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Bit on Radio Scotland with massone "issueing an ultimitium" saying that the clubs future lay with the stadium being sold to him.

Saw that on the BBC site - is he going to mortgage it off to pay debts :huh:

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Bit on Radio Scotland with massone "issueing an ultimitium" saying that the clubs future lay with the stadium being sold to him.

Well thats alright then Mr Massone. I'll have the solicitor issue the discharge for the security and we'll get this ruddy mess sorted out once and for all.

What a fucking clown.

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Well thats alright then Mr Massone. I'll have the solicitor issue the discharge for the security and we'll get this ruddy mess sorted out once and for all.

What a fucking clown.

the clowns are the livi fans buying this mans piss. livi will cease to exist very shortly!!!!!!!!!

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So it's ok to brand the rest of us as clowns?

Don't think he is - he is referring to you all but the sub-set of fans who want to believe that Massone being able to buy the stadium at a knowck down price from the council and tax payers of West Lothian, and then re-mortaging the land at the commercial value so the money can go somewhere else.

Massone's proposed "deal" should never be allowed to happen. Councils and officials will be jeopardising their future and status by playing along. There should be enough audits and controls in place to ensure the tax payers are not ripped off here, and the council officials are accountable for any bad decision they make.

Certainly under Enlgish law over the past 20 - 25 years, enough officials have been surcharged and barred from office for doing delas that appeared legitimate but were infact not in the best interests of the tax and rate payers. Not sure if the same or similar rules are in place in Scotland - one can only hope there are.

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The sooner the blight on Scottish Football that is Angelo Massone f*cks off back to Italy the better.

The man appears to be morally bankrupt and devoid of scruples, how the f*ck does he think with a list of 6 (and growing) ccjs and a credit rating of zero that LFC will be able to borrow cash to buy the stadium? Companies with AAA credit ratings can't raise money, banks rent large swathes of their branch network from other organisations I can only assume for tax purposes but Livi have to own their stadium. What are the benefits?

Going by the rental charges the purchase price will be between £1.5 to £2 million, the land where Morrisons and B&Q is was sold , admittedly at the top of the market, for over £10 million.

I see a suggestion on Livilions that he renegotiate the rent payable to the council because things are tough, I assume this will apply to all occupants of commercial council property in West Lothian?

Let him put Livi in admin and piss off back to Italy, at least in current circumstances if the club did fold then the stadium would belong to the council and would be guaranteed to be available to allow a team to rise from the ashes, if the "family" own it then there will be no such guarantees and it will eventually be sold to the highest bidder. (Wasn't Flynn's plan the same?)

Rock concerts? Didn't Flynn sell of the night club so that the folks in the fancy hooses could get a quiet nights sleep? Do you think they won't object to an entertainment/public event licence application?

Time for the council to show they have balls where LFC is concerned, how much money owed by LFC have they written off in rent etc in the past. Indeed is that not the reason the rent is so steep due to a deal where payment was re-negotiated?

Edited by AND180Y
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Geeze you don't half rant about Livi, did your missus get shagged by a former player of ours or something. :lol:

Why, are your former players all f*cking gay? My missus is a man. :lol:

Yah f*cking halfwit. :rolleyes:

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:blink: Go get his f*cking dinner ready then and stop obsessing with Livi. <_<

edit* did you get shagged and dumped by a former Livi player then. :thumsup2

Nah, Livi players normally shag the club before they leave or the club shags them :thumsup2

I heard you were shaggin Flynn though?

As for my other half, he wears the apron not me, not long till dinner now. :D

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but there are some

There are some fans at Livi who will believe any old pish which drivels out Massone's mouth, but I'm one of the large majority who isn't believing it.

If the Council even sell the stadium to him it'll be the end of us for sure.

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