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Livingston - all the threads merged

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What a strange decision I have to say and not one I expected, like many of you. But it looks like the league have allowed the club to fight on based on the assurances that Neil Rankine and Gordon McDougall have gave them, not only in terms of funding the season, but working on Massone to get his shares.

They are quite clearly insolvent and while I don't want to see them go, they shouldn't be allowed to continue in their current state.

Maybe the league are trying to save face with Airdrieonians and Gretna both going out of business in recent years, but this decision makes their logic even more baffling.

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I don't see how. He hasn't done anything illegal.

If Livingston are to escape with a fifteen point penalty it'll be one of the most incompetent - some would say corrupt - pieces of non-action by the SFL in living memory. Livingston are not going to be very popular after this.

I think corrupt is closer to the mark.

Hopefully Livingston go tits up 10 games into the season in order to show up the SFL as the tossbags they are.

If our own chaiman had any hand in this summer of disruption to our pre-season, it's an indictment on his stewardship of both the LMC and his club. Cowden and every other division three club are prefectly entitled to ask questions also.

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Astonishing turn of events as a result of the SFL meeting today. Livingston (as a club) will be even less popular amongst opposition fans in the coming season. I've always made a point of not going to Almondvale - partly due to pricing, partly due to us getting humped most of the time - but this'll pretty much ensure that I'll never part my cash to enter their stadium.

It'll make f**k all difference, don't get me wrong, but if every away fan did the same it would make a very strong point to the SFL over their handling of the affair.

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Totally correct.

I'm still waiting for Dundee and Dunfermline to be punished for the cheating as well.

Oh f**k off you odious cretin.

Dundee have been punished: with at least 5 years of being stuck in the First Division, enduring some of the worst results and play in the club's history.

The club learnt the error of their ways and are now being managed in a way that was unimaginable 6 years ago.

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True enough, but more than a few were happy to rub noses in it when they thought they were untouchable.

Sorry, but I couldn't stand them this time last week/last year/5 years ago - I won't be happy until they acknowledge their moral responsibility to pay the debts they ran up AGAIN.

Christ, I got a nasty letter from my council today over £2.80 in council tax arrears, and these buggers are looking to dodge £900k owed to HMRC and the council.

So lets look at it this way, if the get away with this, and we end up second bottom with them 1 point above us, you will say fair enough? They brought players in at rates they could not afford, in the full knowledge of what they were doing, and now they want to avoid the consequences.

Selfish, yes, but only as far as I want the same rules and consequences applied to all teams.

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It has become apparent that football clubs are not responsible for their actions, and can survive and prosper by any means necessary, fair or foul.

Goes with the whole lefty "victim" mentality. Livivingston F.C. was abused as a child, and its refusal to follow rules is a direct result of this earlier abuse. It can't be held responsible for its actions because it has a lot of hurt and rage built up inside.

The SFL are just the bearded social worker with leather patches on his sleeves helping the emotionally-hurt Livingston through the healing process.

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I havent got the full jist of this other than livi have survived. Are there any penalties or not.

If they stay in div one without penalties etc, then i said earlier we should all start a boycott of there home games.

Give the gate money to your own club instead. And i seriously mean this.

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...and that sums up the Livi attitude in a nutshell- "we got away with it- we're no payin'- f**k you."

Please dont ever put me into the same category as MCL. I understand it's not a popular decision with you and a few others but I am grateful that my club has had a reprieve. I hope this is the start of a new way of thinking at Livi. Sustainability and input from fans

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If indeed Livi are saved, then the moral of the story is that if you are going to mismanage a football team, wait until just before the season starts to go into administration, spend outwith your means, don't pay your bills, stiff your creditors, and then wait on the administrator blinking first. Then when all that is done, sit back and wait on the spineless idiots at the SFL telling you that it's okay to do all these things, that you'll escape with your league place intact with only the loss of three wins and a draw. Oh, you'll also get to keep your team intact as well.

An absolute fucking farce, a massive climbdown by the administrator, who thought Massone would blink first when he gave him a deadline, and then extended it when he saw that Massone was not playing his game.

The SFL have been an incompetent bunch of spineless buffoons throughout the whole escapade. They should have had their ducks in a row long before now. The SFL is a complete joke.

I couldn't agree more.

This is a fucking disgrace.

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Oh f**k off you odious cretin.

Dundee have been punished: with at least 5 years of being stuck in the First Division, enduring some of the worst results and play in the club's history.

The club learnt the error of their ways and are now being managed in a way that was unimaginable 6 years ago.

You haven't learned a single thing.

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Astonishing turn of events as a result of the SFL meeting today. Livingston (as a club) will be even less popular amongst opposition fans in the coming season. I've always made a point of not going to Almondvale - partly due to pricing, partly due to us getting humped most of the time - but this'll pretty much ensure that I'll never part my cash to enter their stadium.

It'll make f**k all difference, don't get me wrong, but if every away fan did the same it would make a very strong point to the SFL over their handling of the affair.

Until SFA,SPL AND SFL start making decisions based on what is best for Scottish football nothing will change,who knows whos team will benefit from todays decision in the future.

Self-interest is killing our game.

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I don't see how. He hasn't done anything illegal

The same way one suspects they managed to prosecute the scum that deliberately bankrupted Third Lanark.

If you run a Public Limited Company, you are obliged by law to at least try to make a profit for your shareholders. There are rules in place which are intended to stop someone going into a PLC and deliberately attempt to run it down to a fold to asset strip.

As Grey & Dunn the biscuit people discovered, it's all too easy for these to be circumvented, but if you have a clown like Massone in charge who couldn't find his arse in the bath, then the courts could have him forcibly removed and ban him from being so much as a director of a UK PLC for a decade.

There's been too many sinister individuals joining Scottish club boards over the last decade whose sole motive was to kill the club off so they could sell their land for profit - Morton and East Stirlingshire having very narrow escapes.

If this forces the SFA/SFL to change the rules to at least try and put a stop to these characters, then some good might come out of all this after all. Too late for Clydebank maybe, but better late than never.

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Guest MalckyB
I suspect a lot of fans will be into this away fans boycott idea.

Who fucking cares!...dry yer eyes mate!

To all the Livi haters....GIRFUY..!!! :D:D:D:D

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You f**kers went bust owing left right and centre, and came back by helping Dr John "Sod" Hall to murder Clydebank when he realised he wasn't going to be allowed to turn them into Franchise FC.

So please, spare us the Airdrieonian crocodile tears for "business integrity" - you hid those under your Ku Klux Klan robes years ago. <_<

Maybe if the league had bent over backwards to help Airdrie instead of suggesting (wink wink) on the steps of Hampden that we should buy Clydebank then John Hall would have got f all. Maybe if Bill Barr wasn't claiming mythical amounts of debt then John Hall would have got f all.

And please note Airdrie went under for an amount far far less than EITHER of the Livingston administrations. You're KKK comments show you up to be an absolute retard but it's still ironic that you appear to be having a pop at franchises while rejoicing the saving of one.

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