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Livingston - all the threads merged

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There is no way I can read all the posts & keep up so I had to stop at about p250! I am totally shocked by the events of yesterday, I never in a million years expected this outcome, but we are so not out of trouble yet, not by a long way! I cannot comment on fans boycotting games as I have done this myself over the past few months to my own club & I know it is the only way to put your feeling across. I have said on here all through this that I do want all debts paid in full to every creditor just as we were pissed off at Massone's games so were they, we have been given extra time so I think as fans of the club & community we should make sure this is sorted out once & for all & NEVER happens again, we do need to honour our debts right now, It is the only way to move on & put all this behind us, we will suffer for it as a club but so has most of the other clubs. I still want a club that is run honestly & within it's means. If there is any sign that this is not happening I will be throwing in the towel. I am relieved my club didn't die yesterday though & hope we can prove that we are a decent club.

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Id be astonished if Ayr were to vote in favour of Livi. Those who have cleaned up BB's legacy would surely be contradicting the measures they had to take years ago to keep ayr united in existance. It'd surely also be a slap in the face to Clyde who have also taken the hit to ensure a club with a future without relying on shysters who for some reason seem to line up to take on Livi.

As another club who have had severe financial problems in the past, I hope we won't be voting in favour of them either.

We spent four seasons in division two cleaning up the mess the club was in. In these four years, I think the club has made excellent progress, although I'd have to say that it's still work in progress. Why should Livi be given a free ride when clubs like ourselves, Ayr and Clyde had to take the hit to sort themselves out?

I might even take the time to write to the club, reminding them of what we went through and urging them to vote against this rule change.

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Id be astonished if Ayr were to vote in favour of Livi. Those who have cleaned up BB's legacy would surely be contradicting the measures they had to take years ago to keep ayr united in existance. It'd surely also be a slap in the face to Clyde who have also taken the hit to ensure a club with a future without relying on shysters who for some reason seem to line up to take on Livi.

Spot on.

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we'll take our lumps mate, anything to move forward without all this grief...

Larry, having read that the majority of Livi fans are so happy to have survived they'll take whatevers given to them i'd prepare yourself for another onslaught if it looks like it'll be a 10pt appealable penalty ;)

Good luck anyway!

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Can't be bothered editing the quotes from posts above, Larry and Stadio are right.

I think there are a few clubs never more than 2 weeks, an unexpected bill or a letter from the bank from bankruptcy at anyone time. It is a constant hand to mouth existence, robbing Peter to pay Paul in The SFL. Admittedly, it would appear that they have now dropped the "pay Paul" stipulation.

I also think, a land deal will be done in the fairly near future which will see Livi in a new facility more suitable to there requirements.

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hopefully this is sorted sooner rather than later, the fact that even Livi fans are shocked by the decision tells its own story

most of the lower division clubs have struggled at one point or another and had to make sacrifices in order for the club to survive, i shouldnt see Livi being any different

the way this whole affair has been dealt with is an asbolute shambles but this could just be the tip of the iceberg

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It could so easily be your club in this position. It just takes one quick sale to a potential saviour for it all to go pear shaped. Just ask Raith fans.

Sorry but don`t think for one minute the sale of three of our players to your lot saved our club.Don`t see you punting any players on.We sold our stadium etc to keep the wolves from the door.

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McDougall kept Cowden afloat for nearly 20 years so he knows his football. How he managed to pull this off we can only guess but it is still a long way from being finished. Good luck to him and all Livi's genuine fans.

The stock cars kept Cowden afloat :lol:

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There is an assumption we will end up punishment free here. Does no-one else feel that a points deduction is inevitable? We're in administration...

According to the knowledgable ones on here:

Massone was right. Administration starts on the 18th Aug

The SFL do not have any automatic penalty for administration.

David Longmuir has endorsed the plea for Livvy to stay in the 1st because the the rescue plan is based on 1st division income.

There isn't really a lot left in the armoury.

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Of course you can. Dundee hived down almost all their debt to two subsidiary companies last year.

There's got to be some ways and means and caveats to that though surely? I couldn't just transfer any debt I might have in a company to a different company [woohoo! another wicket!] with different owners, where the creditors might have less security or the other owners might just disappear altogether. Or whatever.

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According to the knowledgable ones on here:

Massone was right. Administration starts on the 18th Aug

The SFL do not have any automatic penalty for administration.

David Longmuir has endorsed the plea for Livvy to stay in the 1st because the the rescue plan is based on 1st division income.

There isn't really a lot left in the armoury.

Thats why i say we must stay away from livingston if no penalties are given. If we are not there paying our money then there gates become second division.

I am pretty sure the rovers would take 6/800 If they all stayed away, at the higher figure that would be about £13k they would lose.

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Haven't Livi lost money every year since they were born? Massone's failing was not having pockets as deep as Flynn or the ability to con someone ala Keane?

Flynn is in the press saying don't buy this club unless you have money to burn. Livi really needs to find its level then remain stable at that level before moving forward sadly we have never rached that point.

Massone's failing was lying to the Livi support since day 1 :(

He was still spouting 3rd force in Scottish football, etc only a few months ago :rolleyes: I don't think the Livi fans were bought into that theory :(

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According to the knowledgable ones on here:

Massone was right. Administration starts on the 18th Aug

The SFL do not have any automatic penalty for administration.

David Longmuir has endorsed the plea for Livvy to stay in the 1st because the the rescue plan is based on 1st division income.

There isn't really a lot left in the armoury.

All clubs have to discuss the situation, though. I'd be amazed if nothing else was done. I'd be amazed if the rules change, too.

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Thats why i say we must stay away from livingston if no penalties are given. If we are not there paying our money then there gates become second division.

I am pretty sure the rovers would take 6/800 If they all stayed away, at the higher figure that would be about £13k they would lose.

Thats just daft, but each to there own :rolleyes:

Loyal football fans will still attend :D

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Stadio Della Almondvale - amongst the prevalent theme of gloating from some other LFC fans and the "f**k you" attitude highlighted on Livi Lions, you have consistently made thoughtful, humble and gracious posts. Whilst I certainly don't agree with everything you've said, and see little point in attempting to adress each point until such a time as the other SFL clubs have voted, I am pleased for you and other like-minded Livingston fans that you still have a club to support.

While I have never been a fan of LFC, and am highly unlikely to attend Almondvale this season, the focus of anger here should really be the SFL; they have had ample opportunity to shut you down but have bent over in order to keep what they perceive as a 'big club' alive.

I will be disgusted if there is no points penalty given what I believe should have transpired and while I don't believe LFC should have received yet another chance - and will be hoping you don't get a point this season - I wish you the best of luck in the quest to establish a viable club in West Lothian.

In a country which already has too many clubs for it's size, Livingston's catchment area as you highlight, should be able to sustain a team.

Thus, fingers crossed for a FizzyPop league-style points deduction but all the best to yourself nonetheless.

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Sorry but don`t think for one minute the sale of three of our players to your lot saved our club.Don`t see you punting any players on.We sold our stadium etc to keep the wolves from the door.

He meant Anelka.

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Thats just daft, but each to there own :rolleyes:

Loyal football fans will still attend :D

Loyal football fans won't want to be giving money to Livingston unless they pay back 100% of what they owe.

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