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Livingston - all the threads merged

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As a small aside...

I take it a fair number of us agree that the consortium, or rather Board now, are most likely in this for the stadium, yes?

Is it fair to assume that, should Livi go out of the league/business altogether, that obtaining a completely useless stadium for a pittance would be quite simple? After all, there's no longer a football team to use it...

Yes, far fetched, i know.


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This is suicide! :angry::angry::angry:

I think you could be right.

I take it another deduction of 15 points will be made for missing the next match?

Starting the season on -30 points for something that was completely avoidable doesn't fill you with confidence that these jokers are going to be any different from the rest. Instead of a possible promotion season and looking forward to the future, Livi will be paying for the churlish behaviour of their new owners.

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As a small aside...

I take it a fair number of us agree that the consortium, or rather Board now, are most likely in this for the stadium, yes?

Is it fair to assume that, should Livi go out of the league/business altogether, that obtaining a completely useless stadium for a pittance would be quite simple? After all, there's no longer a football team to use it...

Yes, far fetched, i know.


Not that far fetched, they obviously have no intention of playing any third division games :rolleyes:

New owners same old shite....

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The relevant press conferences are now online:


Having said, "We have never had any fears about playing in the third division", what on earth was the first division business plan all about? I think we all know that Livi's blackmail backfired quite spectacularly. It also appears that Livingston will appeal to the SFA and scratch another fixture this weekend. I wonder when they're thinking of officially announcing their decision on the appeal and whether they will fulfil their fixture against Montrose. I guess the idea will be to cause as much chaos as possible. It is time for this moribund football club to be consigned to the scrapheap of history.

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Toys flying out of prams everywhere down West Lothian way...


Livi Legend In The Making

Join Date: Sep 2008

Posts: 352


Originally Posted by airdrie76

BBC now saying the club will likely take 24 hours before deciding on weather they will pursue their greetin', sorry, appeal.

source:herald and post

"sources at the club say further fixture chaos will happen as officials are set to take the matter to the highest court in the land if the relegation decision is not overturned at an sfl meeting at hampden today"

you know i had adopted the approach lets just accept it but due to theghostofjimmorton and others being truly frank about how they feel i think ill be the same

i hope we appeal appeal and appeal some more as the sfl is full of biased views with their own selfish interests at heart and not their member clubs like they should.

fixture chaos for other teams

money lost for other teams

"provisional" results



Now it's my fault :lol: . I am just another in a long line of people who's fault it has been.. WLC, Enemies of Livingston,Nasty Creditors, Duncan Freemason, The SFL, Davie Longmuir, Ballantyne, Airdrie F.C.The bastard 16 (as they will be known from now on), Scottish Power, Roberto Landi, Paul Heggarty those tossers on P&B, Pearce Flynn, The Boogie.....et al...

The only name missing from that list is eh............................LIVINGSTON


Honestly guv' it wiznae us.....

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Livi are quite right not to play until its sorted. They have first division players on first division appearence bonuses etc. If they play these need to be paid.

Is this sustainable for the third division? especially if they do win.

The SFL should have deducted a massive amount of points and left it at that as livi slowly dropped down the leagues. Now they feel obligated to stick by the decision. The fact the vote was 16-10 suggests that the negative appeal lot are just more vocal than the positive ones.

If the SFA have any brains they will reverse the decisions and put a big points deduction in. Livi could then appeal to UEFA/CAS etc and you could find your division completely ruined or worst bankrupted as if you go ahead whilst appeals are pending and Livi win then the compensation could be massive. It took the Hearts/Webster stuff two years to reach the final appeal. You lot fancy two years worth of disruption or loss of earnings compo to livi and their players?

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I'm not sure about a completely useless stadium... stick a track round the pitch and the Edinburgh Monarchs Speedway could be based there from Armadale.. or Edinburgh Rugby could move from Murrayfield..

or you could have live bear baiting and public hangings if you really wanted to attract the crowds from West Lothian :P

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I think you could be right.

I take it another deduction of 15 points will be made for missing the next match?

Starting the season on -30 points for something that was completely avoidable doesn't fill you with confidence that these jokers are going to be any different from the rest. Instead of a possible promotion season and looking forward to the future, Livi will be paying for the churlish behaviour of their new owners.

I think I'll head for the juniors forum & support Livi utd. At least I won't have to change my screen name! :P

Also is there a rule that you can't play whilst appealing? I don't understand this part of it.

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Now it's my fault :lol: . I am just another in a long line of people who's fault it has been.. WLC, Enemies of Livingston,Nasty Creditors, Duncan Freemason, The SFL, Davie Longmuir, Ballantyne, Airdrie F.C.The bastard 16 (as they will be known from now on), Scottish Power, Roberto Landi, Paul Heggarty those tossers on P&B, Pearce Flynn, The Boogie.....et al...

The only name missing from that list is eh............................LIVINGSTON


Honestly guv' it wiznae us.....

LL is hilarious.

Up until yesterday you were the "voice of reason". As soon as you criticise them you're banned.

Up until yesterday Dundee were the biggest set of c***s on the planet. Bob Brannan backs them and all of a sudden we're bra lads.

I find it hard to believe so many fuckwits are concentrated in one area in West Lothian.

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Livi are quite right not to play until its sorted. They have first division players on first division appearence bonuses etc. If they play these need to be paid.

Is this sustainable for the third division? especially if they do win.

The SFL should have deducted a massive amount of points and left it at that as livi slowly dropped down the leagues. Now they feel obligated to stick by the decision. The fact the vote was 16-10 suggests that the negative appeal lot are just more vocal than the positive ones.

If the SFA have any brains they will reverse the decisions and put a big points deduction in. Livi could then appeal to UEFA/CAS etc and you could find your division completely ruined or worst bankrupted as if you go ahead whilst appeals are pending and Livi win then the compensation could be massive. It took the Hearts/Webster stuff two years to reach the final appeal. You lot fancy two years worth of disruption or loss of earnings compo to livi and their players?

They will be told to f**k off well before then!!!

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This is suicide! :angry::angry::angry:

I agree. Unlike HibeeJibee and others, I didn't necessarily take it as read that today's appeal would fail, the clubs would make their own judgement on whether they thought it was fair and wouldn't necessarily approach it from a legalistic standpoint. The SFA will play it by the book, however, and I can't see that Livi will have a leg to stand on from here.

I'm also curious to know what changed McGruther's mind about taking it further, it's difficult to acvoid the conclusion that it's the new owners who have done so. McGruther's job remains to act in the best interest of creditors, not Livi 5.

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Guest Forza-Livi
LL is hilarious.

Up until yesterday you were the "voice of reason". As soon as you criticise them you're banned.

Up until yesterday Dundee were the biggest set of c***s on the planet. Bob Brannan backs them and all of a sudden we're bra lads.

I find it hard to believe so many fuckwits are concentrated in one area in West Lothian.

yous are still c***s and always will be

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Livi are quite right not to play until its sorted. They have first division players on first division appearence bonuses etc. If they play these need to be paid.

Is this sustainable for the third division? especially if they do win.

The SFL should have deducted a massive amount of points and left it at that as livi slowly dropped down the leagues. Now they feel obligated to stick by the decision. The fact the vote was 16-10 suggests that the negative appeal lot are just more vocal than the positive ones.

If the SFA have any brains they will reverse the decisions and put a big points deduction in. Livi could then appeal to UEFA/CAS etc and you could find your division completely ruined or worst bankrupted as if you go ahead whilst appeals are pending and Livi win then the compensation could be massive. It took the Hearts/Webster stuff two years to reach the final appeal. You lot fancy two years worth of disruption or loss of earnings compo to livi and their players?

The SFA don't have the authority to overturn punishments.

They can only overturn the decision to find Livingston guilty...but they themselves have admitted that they are insolvent, so good luck to them with that one...

Of course, the SFL can end this whole sorry saga within the week by simply passing down the ultimate sanction for scratching last week's game.

Edited by Sir Calum Melville
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Sportsound opening gambit tonight...

"There is only one big story in football tonight and that is.......( wait for it).........

the state of our national team..... :lol:

Not a fucking word on the Livi debacle.... Brilliant. Even radio scotland are bored of it now :D

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