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Livingston - all the threads merged

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£150 actually (I sent in the remainder).

The funny thing is, I bet there was £300 generated and Massone's ran off with half of it!

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Guest Demon Drawer

OK I see I have a lot of catching up to do.

Just one thing to say at present. I'm ashamed of a lot of you. As you are well aware a fan on any club commits a lot of investment in that club. There are people on these boards who have been with Meadowbank and now Livingston. The real fans know there is no year zero but that without the move Meadowbank would have folded under roughly the same circumstances as what Livingston are facing now.

The fans have be passionate about what Massone has been doing or not doing all season. Many of us know friends who work for the club who had not been getting paid on time. The players and their families also talk to us as they know who we are and the passion we have for our team.

We haven't be getting the truth from Massone's mouth, but we knew what it was. And we'll do all we can to keep our club.

You may hate us, we don't care. That's football. We are Livi and Livi til we die.

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Latest pronouncement on BBC from the Mad-one.

"We have endured many attempts to close us down, sidestepped many tactics to sabotage our games, constant threats of administration. "But, through our passion, unity and pride we have taken these challenges head on and battled on with sheer determination and commitment to survive.

"This is the greatest opportunity for all to unite, stand our ground and show our support and love for LFC."


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From what I have read it seems that Rankine realises that there's too much debt and is now taking big steps backwards.

Personally, I would go along to the meeting and point out to Massone that I love the club, but that he is destroying the club and as such needs to go. Point out that if he really loves the club so much, he should clear its debts or at least those incurred by him (parking fines, Edinburgh townhouse etc). That way you make the point that the club is not Massone (something that he has skilfully managed to do by claiming he has put loads into the club and therefore implying that without Massone there is no Livi).

Unfortunately because he has been stripping the club, there probably is no club now. So you need to build up finances for a Livi Mk3 (not in the 1st and probably not in the Football League given liquidation rather than administration). Is there enough support/ m,opmey gto do this - I'd be surprised.

Whatever the solution is, it is not another big spender.

I hate to think how you're paying for the generator, which I'm assuming must be on constantly so that the other businesses working out of Almondvale can continue operating.

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We are Livi and Livi til we die.

Well the rest of us hopefully don't have long until that happens :D

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Just one thing to say at present. I'm ashamed of a lot of you.


The Meadowbank flit was 14 years ago. Are we still expected to buy into your dream after Keane, Flynn and now Massone? Do you still expect to have your tummy tickled by the rest of Scottish Football despite openly despising 'decades of non-achievement' by 'non-ambitious' clubs.

You may hate us, we don't care. That's football.

So's administration and disappearing off the face of the planet. See ya!

Edited by Millfield Marksman
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The Meadowbank flit was 14 years ago. Are we still expected to buy into your dream after Keane, Flynn and now Massone? Do you still expect to have your tummy tickled by the rest of Scottish Football despite openly despising 'decades of non-achievement' by 'non-ambitious' clubs.

Here here. Better to have supposedly "no ambitions" than it is to have no football club.
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Should anyone attend the meeting I think the first thing that should be raised and clarified is EXACTLY how large is the debt...and Massone should not be allowed to slither away without answering.

Rankine appears to be backing away now he's seen the books and so will many others. Unfortunately the fans still don't have a clear picture of how bad things may be.

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I have to say that any sympathy I had for Livi has disappeared due to a number of factors:

1. 'Previous'. Living outwith your means almost since day one and still not seeing that this is wrong. Harping on about your 'success' when it was achieved on the back of unsustainable spending.

2. Disunity. Squabbling between the Trust/ other Livi supporters. You've made it easy for Massone to stay in power. I have never heard a single protest at any games I've been to as a fan. There has been as much squabbling between fans as against Massone.

3. Lack of a viable alternative. Tied into 2, you don't seem to be coalescing into an 'alternative', fund raising and building local community bridges to act as a Plan B.

4. Nobody standing up against Massone re unpaid staff, Hegarty situation (what's happening here by the way) and other key elements of lunacy. I don't mean e-mails on an internet board either.

5. The search for new saviours, rather than doing the hard yards yourselves.

I recognise that as mentioned above, it is hard to dislodge chairmen (Harkness springs to mind). However to even not let him know your feelings publicly at matches etc seems to be meek.

Massone has now become the club, and you've accepted it. Now you're on the verge of destruction because of it.

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Apparently there's a generator providing the electricity at the moment.
They are using generators.

The safety certificate could not be issued due to a lack of a mains power source.

Ah, should probably have thought of that. Thanks. :ph34r:

I would have thought the other businesses on site would be looking to secure separate supply (either as a group or individually) from the football club forthwith.

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OK I see I have a lot of catching up to do.

Just one thing to say at present. I'm ashamed of a lot of you. As you are well aware a fan on any club commits a lot of investment in that club. There are people on these boards who have been with Meadowbank and now Livingston. The real fans know there is no year zero but that without the move Meadowbank would have folded under roughly the same circumstances as what Livingston are facing now.

The fans have be passionate about what Massone has been doing or not doing all season. Many of us know friends who work for the club who had not been getting paid on time. The players and their families also talk to us as they know who we are and the passion we have for our team.

We haven't be getting the truth from Massone's mouth, but we knew what it was. And we'll do all we can to keep our club.

You may hate us, we don't care. That's football. We are Livi and Livi til we die.

Oh give yourself a bloody shake. The last line is the type of adolscent badge kissing that says all we need to know. If you don't care, then don't post.

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The grave dancers are waiting.

And making a swift recovery to match fitness too.


Gretna were just Livvy on speed.

Well in all fairness, Gretna had the benefit of one financially mismanaging owner, then they were screwed. Livvy are on their third ffs. I'd happily deploy the 'three strikes and yer out' rule - simple enough when they'll just morph back into Bathgate Rovers or likewise within a cuple of years.

Edited by vikingTON
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Anyone going along to a meeting to tell Massone what he has to do to save the club is wasting their breath. With so much owed not only to the Council but to HMRC, the club's finished. Anyone that takes that sort of debt on in partnership with the Italian and try and keep the club going is either as crooked as he is or will be arriving at Almondvale on the window licker's bus.

The fellow Gemmell was a "director" at Morton for a while just before Scott put us in Administration. The guy was on the front page of the Greenock Tele promising a 20,000 seater stadium.

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I would directly challenge this by stating there are far mouthier element in other supports saying a lot worse things, only difference being they lack the meteoric rise to success Livi enjoyed, albeit at a hefty price now. It was a real scunner to see these new upstarts lifting trophies after a few years when their own clubs cabinets were filled with little more than dust and memories.

Envy breeds bitterness, and bitterness lasts a very long time.

Still, I've been heartened by messages of support received from across the tribal lines. And if Falkirk ever faced the same fate I'd be willing the Bairns on all the way. I'm not a big fan of the taste of bitterness you see, and I respect the passion each fan has for his or her team of choice.

Woops! Touched a raw nerve there methinks.

Well, if it's all the same to you, I'll keep trying to do my bit to save my club, and you can keep telling the world all about the glories of karma. Most open-minded supporters (and there are plenty here) recognise a club's right to exists, but if 3 successive bent chairmen - over whom the supporters had no control - mean we've to be condemned, then pop your black cap on and keep up the tub-thumping.

Sorry Charlie, no envy or bitterness involved, but you really can't have it both ways. You can't ask for sympathy for your string of bent chairmen while basking in the glow of the success that that bentness brought you. It's just the way it is.

(And by the by, the irony of someone named Charles Darwin talking of a "right to exist" was observed to me this morning by someone else reading the thread.)

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I have to say that any sympathy I had for Livi has disappeared due to a number of factors:

1. 'Previous'. Living outwith your means almost since day one and still not seeing that this is wrong. Harping on about your 'success' when it was achieved on the back of unsustainable spending.

2. Disunity. Squabbling between the Trust/ other Livi supporters. You've made it easy for Massone to stay in power. I have never heard a single protest at any games I've been to as a fan. There has been as much squabbling between fans as against Massone.

3. Lack of a viable alternative. Tied into 2, you don't seem to be coalescing into an 'alternative', fund raising and building local community bridges to act as a Plan B.

4. Nobody standing up against Massone re unpaid staff, Hegarty situation (what's happening here by the way) and other key elements of lunacy. I don't mean e-mails on an internet board either.

5. The search for new saviours, rather than doing the hard yards yourselves.

I recognise that as mentioned above, it is hard to dislodge chairmen (Harkness springs to mind). However to even not let him know your feelings publicly at matches etc seems to be meek.

Massone has now become the club, and you've accepted it. Now you're on the verge of destruction because of it.

Totally agree with all of the above. I've gone from sympathetic, to not really giving a s*** if they disappear tomorrow. If CDE's post is an indication, then good riddance. You haven't learned a thing.

As a Dundee fan, we've been through administration as a result of chronic mismanagement, but the difference is Dundee fans were united (ironic) in getting the money together to show the club was worth saving. Morton fans were also very united in driving out the maniac that was Hugh Scott. Going by the Livi Lions site, up until the electricity bill incident, one got the distinct impression that they couldn't agree on the colour of sh**e, and most of the ones, bar a handful, that wanted Massone out, were happy to wait for another minted chairman.

That the Trust only have something like £20,000 or so, is hopeless. Fans of other clubs in Administration have worked tirelessly to raise cash to save their respective clubs, I just haven't seen much of that from Livi fans.

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The latest drivel on Livi Lions ahead of Saturday's meeting, is for a united fans group to "call for a vote" for Massone to stand down and to have it unanimously adopted by those present.

It doesn't seem to have occurred to the poor dears that Massone doesn't have to take any notice of such a vote, and that, without a pay off, he isn't going anywhere- at least until the liquidators have done their work and there's no club left.

You really couldn't make it up.

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