen MITB or know what happened on Raw. Today's conversation amongst the group was favourite Wrestlemania moments. My brother hasn't given a shit about it for 4 or 5 years and has mocked me for watching it. He was right into MITB and wouldn't let me watch the end of Raw without him this week. Wrestling is becoming cool/relevant/acceptable again and it is fucking brilliant. Most importantly of all, I am loving the stuff the WWE are putting out again :D

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I think this really is the dawning of a new era in wrestling. Guys at my work who haven't watched wrestling properly in 6-10 years are asking me whether I've seen MITB or know what happened on Raw. Today's conversation amongst the group was favourite Wrestlemania moments. My brother hasn't given a shit about it for 4 or 5 years and has mocked me for watching it. He was right into MITB and wouldn't let me watch the end of Raw without him this week. Wrestling is becoming cool/relevant/acceptable again and it is fucking brilliant. Most importantly of all, I am loving the stuff the WWE are putting out again :D

Sorta related, I was walking home from work, quite near Rutherglen if anyone gives two shits, and I passed someone who was wearing a CM Punk t-shirt, the white thunderbolt one. I think it's the first time I've seen a wrestling t-shirt on a random pedestrian outwith Glasgow City Centre, and even then I can only ever remember seeing wrestling tees when Wrestlemania is on or maybe the random ones in the Cathouse occasionally.

I gave him an approving nod, he probably thought I was a spesh.

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I remember time I spotted a guy wearing an ECW cap at the local train station, I was like "heh, cool". I then proceeded to, undeliberately, follow him from the train down to the lower platform, get on the same train, get off the same stop after that and then follow him some more. Took me long enough to figure out we were going to the same wrestling show. Was fucking creeping me out too.And as the follower, I should have been the one freaking HIM out!

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MITB is one of the best PPVs ever. The main event might be the most perfectly booked match in wrestling history. People can say "it's Cena's best match ever" all they want but the smarks should also acknowledge it's easily Punk's best match ever.

"Easily his best match ever"? It might be his best match, but it's not easily. How about Punk vs Joe 2 or 3, Punk vs Eddie vs Rey, his TLC vs Jeff from SummerSlam 09 was a belter too. Like I say it may have been his best match, but then again it has some competition to qualify as his best. However, it is my favourite angle/sotry that he has been involved in, maybe that's what sway me towards vs Cena from MITB '11 as being his best. It had everything. Phenomenally booked, he was made to look a legit badass for the fist time in WWE. he got his hometown crowd which practically made the match and add all that to a superb match. So aye, for me his best match, but t may be a bit inaccurate to say "easily" his best.

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