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We're about £400 in credit too, thinking about it. Makes you wonder how much free money they're got sloshing around earning interest for them.


Some of them aren't great at coughing it back up either. We were due a couple of hundred after leaving Eon or Npower, and I didn't notice until a couple of months after we left. Took them another couple to give it back after being asked.

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Definitely. Happened to me with a shady lecky company called Spark who my letting agents forced me to use. They bumped my DD from £30 pm to £170 without telling me. Couldn't get through to them. So cancelled my DD and funnily enough they were phoning me every hour of the day. Anyway, after much persuasion, they sent me out the difference by cheque. I'd like to think Scottish Power would be a bit more reputable. 


They're not. Absolute shysters.


I've been forced to use Spark since moving into my new place back in February. Not had any hassle yet but wouldn't surprise me if they did start fucking me about.

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I was over a grand on credit with EDF recently as they had been ignoring my meter readings and using estimates.

Phoned some wifie up and she says, without really checking anything "oh yes I'll just go and put that back into your account now". After about 30s her supervisor was on the phone asking for a meter reading which I gave her and, hey presto, my recalculated bill meant I was actually £50 in debt.

Utter bumfaces.


This is an amended statement after a recent reading, though.

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Why does every one of TAFKA 'Supras' start every post with ' '?

Is this a technical glitch?

Is it just to be an annoying c*nt?

Do the same folk who get annoyed at Grimbo signing off his posts get annoyed at Supras signing on with this?

^^^4 quick questions thread for this pish.


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WTF is he posting from that makes that happen?


I guess he could be a hoary old Elder of the Internet, who still insists on formatting everything by hand   :unsure:

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Bit political really but a question nonetheless...

Scotlands oil and gas industry has loads of English guys working in it. Shopfloor and management on a rotational basis so they still live in England

Lets say we end up in the fairly realistic scenario that we are EU and Emgland are not....

Would the SNP be duty bound to push oil companies (and any other industry where this occurs) to use Scots where available instead of granting visas to non EU workers?

Business sense tends to prevail...if there were enough scots to do the work then yes, preference to non-visa workers but if no then why would companies want/agree to hire workers not up to the job?

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As there have been tens of thousands of lay offs in the last year... there is no doubt the Scottish skillset is available. I just womder how it would play out. Because if that scanrio panned out and I found myself laid off, I would be expecting my government to act. However, it could lead to some bitter horrible times in the industry

Wouldn't disagree with any of that.

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Im currently trolling the English guys from work on my whatsapp group over 2x European exits and unsure where the non-EU worker would be a bridge too far....

Even worse mate - we weren't even able to have a say in either exit

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How can you be due 12 months of bonus when you aren't there for the full 12 months?


Would you be making the same argument for an employee that left the company after 3 months, or only joined in the last 3 months of the "bonus year"?


No I wouldn't. It's maternity leave though, she still works for the company and had contributed to the companies profits for that year and I just felt it a bit unfair that she was receiving a pittance of a bonus because she was starting a family. If you're going to leave the company then obviously you pass up the rights to a bonus. It doesn't send out a great message to others maybe looking to start a family and it doesn't feel right to me. Given the push in some European countries to allow both the father and mother considerable amount of time off (a year, or close to) after the birth this seems like it's looking to force the opposite and have people returning to work earlier than they should.


As it turns out, she was told verbally by a manager prior to her going off on maternity leave that her bonus wouldn't be affected as she wasn't off sick. It's caused a fair shit storm in here but it doesn't look like the company will budge.

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No I wouldn't. It's maternity leave though, she still works for the company and had contributed to the companies profits for that year and I just felt it a bit unfair that she was receiving a pittance of a bonus because she was starting a family. If you're going to leave the company then obviously you pass up the rights to a bonus. It doesn't send out a great message to others maybe looking to start a family and it doesn't feel right to me. Given the push in some European countries to allow both the father and mother considerable amount of time off (a year, or close to) after the birth this seems like it's looking to force the opposite and have people returning to work earlier than they should.

As it turns out, she was told verbally by a manager prior to her going off on maternity leave that her bonus wouldn't be affected as she wasn't off sick. It's caused a fair shit storm in here but it doesn't look like the company will budge.

But why should someone who is off sick be treated less favourably than someone lucky enough to be in perfect health...just playing devil's advocate here?

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But why should someone who is off sick be treated less favourably than someone lucky enough to be in perfect health...just playing devil's advocate here?


Well the whole point of them introducing this system was clearly to try and force staff to cut down on phoning in sick when they weren't actually sick.  Obviously it is unfair on the folk who are genuinely off for long periods with ill-health but I've no doubt that last year the sickness rate would have decreased, probably considerably. If the company want to take the hard and fast rule that if you're off you lose out no matter your reasoning then fair enough, I think it's more the way it was communicated to everyone which has caused this initial surprise and then anger from a few.

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Bit political really but a question nonetheless...

Scotlands oil and gas industry has loads of English guys working in it. Shopfloor and management on a rotational basis so they still live in England

Lets say we end up in the fairly realistic scenario that we are EU and Emgland are not....

Would the SNP be duty bound to push oil companies (and any other industry where this occurs) to use Scots where available instead of granting visas to non EU workers?

I think rUK people would get similar rights to what the Irish used to have in the UK before they joined the EU. ie. Not much change.
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No I wouldn't. It's maternity leave though, she still works for the company and had contributed to the companies profits for that year and I just felt it a bit unfair that she was receiving a pittance of a bonus because she was starting a family. If you're going to leave the company then obviously you pass up the rights to a bonus. It doesn't send out a great message to others maybe looking to start a family and it doesn't feel right to me. Given the push in some European countries to allow both the father and mother considerable amount of time off (a year, or close to) after the birth this seems like it's looking to force the opposite and have people returning to work earlier than they should.


As it turns out, she was told verbally by a manager prior to her going off on maternity leave that her bonus wouldn't be affected as she wasn't off sick. It's caused a fair shit storm in here but it doesn't look like the company will budge.


I'm afraid I still don't agree - maternity leave or not, she wasn't there for a significant part of the year. She is absolutely entitled to a bonus for the work she did, but I struggle to see the reason for her receiving special treatment because she went off to have a baby. If she hadn't received her statutory maternity pay, then that's different, but a bonus is just that - extra income as a reward for her work.


The mouthy manager puts a different spin on whether or not she should be receiving it, but not on her entitlement.


As for your argument about extended maternity/paternity cover, if you are basing your decision to have a child and go off on your bonuses, what happens if the company has a bad year and there are no bonuses? That sounds like it would be pretty poor planning tbh

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